UBERTY ubertyUberty, [u as yu] n. abundance, plenteousness, great store UBICATION ubication|ubietyUbication, or Ubiety, [u as yu] n. a relation to a place UBIQUITARY ubiquitaryUbiquitary, [u as yu] a. existing every where UBIQUITARY (2) ubiquitary (2)Ubiquitary, [u as yu] n. one who exists every where UBIQUITY ubiquityUbiquity, [u as yu] n. a being in every place, omnipresence UDDER udderUdder, n. the dugs of a cow or other large animal UDELIGHTFUL udelightfulUdelightful, a. not giving pleasure, unpleasant UGLILY uglilyUglily, ad. with deformity, offensively, filthily UGLINESS uglinessUgliness, n. deformity, horridness, depravity UGLY uglyUgly, a. deformed, horrid, offensive to the sight UINORDERLY uinorderlyUinorderly, a. disorderly, irregular, wild, rude UKASE ukaseUkase, n. a proclamation or royal order in Russia ULCER ulcerUlcer, n. a bad running sore, a dangerous sore ULCERATE ulcerateUlcerate, v.t. to disease with or turn to sores ULCERATION ulcerationUlceration, n. a breaking out into sores, a bad sore ULCERED ulceredUlcered, a. grown ulcerous, having ulcers ULCEROUS ulcerousUlcerous, a. afflicted with very bad sores, corrupt ULCUSCLE ulcuscleUlcuscle, n. a little ulcer or sore ULIGINOUS uliginousUliginous, a. slimy, soft, muddy, fenny, moorish ULLAGE ullageUllage, n. in gaging, is what a cask wants of being full ULTERIOR ulteriorUlterior, a. farther, lying beyond, further ULTIMATE ultimateUltimate, a. the last, final, concluding, extreme ULTIMATELY ultimatelyUltimately, ad. in the last state or consequence ULTIMATUM ultimatumUltimatum, n. a final answer, final resolution, end ULTIMITY ultimityUltimity, n. a last stage or state, a last consequence ULTRAMARINE ultramarineUltramarine, n. a very fine blue; a. foreign, blue ULTRAMONTANE ultramontaneUltramontane, a. beyond the mountains ULTRAMUNDANE ultramundaneUltramundane, a. situate beyond the world ULULATION ululationUlulation, n. the act of howling like a wolf UMBEL umbelUmbel, n. an umbrella, or mode of flowering, when a number of florets rise on the footstalks so as to form an umbrella UMBELLAR umbellarUmbellar, a. pertaining to or like an umbrel UMBELLATE umbellateUmbellate, a. containing an umbel UMBELLIFEROUS umbelliferousUmbelliferous, a. producing umbels UMBELLUTE umbelluteUmbellute, n. a little umbel, or umbel of a peduncle UMBER umberUmber, n. an African crow of the size of a crow UMBER (2) umber (2)Umber, n. a yellow color, fish, mongrel, animal UMBERED umberedUmbered, a. painted with umber, shaded clouded UMBILIC umbilic|cmbilicalUmbilic, or Cmbilical, a. belonging to the naval UMBILICATE umbilicateUmbilicate, a. connected by a cord UMBLES umblesUmbles, n. pl. entrails, entrails of deer, humbles UMBO umboUmbo, n. the point or top of a buckler, a buckler UMBRAGE umbrageUmbrage, n. a shadow, color, offense, resentment UMBRAGEOUS umbrageous|umbraical|umbroseUmbrageous, or Umbraical, or Umbrose, a. shady, dark UMBRAGEOUSNESS umbrageousness|umbrosityUmbrageousness, or Umbrosity, n. shadiness, shade UMBREL umbrel|umbrellaUmbrel, or Umbrella, n. a cover from the sun, UMPIRAGE umpirageUmpirage, n. final descision by a single person UMPIRE umpireUmpire, n. an arbitrator, one who decides disputes UN unUn, prefix. prefixed to words has the force of not or a negative UNABASED unabasedUnabased, a. not abased, not humbled, proud UNABASHED unabashedUnabashed, a. not ashamed, undaunted, very bold UNABLE unableUnable, a. not able, incapable, impotent, weak UNABOLISHED unabolishedUnabolished, a. remaining in full force, left UNACCENTED unaccentedUnaccented, a. not having an accent UNACCEPTABLE unacceptableUnacceptable, a. not acceptable, unwelcome UNACCEPTABLENESS unacceptablenessUnacceptableness, a. an unacceptable state UNACCEPTABLY unacceptablyUnacceptably, ad. in an unwelcome manner UNACCEPTED unacceptedUnaccepted, a. not accepted or received, rejected UNACCESSIBLENESS unaccessiblenessUnaccessibleness, n. an inaccessible state UNACCOMMODATED unaccommodatedUnaccommodated, a. not furnished with convenience UNACCOMODATING unaccomodatingUnaccomodating, a. not compliant or obliging UNACCOMPANIED unaccompaniedUnaccompanied, a. unattended, single, alone, dull UNACCOMPLISHED unaccomplishedUnaccomplished, a. unfinished, undone, aukward UNACCOUNTABLE unaccountableUnaccountable, a. not explicable, strange, odd UNACCOUNTABLENESS unaccountablenessUnaccountableness, n. strangeness, oddness UNACCOUNTABLY unaccountablyUnaccountably, ad. strangely, oddly, unusually UNACCREDITED unaccreditedUnaccredited, a. not received, not authorized UNACCURATE unaccurateUnaccurate, a. not exact, incorrect, confused UNACCUSTOMED unaccustomedUnaccustomed, a. not used, unusual, new, strange UNACKNOWLEDGED unacknowledgedUnacknowledged, a. not owned, not confessed, denied UNACQUAINTANCE unacquaintanceUnacquaintance, n. a want of knowledge UNACQUAINTED unacquaintedUnacquainted, a. not known, unusual, ignorant UNACTIVE unactiveUnactive, a. not brisk, heavy, having no efficacy UNADJUSTED unadjustedUnadjusted, a. not adjusted or settled UNADMIRED unadmiredUnadmired, a. not regarded with love or honor UNADMONISHED unadmonishedUnadmonished, a. not admonished UNADORED unadoredUnadored, a. not worshipped, neglected, slighted UNADVISABLE unadvisableUnadvisable, a. not expedient UNADVISED unadvisedUnadvised, a. indiscreet, imprudent, foolish, rash UNADVISEDLY unadvisedlyUnadvisedly, ad. indiscreetly, inconsiderately UNAERATED unaeratedUnaerated, a. not combined with carbonic acid UNAFFABLE unaffableUnaffable, a. unsociable, stern, haughty, proud UNAFFECTED unaffectedUnaffected, a. not touched, unmoved, candid, real UNAIDED unaidedUnaided, a. not assisted, not helped, single, alone UNALIENABLE unalienableUnalienable, a. that cannot be alienated, fixed UNALLIED unalliedUnallied, a. having not ally or assistant, left alone UNALLOYED unalloyedUnalloyed, a. not alloyed or mixed UNALTERABLE unalterableUnalterable, a. that cannot or may not be altered UNALTERABLY unalterablyUnalterably, ad. in an unalterable manner, really UNALTERED unalteredUnaltered, a. not altered, unchanged, fixed UNAMBIGUOUS unambiguousUnambiguous, a. not ambiguous, plain, clear UNAMBITIOUS unambitiousUnambitious, a. not ambitious, not desirour UNAMBITIOUSNESS unambitiousnessUnambitiousness, n. want ambition UNAMUSING unamusingUnamusing, a. unpleasing, uninstructive, dull UNAMUSIVE unamusiveUnamusive, a. not tending to amuse, tedious, dull UNANALOGOUS unanalogousUnanalogous, n. not analogous UNANIMALIZED unanimalizedUnanimalized, a. not formed into an animal UNANIMITY unanimityUnanimity, [u as yu] n. agreement in mind UNANIMOUS unanimousUnanimous, a. being of one mind or sentiment UNANIMOUSLY unanimouslyUnanimously, ad. with one mind, all agreeing UNANNEALED unannealedUnannealed, a. not prepared, not hardened, soft UNANNOINTED unannointedUnannointed, a. wanting extreme unction UNANSWERABLE unanswerableUnanswerable, a. not answered, not confuted UNAPPALLED unappalledUnappalled, a. not daunted, not dismayed, bold UNAPPARELLED unapparelledUnapparelled, a. not dressed, naked, bare UNAPPARENT unapparentUnapparent, a. not visible, concealed, obscure UNAPPEASABLE unappeasableUnappeasable, a. that is not to be pacified, stiff UNAPPEASED unappeasedUnappeased, a. not appeased, not pacified, stern UNAPPLIED unappliedUnapplied, a. not applied UNAPPREHENSIVE unapprehensiveUnapprehensive, a. not apprehending, dull UNAPPROACHABLE unapproachableUnapproachable, a. not to be approached UNAPPROACHED unapproachedUnapproached, a. inaccessible, not to be come at UNAPPROPRIATED unappropriatedUnappropriated, a. not appropriated, vacant UNAPPROVED unapprovedUnapproved, a. not approved, disliked, hated UNAPT unaptUnapt, a. unfit, unsuitable, improper, heavy, dull UNARGUED unarguedUnargued, a. not argued or disputed, not censured UNARMED unarmedUnarmed, a. having no armor, defenceless, weak UNARTFUL unartfulUnartful, a. void of art, skill or cunning, plain UNASCERTAINABLE unascertainableUnascertainable, a. not reducible to certainty UNASCERTAINED unascertainedUnascertained, a. not made certain UNASKED unaskedUnasked, a. not asked, not desired, not requested UNASPIRING unaspiringUnaspiring, a. not ambitious, humble, contented UNASSAILABLE unassailableUnassailable, a. that cannot be assailed or attacked UNASSAILED unassailedUnassailed, a. not attacked or assaulted, secure UNASSISTED unassistedUnassisted, a. not assisted, not helped, alone, single UNASSISTING unassistingUnassisting, a. giving no assistance or help UNASSOCIATED unassociatedUnassociated, a. not united or associated UNASSURED unassuredUnassured, a. not confident, not to be trusted in UNATTAINABLE unattainableUnattainable, a. not to be obtained, not tried, untried UNATTENDED unattendedUnattended, a. having no retinue, single, alone UNAUTHORIZED unauthorizedUnauthorized, a. not supported by due authority UNAVAILABLE unavailable|unavailingUnavailable, or Unavailing, a. useless, vain, trifling UNAVENGED unavengedUnavenged, a. not avenged or satisfied UNAVERTED unavertedUnaverted, a. not turned away UNAVOIDABLE unavoidableUnavoidable, a. not to be shunned, inevitable UNAVOWED unavowedUnavowed, a. not owned or acknowledged UNAWARE unaware|unawaresUnaware, or Unawares, ad. suddenly, unexpectedly UNAWED unawedUnawed, a. dauntless, having no fear or regard UNBACKED unbackedUnbacked, a. untamed, not supported, left alone UNBALLAST unballastUnballast, v.t. to discharge ballast UNBAPTIZED unbaptizedUnbaptized, a. not baptized, not having baptism UNBAR unbarUnbar, v. to remove or take off a bar, too unbolt UNBARBED unbarbedUnbarbed, a. not shaven, bare, relieved, set free UNBATED unbatedUnbated, a. not repressed, not blundted UNBATTERED unbatteredUnbattered, a. not injured by blows, sound, entire UNBEATEN unbeatenUnbeaten, a. not beaten, unhurt, untrodden UNBECOMING unbecomingUnbecoming, a. unsuitable, improper, indecent UNBECOMINGLY unbecominglyUnbecomingly, ad. in an unfit manner UNBED unbedUnbed, v.t. to raise, get or take from a bed UNBEFITTING unbefittingUnbefitting, a. not fit, unbecoming, unsuitable UNBEGET unbegetUnbeget, v.t. to deprive of existence, kill, end UNBEGOTTEN unbegottenUnbegotten, a. not generated, not born, eternal UNBELIEF unbeliefUnbelief, n. want of belief, infidelity, incredulity UNBELIEVE unbelieveUnbelieve, v.t. not to believe, not to think real UNBELIEVER unbelieverUnbeliever, n. an infidel, a vile or wicked person UNBEND unbendUnbend, v.t. unbended, unbent, pret. unbended, unbent, pa. to relax, slacken, ease UNBENDING unbendingUnbending, pa. a. relaxing, easing, stiff UNBENEVOLENT unbenevolentUnbenevolent, a. not kind or good, unmerciful UNBENIFICED unbenificedUnbenificed, a. not enjoying or having a benefice UNBENIGHTED unbenightedUnbenighted, a. not visited by darkness, light, clear UNBENIGN unbenignUnbenign, a. unkind, malevolent, malignant UNBENT unbentUnbent, pa. relaxed, unstrung, unsubdued UNBEQUEATHED unbequeathedUnbequeathed, a. not given by will UNBESEEMING unbeseemingUnbeseeming, a. unbecoming, indecent, improper UNBESOUGHT unbesoughtUnbesought, a. not sought or entreated, unasked UNBEWAILED unbewailedUnbewailed, a. not bewailed, not lamented UNBIAS unbiasUnbias, v.t. to remove prejudice, to undeceive UNBID unbid|unbiddenUnbid, or Unbidden, a. not bidden, uninvited UNBIGOTED unbigotedUnbigoted, a. not bigotted, free from bigotry UNBIND unbindUnbind, v.t. unbound, pret. unbound, pa. to untie, unloose, set free, separate UNBISHOP unbishopUnbishop, v.t. to deprive of a bishopric or of orders UNBIT unbitUnbit, v.t. to remove a bit, to loose a cable from the bits UNBITTED unbittedUnbitted, a. unbridled, unrestrained, loose UNBLAMABLE unblamableUnblamable, a. not blamable or guilty, innocent UNBLEMISHED unblemishedUnblemished, a. free from blemish or reproach, pure UNBLENCHED unblenchedUnblenched, a. not disgraced, unsoiled UNBLEST unblestUnblest, a. wretched, unhappy, miserable, poor UNBLOODIED unbloodiedUnbloodied, n. not stained or fouled with blood UNBLOSSOMING unblossomingUnblossoming, a. not bearing blossoms UNBLOWN unblownUnblown, a. not blown, not yet opened, unripe UNBLUNTED unbluntedUnblunted, a. not blunted, not dulled, sharp, keen UNBODIED unbodiedUnbodied, a. freed from the body, spiritual UNBOLT unboltUnbolt, v.t. to take out or remove bolts, to unbar UNBOLTED unboltedUnbolted, pa. a. opened, not sifted or refined UNBONNETED unbonnetedUnbonneted, a. having no bonnet or hat on, bare UNBOOKISH unbookishUnbookish, a. not fond of books, unlearned, dull UNBORN unbornUnborn, a. not yet brought into life or existence UNBORRROWED unborrrowedUnborrrowed, a. not borrowed, genuine, original UNBOSOM unbosomUnbosom, v.t. to reveal in confidence, to vent UNBOTTOMED unbottomedUnbottomed, a. having no bottom, unsollid, loose UNBOUGHT unboughtUnbought, a. not bought, obtained without money UNBOUND unboundUnbound, a. not bound, wanting a cover, loose UNBOUNDED unboundedUnbounded, a. unlimited, extent or liberty UNBOWED unbowedUnbowed, a. not bent, not arched, strait, even UNBOWEL unbowelUnbowel, v.t. to take out the bowels, to gut UNBRACE unbraceUnbrace, v.t. to loose, relax, set free, unfold UNBRAIDED unbraidedUnbraided, a. not braided, disentangled, unsaded UNBRANCHED unbranchedUnbranched, a. not shooting into branched UNBREATHED unbreathedUnbreathed, a. not breathed, not duly exercised UNBRED unbredUnbred, a. not duly taught, badly educated, rude UNBREECHED unbreechedUnbreeched, a. wanting or not put into breeched UNBRIBED unbribedUnbribed, a. not influenced by money, upright UNBRIDLED unbridledUnbridled, a. not restrained, free, loose, licentious UNBROKE unbroke|unbrokenUnbroke, or Unbroken, a. whole, not subdued UNBROTHERLY unbrotherlyUnbrotherly, a. not like a brother, unkind, cruel UNBUCKLE unbuckleUnbuckle, v.t. to loose a buckle, set free, ease UNBUILD unbuildUnbuild, v.t. unbuilded, unbuilt, pret. and pa. to pull or take down, raze, destroy UNBUILT unbuiltUnbuilt, a. not built, not yet erected, unfinished UNBURIED unburiedUnburied, a. not buried, not put into a grave UNBURNING unburningUnburning, a. not consuming away by fire UNBURNT unburntUnburnt, a. not burnt, not consumed by fire, safe UNBURTHEN unburthenUnburthen, v.t. to rid of a burden, ease, disclose UNBUTTON unbuttonUnbutton, v.t. to loose button, open, let loose UNCALCINED uncalcinedUncalcined, a. not calcined, not hardened by fire UNCALLED uncalledUncalled, a. not called, not sent for, uninvited UNCALM uncalmUncalm, v.t. to disturb, enrage, provoke, rouse UNCANCELLED uncancelledUncancelled, a. not erased, not blotted out, left UNCANDID uncandidUncandid, a. not candid, not fair, partial UNCANONICAL uncanonicalUncanonical, a. not canonical, not approved of UNCANOPIED uncanopiedUncanopied, a. not covered with a canopy UNCAP uncapUncap, v.t. to remove a cap or cover UNCAPABLE uncapableUncapable, a. incapable, unable, improper, unfit UNCARNATE uncarnateUncarnate, a. not carnal or lustful, not fleshly UNCASE uncaseUncase, v.t. to uncover, take off or out, slay UNCAUGHT uncaughtUncaught, a. not caught, not yet taken, loose UNCAUSED uncausedUncaused, a. not having a cause or author UNCAUTIOUS uncautiousUncautious, a. incautious, unwary, heedless, foolish UNCENTRICAL uncentricalUncentrical, a. not centrical, distant from the center UNCERTAIN uncertainUncertain, a. not certain, doubtful, unsettled UNCERTAINED uncertainedUncertained, a. made uncertain, not cleared up UNCERTAINLY uncertainlyUncertainly, ad. in an uncertain state or manner UNCERTAINTY uncertaintyUncertainty, n. dubiousness, doubt, contingency UNCHAIN unchainUnchain, v.t. to set free from chains, to release UNCHANGEABLE unchangeableUnchangeable, a. that cannot be changed, fixed UNCHANGEABLENESS unchangeablenessUnchangeableness, n. an unalterable quality UNCHANGEABLY unchangeablyUnchangeably, ad. without change, fixedly, every UNCHANGED unchangedUnchanged, a. not changed, unaltered, fixed, true UNCHANGING unchangingUnchanging, a. suffering no alteration, fixed, safe UNCHARACTERISTIC uncharacteristicUncharacteristic, a. not exhibiting a character UNCHARGE unchargeUncharge, v.t. to retract an accusation, recant, draw UNCHARITABLE uncharitableUncharitable, a. having no mercy, unkind UNCHARITABLENESS uncharitablenessUncharitableness, n. a want of charity or love UNCHARITABLY uncharitablyUncharitably, ad. without charity, unkindly UNCHARY uncharyUnchary, a. incautious, unwary, unguarded, ob. UNCHASTE unchasteUnchaste, a. lewd. lustful, impure, immodest, vile UNCHASTITY unchastityUnchastity, n. lewdness, lust, immodestly UNCHECKED uncheckedUnchecked, a. not checked, unrestrained, loose UNCHEWED unchewedUnchewed, a. not chewed, not eaten UNCHILD unchildUnchild, v.t. to deprive or bereave of children UNCHRISTIAN unchristianUnchristian, a. contrary to Christianity, vile UNCHRISTIANNESS unchristiannessUnchristianness, n. a contrariety to Christianity UNCINATE uncinateUncinate, a. hooked at the end UNCIRCUMCISED uncircumcisedUncircumcised, a. not circumcised, hardened UNCIRCUMSCRIBED uncircumscribedUncircumscribed, a. not limited, unbounded UNCIRCUMSPECT uncircumspectUncircumspect, a. not cautious, careless, simple UNCIRCUMSTANTIAL uncircumstantialUncircumstantial, a. not important, trifling, lax UNCIVIL uncivilUncivil, a. unkind, unpolite, uncourteous, rude UNCIVILIZATION uncivilizationUncivilization, n. a want of civilization UNCIVILIZED uncivilizedUncivilized, a. rude, rough, indecent, barbarous UNCIVILLY uncivillyUncivilly, ad. unkindly, unpolitely, rudely, badly UNCLAIMED unclaimedUnclaimed, a. not claimed or demanded UNCLARIFIED unclarifiedUnclarified, a. not refined, not purified, thick UNCLASSIC unclassicUnclassic, unclassical, a. not classical, not pure UNCLE uncleUncle, n. a father's brother, a mother's brother UNCLEAN uncleanUnclean, a. not clean, filthy, wicked, lewd UNCLEANLINESS uncleanliness|uncleannessUncleanliness, or Uncleanness, n. want of clearness, sin UNCLEANLY uncleanlyUncleanly, a. foul, filthy, nasty, dirty, unchaste UNCLEANSED uncleansedUncleansed, a. not cleansed or purified, impure UNCLENCH unclenchUnclench, v.t. to open the hand, raise up, undo UNCLEW unclewUnclew, v.t. to undo, unfold, unravel a secret UNCLIPPED unclippedUnclipped, a. not clipped, not cut, whole, full UNCLOG unclogUnclog, v.t. to disencumber, free, set at liberty UNCLOISTER uncloisterUncloister, v.t. to set at liberty, set free, deliver UNCLOSE uncloseUnclose, v.t. to open, set open, disclose, expose UNCLOSED unclosedUnclosed, pa. a. set open, void of inclosures UNCLOTHE unclotheUnclothe, v.t. unclad, unclothed, pret. and pa. to make naked, strip, bare, take off UNCLOTHED unclothedUnclothed, pa. a. stripped, made bare, naked UNCLOUDED unclouded|uncloudyUnclouded, or Uncloudy, a. free from clouds, clear, fine UNCLOUDEDNESS uncloudednessUncloudedness, n. a freedom from clouds UNCLUTCH unclutchUnclutch, v.t. to open, to open the closed hand UNCOATED uncoatedUncoated, a. not coated or covered UNCOCKED uncockedUncocked, a. not cocked, not formed to a point UNCOIL uncoilUncoil, v.t. to unsold, disengage, unravel, open UNCOINED uncoinedUncoined, a. not coined, not stamped, or marked UNCOIS uncoisUncois, v.t. to pull off the cap, bare, lay bare UNCOLLECTED uncollectedUncollected, a. not collected, not gathered, loose UNCOLORED uncoloredUncolored, a. not colored, unstained, plain, pure UNCOMBED uncombedUncombed, a. not parted with a comb, rough UNCOMBINED uncombinedUncombined, a. not combined, simple UNCOMELINESS uncomelinessUncomeliness, n. a want of comeliness or grace UNCOMELY uncomelyUncomely, a. not comely, ungraceful, ugly, bad UNCOMFORTABLE uncomfortableUncomfortable, a. dismal, gloomy, miserable, sad UNCOMFORTABLENESS uncomfortablenessUncomfortableness, n. an uncomfortable manner UNCOMMANDED uncommandedUncommanded, a. not commanded, not ordered UNCOMMENDED uncommendedUncommended, a. not praised or commended UNCOMMERCIAL uncommercialUncommercial, a. not carrying on trade UNCOMMON uncommonUncommon, a. not frequent, unusual, rare, odd UNCOMMONLY uncommonlyUncommonly, ad. in an uncommon manner UNCOMMONNESS uncommonnessUncommonness, n. an uncommon manner UNCOMMUNICATED uncommunicatedUncommunicated, a. not communicated or told UNCOMPACT uncompactUncompact, a. not compact, not close, loose UNCOMPANIED uncompaniedUncompanied, a. having no companion, alone, sad UNCOMPELLED uncompelledUncompelled, a. not forced or bliged, left free UNCOMPENSATED uncompensatedUncompensated, a. not rewarded or paid UNCOMPLASANTLY uncomplasantlyUncomplasantly, ad. uncivilly, unpolitely UNCOMPLETE uncompleteUncomplete, a. not finished, not perfect or exact UNCOMPOUNDED uncompoundedUncompounded, a. not intricate, unmixed, simple UNCOMPREHENSIVE uncomprehensiveUncomprehensive, a. unable to comprehend UNCOMPRESSED uncompressedUncompressed, a. not compressed, loose, large, full UNCONCEIVABLE unconceivableUnconceivable, a. not to be understood, mysterious UNCONCEIVABLENESS unconceivablenessUnconceivableness, n. an unconceivable state UNCONCEIVED unconceivedUnconceived, a. not conceived or imagined, dark UNCONCERN unconcernUnconcern, n. indifference, negligence, neglect UNCONCERNED unconcernedUnconcerned, a. unmoved, indifferent, easy UNCONCERNEDLY unconcernedlyUnconcernedly, ad. without concern, easily UNCONCERNEDNESS unconcernednessUnconcernedness, n. a freedom from concern UNCONCERNING unconcerningUnconcerning, a. not affecting, not interesting UNCONCERNMENT unconcernmentUnconcernment, n. a state of having no concern UNCONCLUDENT unconcludent|unconcludingUnconcludent, or Unconcluding, a. not decisive UNCONCLUDINGNESS unconcludingnessUnconcludingness, n. an inconclusive state UNCONCOCTED unconcoctedUnconcocted, a. not concocted, undigested UNCONDITIONAL unconditionalUnconditional, a. without conditions, absolute UNCONFINED unconfinedUnconfined, a. not confined, unrestrained, free UNCONFORM unconformUnconform, a. not conformable, unlike, absurd UNCONFORMABLE unconformableUnconformable, a. inconsistent, not conforming UNCONFORMITY unconformityUnconformity, n. want of conformity UNCONFUSED unconfusedUnconfused, a. not confused, or embarrassed UNCONFUTABLE unconfutableUnconfutable, a. not capable of refutation UNCONGEALED uncongealedUncongealed, a. not congealed or concreted UNCONNECTED unconnectedUnconnected, a. not joined or united, not coherent UNCONNIVING unconnivingUnconniving, a. not conniving, not winking at UNCONQUERABLE unconquerableUnconquerable, a. that cannot be conquered UNCONSCIONABLE unconscionableUnconscionable, a. unreasonable, unjust, vast UNCONSCIONABLENESS unconscionablenessUnconscionableness, n. an unconscionable quality, unreasonableness, injustice, largeness UNCONSCIONABLY unconscionablyUnconscionably, ad. unreasonably, unjustly, very UNCONSCIOUS unconsciousUnconscious, a. not perceiving or knowing UNCONSCIOUSNESS unconsciousnessUnconsciousness, n. a not perceiving UNCONSECRATED unconsecratedUnconsecrated, a. not dedicated or devoted UNCONSENTED unconsentedUnconsented, a. not yielded or agreed to UNCONSENTING unconsentingUnconsenting, a. not consenting or agreeing UNCONSIDERED unconsideredUnconsidered, a. not considered or reflected on UNCONSONANT unconsonantUnconsonant, a. inconsistent, not agreeing UNCONSTANT unconstantUnconstant, a. sickle, changeable, faithless UNCONSTITUTIONAL unconstitutionalUnconstitutional, a. not agreeable to the constitution UNCONSTITUTIONALITY unconstitutionalityUnconstitutionality, n. the quality of being against the constitution UNCONSTRAINED unconstrainedUnconstrained, a. free from compulsion UNCONSTRAINEDLY unconstrainedlyUnconstrainedly, ad. without restraint or force UNCONSTRAINT unconstraintUnconstraint, n. freedom from restraint, ease UNCONSULTING unconsultingUnconsulting, a. taking no advice, rash, foolish UNCONSUMED unconsumedUnconsumed, a. not consumed or destroyed UNCONSUMMATE unconsummateUnconsummate, a. not consummated UNCONTEMNED uncontemnedUncontemned, a. not despised UNCONTENTED uncontentedUncontented, a. not contented or satisfied UNCONTENTINGNESS uncontentingnessUncontentingness, n. want of power to satisfy UNCONTESTABLE uncontestableUncontestable, a. not controvertible, indisputable UNCONTESTED uncontestedUncontested, a. not disputed, evident UNCONTRITE uncontriteUncontrite, a. not penitent for sin UNCONTROLLABLE uncontrollableUncontrollable, a. not to be resisted or governed UNCONTROLLABLY uncontrollablyUncontrollably, ad. without power of controlling UNCONTROLLED uncontrolledUncontrolled, a. not ruled or restrained UNCONTROLLEDLY uncontrolledlyUncontrolledly, ad. without controll UNCONTROVERTED uncontrovertedUncontroverted, a. undisputed, admitted UNCONVERSABLE unconversableUnconversable, a. not social or disposed to converse UNCONVERTED unconvertedUnconverted, a. not converted, not regenerated UNCONVERTIBLE unconvertibleUnconvertible, a. not to be converted or changed UNCONVINCED unconvincedUnconvinced, a. not convinced or persuaded UNCOOTHLY uncoothlyUncoothly, ad. in an aukward or strange manner UNCORD uncordUncord, v.t. to loose from cords UNCORRECTED uncorrectedUncorrected, a. not freed from errors UNCORRUPT uncorruptUncorrupt, a. honest, pure, sincere, upright UNCORRUPTED uncorruptedUncorrupted, a. not corrupted, pure genuine UNCORRUPTNESS uncorruptnessUncorruptness, n. purity, uprightness UNCOUNSELLABLE uncounsellableUncounsellable, a. nto to be advised, headstrong UNCOUNTABLE uncountableUncountable, a. numberless, infinite, endless UNCOUNTERFEIT uncounterfeitUncounterfeit, a. not counterfeit, genuine, true UNCOUPLE uncoupleUncouple, v.t. to loose or free from couples UNCOURTEOUS uncourteousUncourteous, a. unpolite, rough, aukward, incivility UNCOURTLY uncourtlyUncourtly, a. unpolished, rough, aukward, rude UNCOUTH uncouthUncouth, [uncooth] a. aukward, strange, unusual UNCOUTHNESS uncouthnessUncouthness, n. aukwardness, oddness, harshness UNCOVER uncoverUncover, v.t. to remove covering, make naked UNCREATE uncreateUncreate, a. never created, eternal, everlasting UNCREATE (2) uncreate (2)Uncreate, v.t. to deprive of existence, kill, destroy UNCREATED uncreatedUncreated, pa. a. not yet created, not yet born, killed UNCREDITABLENESS uncreditablenessUncreditableness, n. a want of reputation UNCROPPED uncroppedUncropped, a. not cropped, fallow, not gathered UNCROSSED uncrossedUncrossed, a. not crossed, not cancelled UNCROWDED uncrowdedUncrowded, a. not crowded, having room, easy UNCROWN uncrownUncrown, v.t. to deprive of a crown, to dethrone UNCRYSTALIZED uncrystalizedUncrystalized, a. not crystalized UNCTION unctionUnction, n. the act of annointing, an ointment UNCTUOSITY unctuosity|unctuousnessUnctuosity, or Unctuousness, n. oiliness, greasiness UNCTUOUS unctuousUnctuous, a. fat, oily, greasy, clammy, soft UNCULLED unculledUnculled, a. not gathered, not selected, left, fresh UNCULPABLE unculpableUnculpable, a. not deserving of blame, blameless UNCULTIVATED uncultivatedUncultivated, a. not cultivated, uncivilized, rude UNCUMBERED uncumberedUncumbered, a. not embarrassed or loaded UNCURBABLE uncurbableUncurbable, a. not to be curbed or checked UNCURBED uncurbedUncurbed, a. not restrained, licentious, fierce, hot UNCURRENT uncurrentUncurrent, a. not current, not passable, bad, base UNCURSE uncurseUncurse, v.t. to free or release from a curse UNCURTAILED uncurtailedUncurtailed, a. not curtailed, not shortened, full UNCUT uncutUncut, a. not cut, whole, entire, full, rough, shaggy UNDAM undamUndam, v.t. to open banks, to set loose or free UNDAMAGED undamagedUndamaged, a. unhurt, safe, whole, entire, sound UNDATE undate|undatedUndate, or Undated, a. waved, rising, and falling UNDAUNTED undauntedUndaunted, a. not daunted, very bold, daring, firm UNDAUNTEDLY undauntedlyUndauntedly, ad. without fear, very boldly, nobly UNDAZZLED undazzledUndazzled, a. not dazzled, unaffected, unmoved UNDEAF undeafUndeaf, v.t. to free from or cure of deafness UNDEBAUCHED undebauchedUndebauched, a. not corrupted by debauchery UNDECAGON undecagonUndecagon, n. a figure of eleven sides UNDECAYED undecayedUndecayed, a. not decayed, not mortified, sound UNDECAYING undecayingUndecaying, a. not suffering decay, lasting, firm UNDECEIVABLE undeceivableUndeceivable, a. not liable to be deceived or imposed on UNDECEIVE undeceiveUndeceive, v.t. to set right, set free, inform justly UNDECEIVED undeceivedUndeceived, pa. set right, not cheated UNDECIDED undecidedUndecided, a. undetermined, unsettled, vague UNDECISIVE undecisiveUndecisive, a. not conclusive, imperfect, defective UNDECK undeckUndeck, v.t. to undress, to strip or divest of finery UNDECKED undeckedUndecked, a. not ornamented or adorned, plain UNDECLINED undeclinedUndeclined, a. not declined, never varied, fixed UNDECOMPOSABLE undecomposableUndecomposable, a. not admitting of decomposition UNDECOMPOSED undecomposedUndecomposed, a. not decomposed or separated UNDECORATED undecoratedUndecorated, a. unadorned, plain, simple, artless UNDEDICATE undedicateUndedicate, a. not dedicaed, not consecrated UNDEEDED undeededUndeeded, a. not signalize by actions, obscure UNDEFACED undefacedUndefaced, a. not disfigured, not blotted out, left UNDEFIED undefiedUndefied, a. not defied, not dared, not challenged UNDEFILED undefiledUndefiled, a. not polluted, not corrupted, pure UNDEFINABLE undefinableUndefinable, a. that cannot be defined or limited UNDEFINED undefinedUndefined, a. not defined, unlimited, loose, vague UNDEFORMED undeformedUndeformed, a. not deformed or disfigured, fair UNDEFRAYED undefrayedUndefrayed, a. not defrayed, not settled or paid UNDELEGATED undelegatedUndelegated, a. not delegated or granted UNDELIBERATED undeliberatedUndeliberated, a. not carefully or duly considered UNDELIBERATING undeliberatingUndeliberating, a. without deliberating UNDELIGHTED undelightedUndelighted, a. not pleased, unaffected, unfeeling UNDELIVERED undeliveredUndelivered, a. not delivered or communicated UNDEMOLISHED undemolishedUndemolished, a. not destroyed, or broken down UNDEMONSTRABLE undemonstrableUndemonstrable, a. not to be demonstrated, false UNDENIABLE undeniableUndeniable, a. that cannot be gainsaid, certain UNDENIABLY undeniablyUndeniably, ad. certainly, truly, beyond doubt UNDEPLORED undeploredUndeplored, a. not lamented, not bewailed UNDEPRAVED undepravedUndepraved, a. not corrupted, innocent, pure UNDEPRIVED undeprivedUndeprived, a. not deprived, not stripped UNDER underUnder, ad. and pr. beneath, below, less; a. inferior, lower UNDERACTION underactionUnderaction, n. a subordinate action UNDERBEAR underbearUnderbear, v.t. underbore, pret. underborne, pa. to support, endure, guard, line UNDERBID underbidUnderbid, v.t. underbade, underbid, pret. underbid, underbidden, part to bid or offer less UNDERBRUSH underbrushUnderbrush, n. shrubs and small trees in a forest UNDERCLERK underclerkUnderclerk, n. a subordinate or inferior clerk UNDERCURREND undercurrendUndercurrend, n. a current below the surface UNDERDO underdoUnderdo, v.t. underdid, pret. underdone, pa. to do less than is requisite or fit UNDERFACTION underfactionUnderfaction, n. a subordinate or less faction UNDERFARMER underfarmerUnderfarmer, n. a subordinate farmer UNDERFELL underfellUnderfell, v.i. undersold, pret. undersold, pa. to sell cheaper or below the value UNDERFELLOW underfellowUnderfellow, n. a poor, ignorant or sorry wretch UNDERFILLING underfillingUnderfilling, n. the lower part of a building UNDERFOOT underfootUnderfoot, ad. under the feet, to a disadvantage UNDERFURNISH underfurnishUnderfurnish, v. to furnish with or give too little UNDERGIRD undergirdUndergird, v.t. undergirded, undergirt, pret. and part. to bind or fasten the bottom UNDERGO undergoUndergo, v. underwent, pret. undergone, pa. to suffer, endure, bear, sustain, feel UNDERGROUND undergroundUnderground, n. a subterraneous space or place UNDERGROUND (2) underground (2)Underground, ad. under the ground, in the grave UNDERGROWTH undergrowthUndergrowth, n. a growth under trees, UNDERHAND underhandUnderhand, a. sly, cunning, private, secret UNDERHANDED underhandedUnderhanded, a. sly, insidious, mean UNDERIVED underivedUnderived, a. not borrowed, original, pure, new UNDERLABORER underlaborerUnderlaborer, n. a lower, poor or petty, workman UNDERLAY underlayUnderlay, v.t. underlaid, pret. underlaid, pa. to lay under, strengthen, support UNDERLET underletUnderlet, v.t. to let or leave under another UNDERLINE underlineUnderline, v.t. to draw a line under, score, mark UNDERLING underlingUnderling, n. an inferior drudge, a mean person UNDERMINE undermineUndermine, v.t. to sap, injure secretly, destroy, ruin UNDERMINER underminerUnderminer, n. one that saps, a secret enemy UNDERMOST undermostUndermost, a. lowest, meanest, basest, weakest UNDERNEATH underneathUnderneath, ad. below, beneath, less; pr. under UNDEROFFICER underofficerUnderofficer, n. an inferior or petty officer UNDEROGATORY underogatoryUnderogatory, a. not derogatory, not lessening UNDERPART underpartUnderpart, n. a low or the lowest part, the bottom UNDERPETTICOAT underpetticoatUnderpetticoat, n. a small coat next to the body UNDERPIN underpinUnderpin, v.t. to prop, support, lay the foundation wall UNDERPINNING underpinningUnderpinning, n. foundation wall, prop UNDERPLOT underplotUnderplot, n. a series of eventes subservient to the mainplot of aplay, a clandestine scheme UNDERPRAISE underpraiseUnderpraise, v.t. to praise below desert, to underrate UNDERPRIZE underprizeUnderprize, v.t. to undervalue, to degrade UNDERPROP underpropUnderprop, v. to prop or pin up, support, sustain UNDERPROPORTIONED underproportionedUnderproportioned, a. having too little proportion UNDERPULLER underpullerUnderpuller, n. an inferior puller, drudge, slave UNDERRATE underrateUnderrate, v.t. to rate to low, to value too low UNDERRATE (2) underrate (2)Underrate, n. a price less than the proper value UNDERSATURATED undersaturatedUndersaturated, a. not fully saturated UNDERSECRETARY undersecretaryUndersecretary, n. a subordinate secretary UNDERSERVANT underservantUnderservant, n. a lower or inferior servant UNDERSET undersetUnderset, v.t. underset, pret. underset, pa. to set or put under, prop, support UNDERSETTER undersetter|undersettingUndersetter, or Undersetting, n. a prop, a pedestal UNDERSHERIFF undersheriffUndersheriff, n. the deputy of a sheriff UNDERSHOOT undershootUndershoot, a. moved by water passing under UNDERSHRUB undershrubUndershrub, n. a low shrub UNDERSONG undersongUndersong, n. the burden of a song, a chorus UNDERSTAND understandUnderstand, v. understood, pret. understood, pa. to comprehend fully, to be informed UNDERSTANDING understandingUnderstanding, n. intellectual powers, skill UNDERSTANDING (2) understanding (2)Understanding, pa. a. knowing, wise, skilful UNDERSTANDINGLY understandinglyUnderstandingly, ad. with knowledge or skill UNDERSTRAPPER understrapperUnderstrapper, n. an inferior or petty agent UNDERTAKE undertakeUndertake, v. undertook, pret. undertaken, pa. to engage in, take charge, promise UNDERTAKE (2) undertake (2)Undertake, n. one who undertakes, a manager UNDERTAKING undertakingUndertaking, n. an enterprise, business, affair UNDERTENANT undertenantUndertenant, n. a secondary or lower tenant UNDERTREASURER undertreasurerUndertreasurer, n. a subordinate treasurer UNDERVALUE undervalueUndervalue, v.t. to rate too low, slight, despise UNDERVALUER undervaluerUndervaluer, n. one who undervalues or slights UNDERWENT underwentUnderwent, pret. of to undergo UNDERWOOD underwoodUnderwood, n. low wood, bushes amongst timbertrees UNDERWORK underworkUnderwork, v.t. underworked, underwrought, pret. and pa. to work for less, to undermine UNDERWORKER underworkerUnderworker, n. an inferior laborer, a drudge UNDERWRITE underwriteUnderwrite, v.t. underwrote, pret. underwritten, pa. to write under another, to insure UNDERWRITER underwriterUnderwriter, n. one who underwrites, an insurer UNDERWRITING underwritingUnderwriting, n. the act of insuring ships, UNDESCRIBER undescriberUndescriber, a. not described, unknown, confused UNDESCRIED undescriedUndescried, a. undiscovered, unseen, unknown UNDESEASIBLE undeseasibleUndeseasible, a. not defeasible, true, certain UNDESERVED undeservedUndeserved, a. not justly merited, not incurred UNDESERVEDLY undeservedlyUndeservedly, ad. without desert, unjustly UNDESERVER undeserverUndeserver, n. a person of little or no merit UNDESERVING undeservingUndeserving, a. not deserving, worthless, vile UNDESIGNED undesignedUndesigned, a. not designed, not intended UNDESIGNING undesigningUndesigning, a. sincere, honest, upright, plain UNDESIRABLE undesirableUndesirable, a. not to be desired, not to be wished UNDESIRED undesiredUndesired, a. not wished, not asked or solicited UNDESIRING undesiringUndesiring, a. not wishing, negligent, careless UNDESTROYABLE undestroyableUndestroyable, a. not to be destroyed, not wasted, safe UNDETERMINABLE undeterminableUndeterminable, a. impossible to be decided UNDETERMINATE undeterminateUndeterminate, a. unsettled, indefinit, loose UNDETERMINATENESS undeterminateness|undeterminationUndeterminateness, or Undetermination, n. uncertainty UNDETERMINED undeterminedUndetermined, a. unsettled, undecided UNDEVOTED undevotedUndevoted, a. not devoted or fated, not given up UNDEXTROUS undextrousUndextrous, n. not dextrous, clumsy UNDEXYPHERABLE undexypherableUndexypherable, a. not to be decyphered UNDIAPHANOUS undiaphanousUndiaphanous, a. not transparent, dark, dull UNDID undidUndid, pret. of to undo UNDIGESTED undigestedUndigested, a. not digested, not concocted, fresh UNDIMINISHABLE undiminishableUndiminishable, a. not capable of diminution UNDIMINISHED undiminishedUndiminished, a. not diminished, entire, whole UNDINTED undintedUndinted, a. not marked by a blow, smooth UNDIPPED undippedUndipped, a. not dipped, not plunged, dry UNDIRECTED undirectedUndirected, a. not directed, not set right UNDISCERNED undiscernedUndiscerned, a. not discerned, unobserved, unseen UNDISCERNIBLE undiscernibleUndiscernible, a. not to be discerned, invisible UNDISCERNIBLY undiscerniblyUndiscernibly, ad. invisibly, imperceptibly UNDISCERNING undiscerningUndiscerning, a. inattentive, injudicious, dull UNDISCIPLINED undisciplinedUndisciplined, a. uninstructed, not duly trained UNDISCOVERABLE undiscoverableUndiscoverable, a. not to be found out, dark UNDISCOVERED undiscoveredUndiscovered, a. not discovered, not found out UNDISCREET undiscreetUndiscreet, a. imprudent, foolish, indiscreet, ob. UNDISGUISED undisguisedUndisguised, a. open, artless, sincere, honest UNDISHONORED undishonoredUndishonored, a. not dishonored, not disgraced UNDISOBLIGING undisobligingUndisobliging, a. inoffensive, harmless, worthy, ob. UNDISPUTABLE undisputableUndisputable, a. not to be controverted UNDISSEMBLING undissemblingUndissembling, a. not disguising, frank UNDISSIPATED undissipatedUndissipated, a. not dissipated or scattered UNDISSOLVABLE undissolvableUndissolvable, a. not capable of dissolution UNDISSOLVED undissolvedUndissolved, a. not dissolved or melted UNDISTURBED undisturbedUndisturbed, a. not disturbed, unmolested, quiet UNDO undoUndo, [undoo] pa. a. ruined, not yet begun UNDOUBTEDLY undoubtedlyUndoubtedly, ad. without doubt, certainly UNDOUBTFUL undoubtfulUndoubtful, a. not doubtful, certain UNDREAMED undreamedUndreamed, a. not thought of, not cared for UNDRESS undressUndress, v.t. to take off the clothes, to strip UNDRESS (2) undress (2)Undress, n. a loose or negligent dress UNDROWNED undrownedUndrowned, a. not drowned UNDRVALUE undrvalueUndrvalue, n. a too low rate, a too small price UNDULATE undulateUndulate, v.t. to roll or move as a wave, to wave UNDULATE (2) undulate (2)|undulatedUndulate, or Undulated, a. waving, rising, & falling UNDULATING undulatingUndulating, a. moving like waves, rising & falling UNDULATINGLY undulatinglyUndulatingly, ad. in the manner of waves UNDULATION undulationUndulation, n. a motion like that of waves UNDULATORY undulatoryUndulatory, a. waving, moving like a wave UNEASILY uneasilyUneasily, ad. in an uneasy manner or state UNEASINESS uneasinessUneasiness, n. a state of disquiet, trouble, care UNEASY uneasyUneasy, a. unhappy, disturbed, painful, restless UNEATEN uneatenUneaten, a. not eaten or devoured, left, untouched UNEATH uneathUneath, ad. not easily, hardly, scarce, beneath, ob. UNEDIFYING unedifyingUnedifying, a. not improving, not instructing UNEDUCATED uneducatedUneducated, a. having had no education UNELASTIC unelasticUnelastic, a. not elastic, not having a spring UNELIGIBLE uneligibleUneligible, a. not worthy to be chosen UNEMBARRASSED unembarrassedUnembarrassed, a. free from embarrassment UNEMPLOYED unemployedUnemployed, a. not employed, disengaged UNEMPTIABLE unemptiableUnemptiable, a. not to be exhausted, very deep UNENCUMBER unencumberUnencumber, v.t. to disengage, to set at liberty UNENDOWED unendowedUnendowed, a. not endowed, not invested, pool UNENGAGED unengagedUnengaged, a. not engaged, not appropriated, free UNENGAGING unengagingUnengaging, a. not enraging or inviting UNENJOYED unenjoyedUnenjoyed, a. not enjoyed, not possessed or held UNENJOYING unenjoyingUnenjoying, a. having no enjoyment, not using UNENLARGED unenlargedUnenlarged, a. not enlarged, contracted, mean UNENLIGHTENED unenlightenedUnenlightened, a. not enlightened, dark, dull UNENSLAVED unenslavedUnenslaved, a. not inthralled, free, roving, loose UNENTERPRIZING unenterprizingUnenterprizing, a. not enterprizing UNENTERTAINING unentertainingUnentertaining, a. giving no delight, very dull UNENTERTAININGNESS unentertainingnessUnentertainingness, n. the quality of being dull UNENVIED unenviedUnenvied, a. not envied, exempt from envy UNENVIOUS unenviousUnenvious, a. free from envy UNEQUABLE unequableUnequable, a. different from itself, diverse UNEQUAL unequalUnequal, a. not equal, uneven, partial, unjust UNEQUALABLE unequalableUnequalable, a. not to be equalled or paralleled UNEQUALLED unequalledUnequalled, a. unparalleled, supreme, superior UNEQUALLY unequallyUnequally, ad. irregularly, in different degrees UNEQUALNESS unequalnessUnequalness, n. inequality, irregularity, oddness UNEQUITABLE unequitableUnequitable, a. not just or right, unfair, partail UNEQUIVOCAL unequivocalUnequivocal, a. not equivocal, plain, honest UNERRABLENESS unerrablenessUnerrableness, n. an incapacity of erring, truth UNERRING unerringUnerring, a. not mistaking, certain, invariable UNERRINGLY unerringlyUnerringly, ad. without mistake, certainly UNESCHEWABLE uneschewableUneschewable, a. not to be avoided, certain, ob. UNESPIED unespiedUnespied, a. not espied, not discovered, unseen UNESSENTIAL unessentialUnessential, a. not essential, void of life UNESTABLISHED unestablishedUnestablished, a. not established, uncertain UNEVEN unevenUneven, a. not even, unequal, irregular, rough UNEVENLY unevenlyUnevenly, ad. in an uneven manner UNEVENNESS unevennessUnevenness, n. inequality, roughness, change UNEVITABLE unevitableUnevitable, a. not to be avoided, fixed, certain UNEXACTED unexactedUnexacted, a. not exacted, not forced, quite free UNEXAMINED unexaminedUnexamined, a. not examined, not looked over UNEXAMPLED unexampledUnexampled, a. having no example or precedent UNEXCEPTIONABLE unexceptionableUnexceptionable, a. not liable to objection UNEXCOGITABLE unexcogitableUnexcogitable, a. not executed, not performed UNEXEMPLIFIED unexemplifiedUnexemplified, a. not known by example, unproved UNEXEMPT unexemptUnexempt, a. not free, not privileged, liable to UNEXERCISED unexercisedUnexercised, a. not exercised or practiced UNEXERTED unexertedUnexerted, a. not exerted or exercised UNEXHAUSTED unexhaustedUnexhausted, a. not drained, not spent or gone UNEXORCISED unexorcisedUnexorcised, a. not exorcised, not cast out UNEXPANDED unexpandedUnexpanded, a. not spread or laid out, confused UNEXPECTED unexpectedUnexpected, a. not expected, not hoped, sudden UNEXPECTEDLY unexpectedlyUnexpectedly, ad. without hope, suddenly UNEXPECTEDNESS unexpectednessUnexpectedness, n. suddenness, a sudden state UNEXPECTORATING unexpectoratingUnexpectorating, a. not discharging from the throat or lungs UNEXPEDIENT unexpedientUnexpedient, a. unfit, improper, inconvenient UNEXPENDED unexpendedUnexpended, a. not laid out or expended UNEXPERIENCED unexperiencedUnexperienced, a. not experienced, not versed UNEXPERT unexpertUnexpert, a. aukward, unhandy, wanting skill UNEXPLORED unexploredUnexplored, a. not searched out, unknown, new UNEXPOSED unexposedUnexposed, a. not laid open, not subjected UNEXPRESSIBLE unexpressible|unexpressiveUnexpressible, or Unexpressive, a. unutterable, big UNEXTENDED unextendedUnextended, a. having no dimensions, confined UNEXTINCT unextinctUnextinct, a. not extinct, or extinguished UNEXTINGUISHABLE unextinguishableUnextinguishable, a. that cannot be put out UNEXTINGUISHED unextinguishedUnextinguished, a. not quenched, not put out UNEXTIRPATED unextirpatedUnextirpated, a. not extirpated, not rooted out UNFADED unfadedUnfaded, a. not withered or decayed, fresh, new UNFADING unfadingUnfading, a. not liable to fade or change color UNFAILING unfailingUnfailing, a. not missing, abiding, certain, true UNFAIR unfairUnfair, a. not fair, dishonest, disingenuous UNFAIRLY unfairlyUnfairly, ad. not in a fair manner UNFAIRNESS unfairnessUnfairness, n. unfair or dishonest behavior UNFAITHFUL unfaithfulUnfaithful, a. trecherous, dishonest, impious UNFAITHFULLY unfaithfullyUnfaithfully, ad. trecherously, deceitfully, basely UNFAITHFULNESS unfaithfulnessUnfaithfulness, n. trechery, deceit, impiety UNFALLOWED unfallowedUnfallowed, a. not fallowed, not duly prepared UNFAMILIAR unfamiliarUnfamiliar, a. uncommon, unaccustomed UNFASHIONABLE unfashionableUnfashionable, a. not modish, droll, obsolete UNFASHIONABLENESS unfashionablenessUnfashionableness, n. a deviation from the mode UNFASHIONABLY unfashionablyUnfashionably, ad. not according to fashion UNFASHIONED unfashionedUnfashioned, a. not fashioned or formed by art UNFASTEN unfastenUnfasten, v.t. to unloose, set free, unfix, open UNFATHERED unfatheredUnfathered, a. fatherless, having no owner UNFATHOMABLE unfathomableUnfathomable, a. not to be sounded, very deep UNFATHOMABLY unfathomablyUnfathomably, ad. so as not to be sounded UNFATIGUED unfatiguedUnfatigued, a. not fatigued, unwearied, untired UNFAVORABLE unfavorableUnfavorable, ad. not favorable, unpromising, bad UNFAVORABLY unfavorablyUnfavorably, a. not favorably, unkindly, badly UNFEATURED unfeaturedUnfeatured, a. wanting regular features, deformed UNFED unfedUnfed, n. not fed, not supplied with food, hungry UNFEE'D unfee'dUnfee'd, a. not fee'd, not bribed, left unpaid UNFEELING unfeelingUnfeeling, a. void of feeling, insensible, cruel UNFEELING (2) unfeeling (2)Unfeeling, a. wanting the power of sight, blind UNFEELINGLY unfeelinglyUnfeelingly, ad. in an unfeeling manner UNFEELINGNESS unfeelingnessUnfeelingness, n. insensibility, cruelty UNFEIGNED unfeignedUnfeigned, a. not pretended, real, sincere, honest UNFEIGNEDLY unfeignedlyUnfeignedly, ad. really, truly, sincerely, honestly UNFELT unfeltUnfelt, a. not felt, not perceived, simple, easy UNFENCED unfencedUnfenced, a. not inclosed, left open, defenceless UNFERMENTED unfermentedUnfermented, a. not fermented, not leavened UNFERTILE unfertileUnfertile, a. unfruitful, barren, bare, waste UNFETHERED unfetheredUnfethered, a. naked or void of fethers, bare UNFETTER unfetterUnfetter, v.t. to free from shackles, to unchain UNFIGURED unfiguredUnfigured, a. plain, representing no animal form UNFILIAL unfilialUnfilial, a. unsuitable to a son, disobedient UNFILLED unfilledUnfilled, a. not filled, not suppled, empty, void UNFINISHED unfinishedUnfinished, a. wanting the last hand, imperfect UNFIRED unfiredUnfired, a. not heated, or inflamed UNFIRM unfirmUnfirm, a. not stable, weak, feeble, old, infirm UNFIRMNESS unfirmnessUnfirmness, n. a weak state, instability, change UNFIT unfitUnfit, a. improper, unsuitable, unqualified UNFIT (2) unfit (2)Unfit, v.t. to make unfit, disqualify, disable UNFITLY unfitlyUnfitly, ad. not properly, improperly, unsuitably UNFITNESS unfitnessUnfitness, n. a want of qualification or propriety UNFITTING unfittingUnfitting, pa. disqualifying, unbecoming UNFIX unfixUnfix, v.t. to loosen, separate, unbar, make fluid UNFIXED unfixedUnfixed, pa. loosenes, unsettled, wandering UNFLEDGED unfledgedUnfledged, a. not covered with fethers, bare UNFLESHED unfleshedUnfleshed, a. not covered with flesh, lean, not used to kill UNFOILED unfoiledUnfoiled, a. not subdued, not conquered UNFOLD unfoldUnfold, v.t. to expand, display, discover, tell UNFOLDING unfoldingUnfolding, pa. directing to unsold, opening UNFOLDING (2) unfolding (2)Unfolding, n. a disclosure UNFOOL unfoolUnfool, v.t. to restore from folly, to undeceive UNFORBIDDEN unforbiddenUnforbidden, a. not forbidden, allowed, legal UNFORBIDDENNESS unforbiddennessUnforbiddenness, n. an unforbidden state, lawfulness UNFORCED unforcedUnforced, a. not compelled, not feigned UNFORCIBLE unforcibleUnforcible, a. wanting strength, weak, feeble UNFORDABLE unfordableUnfordable, a. not to be forded UNFOREBODING unforebodingUnforeboding, a. giving no omens or signs UNFOREKNOWN unforeknownUnforeknown, a. not foreseen by; rescience UNFORESEEN unforeseenUnforeseen, a. not foreseen, not known before UNFORESKINNED unforeskinnedUnforeskinned, a. not circumcised, not marked UNFOREWARNED unforewarnedUnforewarned, a. not previouslywarned UNFORFEITED unforfeitedUnforfeited, a. not forfeited, preserved, saved UNFORGIVING unforgivingUnforgiving, a. implacable, inexorable, cruel UNFORGOT unforgot|unforgottenUnforgot, or Unforgotten, a. not lost to memory UNFORMED unformedUnformed, a. not shaped or modified, shapeless UNFORSAKEN unforsakenUnforsaken, a. not deserted, supported, assisted UNFORTIFIED unfortifiedUnfortified, a. not fortified, weak, defenceless UNFORTUNATE unfortunateUnfortunate, a. unprosperous, wanting luck UNFORTUNATELY unfortunatelyUnfortunately, ad. without good luck, unhappily UNFORTUNATENESS unfortunatenessUnfortunateness, n. bad or ill fortune, ill luck UNFOSTERED unfosteredUnfostered, a. not fostered, nourished or patronized UNFOUGHT unfoughtUnfought, a. not fought, not yet determined UNFOULED unfouledUnfouled, a. not foiled, clean, uncorrupt, pure UNFOUND unfoundUnfound, a. not found, not met with, quite lost UNFOUNDED unfoundedUnfounded, a. not founded, having no foundation UNFRAMABLE unframableUnframable, a. not to be framed or molded UNFRAMED unframedUnframed, a. not framed, not formed or fashioned UNFRANKED unfrankedUnfranked, a. not franked, not free or exempt UNFREQUENT unfrequentUnfrequent, a. not common, unusual, rare UNFREQUENT (2) unfrequent (2)Unfrequent, v.t. to cease to frequent, to leave UNFREQUENTED unfrequentedUnfrequented, a. rarely visited, forsaken UNFREQUENTLY unfrequentlyUnfrequently, ad. uncommonly, rarely, seldom UNFRIENDED unfriendedUnfriended, a. wanting friends, destitute, poor UNFRIENDLINESS unfriendlinessUnfriendliness, n. a want of kindness or regard UNFRIENDLY unfriendlyUnfriendly, a. unkind, uncivil, unfavorable UNFROZEN unfrozenUnfrozen, a. not frozen, not congealed, fluid, open UNFRUITFUL unfruitfulUnfruitful, a. not fruitful, barren, waste, wild UNFRUITFULNESS unfruitfulnessUnfruitfulness, n. unprofitableness, barrenness UNFULFILLED unfulfilledUnfulfilled, a. not fulfilled, not completed, left UNFUMED unfumedUnfumed, a. not fumigated, or smoked UNFUNDED unfundedUnfunded, a. not funded, having no permanent provision made for the interest UNFURL unfurlUnfurl, v.t. to expand, unfold, spread, open UNFURNISH unfurnishUnfurnish, v.t. to strip, bare, divest, deprive UNFURNISHED unfurnishedUnfurnished, pa. a. stripped, void of furniture UNFUSED unfusedUnfused, a. not fused or dissolved by heat UNGAIN ungain|ungainlyUngain, or Ungainly, a. aukward, uncouth, clumsy UNGALLED ungalledUngalled, a. not galled, unwounded, unhurt UNGARNISHED ungarnishedUngarnished, a. not garnished, unadorned, plain UNGARTERED ungarteredUngartered, a. not gartered, loose, slovenly UNGATHERED ungatheredUngathered, a. not picked or pulled, growing UNGENERATE ungenerate|ungeneratedUngenerate, or Ungenerated, a. unbegotten, eternal UNGENERATIVE ungenerativeUngenerative, a. begetting nothing, barren UNGENEROUS ungenerousUngenerous, a. illiberal, mean, ignominious UNGENIAL ungenialUngenial, a. unfavorable, unfriendly, unkind UNGENTEEL ungenteelUngenteel, a. not genteel, unbecoming, rude UNGENTEELLY ungenteellyUngenteelly, ad. unpolitely, uncivilly, rudely UNGENTLE ungentleUngentle, a. skittish, wild, harsh, rude, rugged UNGENTLEMANLIKE ungentlemanlike|ungentlemanlyUngentlemanlike, or Ungentlemanly, a. not becoming a gentleman, illiberal, mean, low UNGENTLENESS ungentlenessUngentleness, n. harshness, rudeness, incivility UNGENTLY ungentlyUngently, ad. harshly, roughly, rudely, severely UNGEOMETRICAL ungeometricalUngeometrical, a. not geometrical, bungling UNGILDED ungildedUngilded, a. not overlaid with gold, plain UNGIRD ungirdUngird, v.t. ungirded, ungirt, pret. and pa. to loose a girdle or girth, to untie UNGIRT ungirtUngirt, pa. a. untied, loosely dressed, loose, free UNGIVING ungivingUngiving, a. not bringing gifts, niggardly, mean UNGLAZED unglazedUnglazed, a. not glazed, without a glaze or gloss UNGLORIFIED unglorifiedUnglorified, a. not glorified, not praised UNGLOVED unglovedUngloved, a. having the hand naked, uncovered UNGLUE unglueUnglue, v.t. to separate a place glued, to loosen UNGOD ungodUngod, v.t. to divest or strip of divinity UNGODLILY ungodlilyUngodlily, ad. impiously, wickedly, badly UNGODLINESS ungodlinessUngodliness, n. impiety, profaneness, wickedness UNGODLY ungodlyUngodly, a. irreligious, unholy, profane, wicked UNGORED ungoredUngored, a. unwounded with a horn, unhurt UNGORGED ungorgedUngorged, a. not glutted, not fated, not filled UNGOT ungot|ungottenUngot, or Ungotten, a. not acquired, unbegotten UNGOVERNABLE ungovernableUngovernable, a. not to be ruled, unruly, wild UNGOVERNED ungovernedUngoverned, a. unbridled, rude, licentious, loose UNGRACEFUL ungracefulUngraceful, a. wanting beauty or air, aukward UNGRACEFULLY ungracefullyUngracefully, ad. aukwardly, clumsily, badly UNGRACEFULNESS ungracefulnessUngracefulness, n. inelegance, aukwardness UNGRACIOUS ungraciousUngracious, a. unacceptable, offensive, wicked UNGRAMMATICAL ungrammaticalUngrammatical, a. not agreeable to grammar UNGRANTED ungrantedUngranted, a. not allowed, not given, still left UNGRATEFUL ungratefulUngrateful, a. unthankful, vile, unpleasant UNGRATEFULLY ungratefullyUngratefully, ad. with ingratitude, unpleasingly UNGRATEFULNESS ungratefulnessUngratefulness, n. ingratitude, unpleasingly UNGRATEFULNESS (2) ungratefulness (2)Ungratefulness, n. ingratitude, unacceptableness UNGRAVELY ungravelyUngravely, ad. without seriousness, giddily UNGROUNDED ungroundedUngrounded, a. having no ground or foundation UNGRUDGINGLY ungrudginglyUngrudgingly, ad. heartily, cheerfully, readily UNGUARDED unguardedUnguarded, a. not defended, careless, unwary UNGUARDEDLY unguardedlyUnguardedly, ad. incautiously, carelessly UNGUENT unguentUnguent, n. an ointment, liquid salve, perfume UNGUENTOUS unguentousUnguentous, a. like or consisting of unguent UNGUICULAR unguicularUnguicular, a. of the length of a nail UNGUICULATE unguiculateUnguiculate, a. clawed, having claws UNGUIDED unguidedUnguided, a. not directed or led by a guide UNGUILTY unguiltyUnguilty, a. not guilty, innocent UNGULATE ungulateUngulate, a. shaped like a hoof UNHABITABLE unhabitableUnhabitable, a. uninhabitable UNHACKED unhackedUnhacked, a. not cut or notched UNHALLOW unhallowUnhallow, v.t. to profane, make common UNHALLOWED unhallowedUnhallowed, a. unholy, profane UNHAND unhandUnhand, v.t. to let go, or loose from the hand UNHANDINESS unhandinessUnhandiness, n. clumsiness, a want of dexterity UNHANDSOME unhandsomeUnhandsome, a. illiberal, ungraceful, aukward UNHANDY unhandyUnhandy, a. not handy, not dexterous, aukward UNHANG unhangUnhang, v.t. to take from hinges, of fastening UNHANGED unhanged|unhungUnhanged, or Unhung, a. not hanged, not hung UNHAPPIED unhappiedUnhappied, a. made unhappy, made miserable UNHAPPILY unhappilyUnhappily, ad. in an unhappy manner UNHAPPINESS unhappinessUnhappiness, n. calamity, wretchedness UNHAPPY unhappyUnhappy, a. unfortunate, distressed, miserable UNHARBORED unharboredUnharbored, a. not sheltered, affording no harbor UNHARDENED unhardenedUnhardened, a. not hardened UNHARDY unhardyUnhardy, a. not hardy, feeble, tender UNHARMED unharmedUnharmed, a. not hurt, unfurt, uninjured, safe UNHARMFUL unharmfulUnharmful, a. unable to do hurt, innocent, kind UNHARMONIOUS unharmoniousUnharmonious, a. unmusical, harsh, grating UNHARNESS unharnessUnharness, v.t. to take off harness, to disarm UNHATCHED unhatchedUnhatched, a. not yet brought forth UNHAZARDED unhazardedUnhazarded, a. not ventured, not put in danger UNHEAD unheadUnhead, v.t. to take out the head, as of a cask UNHEALTHFUL unhealthful|unhealthyUnhealthful, or Unhealthy, a. wanting health, sickly UNHEALTHFULNESS unhealthfulnessUnhealthfulness, n. insalubrity, sickliness UNHEALTHINESS unhealthinessUnhealthiness, n. an unhealthy state, sickliness UNHEARD unheardUnheard, a. not heard, unknown, uncommon UNHEART unheartUnheart, v.t. to discourage, depress, alarm, hurt UNHEATED unheatedUnheated, a. not heated, not made hot, quite cold UNHEEDED unheededUnheeded, a. not minded, disregarded, slighted UNHEEDFUL unheedfulUnheedful, a. inattentive, careless, giddy, wild UNHEEDING unheedingUnheeding, a. careless, negligent, thoughtless UNHEEDY unheedyUnheedy, a. rash, sudden, precipitate, thoughtless UNHELPED unhelpedUnhelped, a. unassisted, unsupported, alone UNHELPFUL unhelpfulUnhelpful, a. not helping, giving no assistance UNHEWN unhewnUnhewn, a. not hewn, lax of maw, capacious UNHINGE unhingeUnhinge, v.t. to throw from hinges, to displace UNHOARD unhoardUnhoard, v.t. to steal, take away, disclose, produce UNHOLILY unholilyUnholily, ad. in an unholy manner, profanely UNHOLINESS unholinessUnholiness, n. profaneness, wickedness UNHOLY unholyUnholy, a. profane, impious, lewd, vile, wicked UNHONORED unhonoredUnhonored, a. not treated with honor or respect UNHOOP unhoopUnhoop, v.t. to divest of or strip off hoops UNHOPED unhopedUnhoped, a. not hoped for, more than expected UNHOPEFUL unhopefulUnhopeful, a. giving no room to hope, unpromising UNHORSE unhorseUnhorse, v.t. to throw out of saddle UNHOSPITABLE unhospitableUnhospitable, a. not hospitable, unfriendly UNHOSTILE unhostileUnhostile, a. not belonging to an enemy, kind UNHOUSE unhouseUnhouse, v.t. to drive out of a habitation UNHOUSED unhousedUnhoused, pa. a. driven out, homeless, free UNHUMBLED unhumbledUnhumbled, a. not humbled, haughty, proud UNHURT unhurtUnhurt, a. not hurt, free from harm, quite safe UNHURTFUL unhurtfulUnhurtful, a. doing no harm, harmless, innocent UNHURTFULLY unhurtfullyUnhurtfully, ad. without harm, innocently UNICAPSULAR unicapsularUnicapsular, [u as yu] a. having one capsule UNICORN unicornUnicorn, [u as yu] n. a beast with only one horn, fish, bird UNICREASABLE unicreasableUnicreasable, a. not to be increased, boundless UNIFLOROUS uniflorousUniflorous, [u as yu] a. having one flower only UNIFORM uniformUniform, n. the fress of a band of soldiers, which is alike in all UNIFORMITY uniformityUniformity, n. a conformity to one pattern, sameness UNIFORMLY uniformlyUniformly, ad. in an uniform manner, evenly UNIGENOUS unigenousUnigenous, a. of one kind, of the same genus UNILATERAL unilateralUnilateral, [u as yu] a. having one side only UNILOCULAR unilocularUnilocular, [u as yu] a. having one cell only UNIMAGINABLE unimaginableUnimaginable, a. not to be imagined or thought UNIMAGINABLY unimaginablyUnimaginably, ad. in an unimagined degree UNIMITABLE unimitableUnimitable, a. not to be imitated, inimitable UNIMMORTAL unimmortalUnimmortal, a. not immortal, frail, fading UNIMPAIRABLE unimpairableUnimpairable, a. not liable to be impaired, firm UNIMPAIRED unimpairedUnimpaired, a. not impaired, entire UNIMPASSIONED unimpassionedUnimpassioned, a. not having passions, temperate UNIMPEACHABLE unimpeachableUnimpeachable, a. not to be impeached or charged UNIMPEACHED unimpeachedUnimpeached, a. not impeached, not accused UNIMPLORED unimploredUnimplored, a. not solicited or implored UNIMPORTANT unimportantUnimportant, a. not important, trifling, mean UNIMPREGNATED unimpregnatedUnimpregnated, a. not impregated UNIMPRESSIVE unimpressiveUnimpressive, a. not impressive, not forcible UNIMPROTUNED unimprotunedUnimprotuned, a. not solicited, not much asked UNIMPROVABLE unimprovableUnimprovable, a. not to be improved, very bad UNIMPROVABLENESS unimprovablenessUnimprovableness, n. a state of not being capable of improvement UNIMPROVED unimprovedUnimproved, a. not improved, taught or occupied UNINCHANTED uninchantedUninchanted, a. not inchanted UNINCUMBERED unincumberedUnincumbered, a. not subject to incumbrance or debts UNINDEARED unindearedUnindeared, a. not endeared UNINDIFFERENT unindifferentUnindifferent, a. partial, addicted, fond of UNINDORSED unindorsedUnindorsed, a. not indorsed UNINFECTED uninfectedUninfected, a. not infected, pure, wholesome UNINFECTIOUS uninfectiousUninfectious, a. not infectious or catching UNINFLAMED uninflamedUninflamed, a. not set on fire, not at all burnt UNINFLAMMABLE uninflammableUninflammable, a. not capable of being fired UNINFORMED uninformedUninformed, a. not informed, not enlightened UNINGENUOUS uningenuousUningenuous, a. illiberal, unfair, not honest UNINHABITABLE uninhabitableUninhabitable, a. that is not fit to be inhabited UNINHABITABLENESS uninhabitablenessUninhabitableness, n. an unihabitable state UNINHABITED uninhabitedUninhabited, a. having no dwellers, empty, void UNINITIATED uninitiatedUninitiated, a. not initiated UNINJURED uninjuredUninjured, a. not injured, unhurt, safe, secure UNINSCRIBED uninscribedUninscribed, a. not inscribed, not written upon UNINSPIRED uninspiredUninspired, a. not inspired, not canonical, false UNINSTRUCTED uninstructedUninstructed, a. not instructed, untaught, rude UNINSTRUCTIVE uninstructiveUninstructive, a. not edifying, not teaching UNINSULATED uninsulatedUninsulated, a. not insulated, or detached UNINTELLIGENT unintelligentUnintelligent, a. not knowing, not skilful UNINTELLIGIBILITY unintelligibilityUnintelligibility, n. an unintelligible quality UNINTELLIGIBLE unintelligibleUnintelligible, a. that cannot be understood UNINTELLIGIBLY unintelligiblyUnintelligibly, ad. so as not to be understood UNINTENTIONAL unintentionalUnintentional, a. not intentional, not designed UNINTENTIONALLY unintentionallyUnintentionally, ad. without intention UNINTERESTED uninterestedUninterested, a. not having interest or concern UNINTERESTING uninterestingUninteresting, a. not affecting the heart, dull UNINTERMITTED unintermittedUnintermitted, a. uninterrupted, continued, regular UNINTERMIXED unintermixedUnintermixed, a. not mingled, separate UNINTERRUPTED uninterruptedUninterrupted, a. not interrupted, continued UNINTERRUPTEDLY uninterruptedlyUninterruptedly, ad. without obstruction, duly UNINTRENCHED unintrenchedUnintrenched, a. not intrenched, exposed, open UNINURED uninuredUninured, a. not inured, or accustomed UNINVENTED uninventedUninvented, a. not invented UNINVERSIBLE uninversibleUninversible, a. not to be overset UNINVESTIGABLE uninvestigableUninvestigable, a. not to be searched out UNINVIDIOUS uninvidiousUninvidious, a. not invidious UNINVITED uninvitedUninvited, a. not invited, not asked, not desired UNION unionUnion, [u as yu] n. the act of uniting, concord UNIPAROUS uniparousUniparous, a. bringing forth only one at a birth UNIRRITATED unirritatedUnirritated, a. not irritated or fretted UNIRRITATING unirritatingUnirritating, a. not irritating or exciting UNISON unisonUnison, [u as yu] a. sounding alone or the same UNISON (2) unison (2)Unison, n. an unvaried note, agreement, concert UNIT unitUnit, [u as yu] n. the number one UNITARIAN unitarianUnitarian, [u as yu] n. one who denies the trinity, and ascribes divinity to one supreme God only UNITARIAN (2) unitarian (2)Unitarian, a. pertaining to the doctrin of one person only in the godhead UNITE uniteUnite, v. to form or grow into one, join, agree UNITEDLY unitedlyUnitedly, ad. with union or consent, together UNITER uniterUniter, n. one who or that which unites UNITION unitionUnition, n. the act or power of uniting, union UNITIVE unitiveUnitive, a. able or tending to unite, binding UNITY unityUnity, n. the state of being one, concord, tenor UNIVALVE univalveUnivalve, [u as yu] n. an animal with one shell UNIVALVE (2) univalve (2)|univalvularUnivalve, or Univalvular, a. having one shell UNIVERSAL universalUniversal, [u as yu] a. all, total, general; n. the whole UNIVERSALISM universalismUniversalism, n. the belief that all men will be saved UNIVERSALIST universalistUniversalist, n. an adherent to universalism UNIVERSALITY universalityUniversality, n. a universal state, generality UNIVERSALLY universallyUniversally, ad. invariably, without exception UNIVERSE universeUniverse, n. a general system of things, the world UNIVERSITY universityUniversity, n. a general school of liber arts, UNIVOCAL univocalUnivocal, [u as yu] a. having one meaning, certain UNIVOCALLY univocallyUnivocally, ad. in one sense or tenor, in one term UNJOINTED unjointedUnjointed, a. disjointed, broken, having no joint UNJOYOUS unjoyousUnjoyous, a. void of joy, gloomy, dismal, heavy UNJUDGED unjudgedUnjudged, a. not judically determined UNJUST unjustUnjust, a. contrary to justice, dishonest, partial UNJUSTIFIABLE unjustifiableUnjustifiable, a. not to be justified, very bad, base UNJUSTIFIABLENESS unjustifiablenessUnjustifiableness, n. an unjustifiable state, badness UNJUSTLY unjustlyUnjustly, ad. contrary to justice or right UNKENNEL unkennelUnkennel, v.t. to drive from a hole, to rouse UNKEPT unkeptUnkept, a. not kept, not observed, not regarded UNKIND unkindUnkind, a. not kind, not obliging or civil, cruel UNKINDLY unkindlyUnkindly, ad. without kindness, or due affection UNKINDLY (2) unkindly (2)Unkindly, a. unnatural, unfavorable, cross UNKINDNESS unkindnessUnkindness, n. a want of good-will, malignity UNKING unkingUnking, v.t. to depose a king, to dethrone UNKISSED unkissedUnkissed, a. not kissed, not saluted, not loved UNKMEETLY unkmeetlyUnkmeetly, ad. not suitably, not fitly UNKNIGHTLY unknightlyUnknightly, a. not becoming a knight, mean UNKNIT unknitUnknit, v.t. unknit, unknitted, pret. and pa. to ravel, unweave, open, separate UNKNOT unknotUnknot, v.t. to free from knots, untie, loosen UNKNOW unknowUnknow, v.t. unknew, pret. unknown, pa. to cease to know longer, to forget UNKNOWABLE unknowableUnknowable, a. that cannot be known, secret UNKNOWINGLY unknowinglyUnknowingly, ad. ignorantly, undiscovered UNLABORED unlaboredUnlabored, a. not duly considered, voluntary UNLACE unlaceUnlace, v.t. to oose a thing laced up, to cut up UNLADE unladeUnlade, v.t. unladed, pret. unladed, unladen, pa. to unload, take off, empty, put out UNLAID unlaidUnlaid, a. not laid, not placed or put, not pacified UNLAMENTED unlamentedUnlamented, a. not lamented, not deplored, forgotten UNLARDED unlardedUnlarded, a. not intermixed UNLATCH unlatchUnlatch, v.t. to open a latch, to lift up UNLAVISH unlavishUnlavish, a. not wasteful, saving UNLAWFUL unlawfulUnlawful, a. contrary to law, unjust, unfair UNLAWFULLY unlawfullyUnlawfully, ad. in an unlawful or bad manner UNLAWFULNESS unlawfulnessUnlawfulness, n. a contrariety to law, injustice UNLEARN unlearnUnlearn, v.t. to forget, lose, let slip, let go, undo UNLEARNED unlearnedUnlearned, a. not learned, ignorant, gross, heavy UNLEARNEDLY unlearnedlyUnlearnedly, ad. ignorantly, grossly, rudely UNLEAVENED unleavenedUnleavened, a. not leavened, not fermented UNLECTED unlectedUnlected, a. not elected, not chosen or preferred UNLEISUREDNESS unleisurednessUnleisuredness, n. a want of leisure, ob. UNLESS unlessUnless, v. an old verb in the infinitive mode, except, remove, dismiss, release, equivalent to, if not UNLESSONED unlessonedUnlessoned, a. uninstructed, not duly taught UNLETTERED unletteredUnlettered, a. unlearned, ignorant, not marked UNLEVELLED unlevelledUnlevelled, a. not cut or made even, rough UNLIBIDINOUS unlibidinousUnlibidinous, a. not lustful, chaste, pure, good UNLICENSED unlicensedUnlicensed, a. having no license, having no leave UNLICKED unlickedUnlicked, a. not licked, not formed, shapeless UNLIGHTED unlightedUnlighted, a. not lighted, not kindled, very dark UNLIGHTSOME unlightsomeUnlightsome, a. dark, gloomy, dismall UNLIKE unlikeUnlike, a. not like, unlikely, improbable UNLIKELIHOOD unlikelihood|unlikelinessUnlikelihood, or Unlikeliness, n. improbability UNLIKELY unlikelyUnlikely, a. not likely, improbable; ad. improbably UNLIKENESS unlikenessUnlikeness, n. a want of likeness or resemblance UNLIMITABLE unlimitableUnlimitable, a. admitting of no bounds, infinite UNLIMITED unlimitedUnlimited, a. not limited, unbounded, undefined UNLIMITEDLY unlimitedlyUnlimitedly, ad. without limits or bounds UNLINEAL unlinealUnlineal, a. not going in due order of succession UNLINK unlinkUnlink, v.t. to disjoin, open, untwist, break UNLIQUEFIED unliquefiedUnliquefied, a. not melted or dissolved, hard UNLOAD unloadUnload, v.t. unloaded, pret. unloaded, unloaden, pa. to disburden, to put or take off UNLOCATED unlocatedUnlocated, a. not fixed or defined in regard to place, not located or appropriated by choice UNLOCK unlockUnlock, v.t. to open a lock, solve, clear, explain UNLOOKED unlookedUnlooked, a. not expected, not foreseen, strange UNLOOSABLE unloosableUnloosable, a. not to be loosed, very fast or firm UNLOOSE unlooseUnloose, v. to loose, set loose, ease, fall in pieces UNLOVED unlovedUnloved, a. not loved, disliked, disregarded UNLOVELINESS unlovelinessUnloveliness, n. an inability to excite love, ugliness UNLOVELY unlovelyUnlovely, a. unable to excite love UNLUCKILY unluckilyUnluckily, ad. with bad luck, unfortunately UNLUCKINESS unluckinessUnluckiness, n. bad luck, unfortunateness UNLUCKY unluckyUnlucky, a. unfortunate, mischievous, waggish UNLUSTROUS unlustrousUnlustrous, a. wanting luster, not bright, dull UNLUSTY unlustyUnlusty, a. not lusty, slight, slim, slender, weak UNMADE unmadeUnmade, a. not made or created, deprived of form UNMAGNETIC unmagneticUnmagnetic, a. not having magnetic properties UNMAIMED unmaimedUnmaimed, a. not maimed, unhurt, whole UNMAKABLE unmakableUnmakable, a. impossible to be made, ob. UNMAKE unmakeUnmake, v.t. unmade, pret. unmade, pa. to deprive of form or quality, to destroy UNMALLEABILITY unmalleabilityUnmalleability, n. incapacity of being extended UNMALLEABLE unmalleableUnmalleable, a. not capable of being hammered into a plate UNMAN unmanUnman, v. to deprive of rational powers or of strength and courage UNMANAGEABLE unmanageableUnmanageable, a. not manageable, stubborn UNMANAGED unmanagedUnmanaged, a. not broken in, not at all tutored UNMANLIKE unmanlike|unmanlyUnmanlike, or Unmanly, a. unbecoming a man UNMANNERED unmanneredUnmannered, a. rude, gross, rough, uncivil; ad. uncivility UNMANNERLY unmannerlyUnmannerly, a. ill-bred, uncivil; ad. uncivilly UNMANURED unmanuredUnmanured, a. not manured or cultivated, poor UNMARKED unmarkedUnmarked, a. not marked, not regarded, not seen UNMARKETABLE unmarketableUnmarketable, a. not saleable or fit for the market UNMARRED unmarredUnmarred, a. not marred or impaired UNMARRIED unmarriedUnmarried, a. not married, single, lonely UNMASK unmaskUnmask, v.t. to remove a disguise, to show plainly UNMASKED unmaskedUnmasked, pa. a. not masked, naked, open UNMASTERABLE unmasterableUnmasterable, a. not to be subdued or tamed UNMASTERED unmasteredUnmastered, a. not subdued or conquered, free UNMATCHABLE unmatchableUnmatchable, a. not to be matched or equalled UNMATCHED unmatchedUnmatched, a. matchless, having no equal, fine UNMEANING unmeaningUnmeaning, a. having no meaning, insipid, poor UNMEANT unmeantUnmeant, a. not meant, not intended or designed UNMEASURABLE unmeasurableUnmeasurable, a. unbounded, infinite, endless UNMEASURABLY unmeasurablyUnmeasurably, ad. beyond measure UNMEASURED unmeasuredUnmeasured, a. not measured, plentiful, large UNMECHANICAL unmechanicalUnmechanical, [ch as k] a. not mechanical UNMEDDLED unmeddledUnmeddled, a. not touched, not altered UNMEDDLING unmeddlingUnmeddling, a. not meddling, not officious UNMEDITATED unmeditatedUnmeditated, a. not formed by previous thought UNMEET unmeetUnmeet, a. unworthy, unfit, unbecoming UNMELLOWED unmellowedUnmellowed, a. not fully or duly ripened, hard UNMELTED unmeltedUnmelted, a. not melted, not dissolved, hard UNMENTIONED unmentionedUnmentioned, a. not told, not at all named UNMERCHANTABLE unmerchantableUnmerchantable, a. not fit for the market, unsaleable UNMERCIFUL unmercifulUnmerciful, a. cruel, severe, unconscionable UNMERCIFULLY unmercifullyUnmercifully, ad. without mercy, with cruelty UNMERCIFULNESS unmercifulnessUnmercifulness, n. cruelty, a want of clemency UNMERITABLE unmeritableUnmeritable, a. haing no merit, worthless, bad UNMERITED unmeritedUnmerited, a. not deserved, unjust, cruel UNMERITEDNESS unmeritednessUnmeritedness, n. an unmerited event, injustice UNMETALIZED unmetalizedUnmetalized, a. not formed into a metal UNMETALLIC unmetallicUnmetallic, a. not metallic or belonging to metals UNMILKED unmilkedUnmilked, a. not milked, full, loaded UNMILLED unmilledUnmilled, a. not milled, not indented or grained UNMINDED unmindedUnminded, a. unheeded, desregarded, slighted UNMINDFUL unmindfulUnmindful, a. heedless, inattentive, hegligent UNMINGLE unmingleUnmingle, v.t. to separate or part things mixed UNMINGLEABLE unmingleableUnmingleable, a. that cannot be mixed UNMINGLED unmingledUnmingled, pa. a. not mixed, separated, pure UNMIRY unmiryUnmiry, a. not fouled with dirt, clean, dry UNMISTRUSTING unmistrustingUnmistrusting, a. not suspecting UNMITIGATED unmitigatedUnmitigated, a. not softened, not lessened UNMIXED unmixedUnmixed, a. not mixed or mingled, pure, entire UNMOANED unmoanedUnmoaned, a. not lamented UNMODIFIABLE unmodifiableUnmodifiable, a. not to be modified UNMOIST unmoistUnmoist, a. not moist, not wet, quite dry UNMOISTENED unmoistenedUnmoistened, a. not moistened, not wetted UNMOLD unmoldUnmold, v.t. to change or alter as to the form UNMOLESTED unmolestedUnmolested, a. free from all disturbance, easy UNMOOR unmoorUnmoor, v.t. to heave up an anchor, to weigh UNMORTALIZED unmortalizedUnmortalized, a. not tutored by morality, gross UNMORTGAGED unmortgagedUnmortgaged, a. not mortgaged, quite clear, free UNMORTIFIED unmortifiedUnmortified, a. not subdued by sorrow, easy UNMOURNED unmournedUnmourned, a. not mourned for, unlamented UNMOVEABLE unmoveableUnmoveable, a. that cannot be removed, fixed UNMOVEABLENESS unmoveablenessUnmoveableness, n. an unmoveable or safe state UNMOVED unmovedUnmoved, a. not moved, unaffected, firm UNMUFFLE unmuffleUnmuffle, v.t. to take a covering off the face UNMUSICAL unmusicalUnmusical, a. not harmonious, harsh, rough UNMUZZLE unmuzzleUnmuzzle, v.t. to take off a muzzle, to set loose UNNAMED unnamedUnnamed, a. not mentioned, not spoken of UNNATIVE unnativeUnnative, a. not native, not natural, forced UNNATURAL unnaturalUnnatural, a. contrary to nature, forced, cruel UNNATURALIZE unnaturalizeUnnaturalize, v.t. to divest of natural feelings UNNATURALIZED unnaturalizedUnnaturalized, a. not naturalized or made a citizen UNNATURALLY unnaturallyUnnaturally, ad. in opposition to nature, cruelly UNNATURALNESS unnaturalnessUnnaturalness, n. a contrariety to nature, cruelty UNNAVIGABLE unnavigableUnnavigable, a. not to be navigated or sailed UNNAVIGATED unnavigatedUnnavigated, a. not sailed upon UNNECESSARILY unnecessarilyUnnecessarily, ad. without necessity or need UNNECESSARINESS unnecessarinessUnnecessariness, n. needlessness, uselessness UNNECESSARY unnecessaryUnnecessary, a. needless, useless, trifling UNNEIGHBORLY unneighborlyUnneighborly, a. not neighborly, not kind UNNEIGHBORLY (2) unneighborly (2)Unneighborly, ad. in an unneighborly manner UNNERVATE unnervate|unnervedUnnervate, or Unnerved, a. weak, feeble, faint UNNERVE unnerveUnnerve, v.t. to weaken, enfeeble, discourage UNNEUTRAL unneutralUnneutral, a. not neutral, not uninterested UNNOBLE unnobleUnnoble, a. not noble, ignoble, low, mean, base UNNOTED unnotedUnnoted, a. not noted, not observed or regarded UNNOTICED unnoticedUnnoticed, a. not observed or regarded UNNUMBERED unnumberedUnnumbered, a. not numbered, numberless, vast UNOBEYED unobeyedUnobeyed, a. not obeyed, resisted, slighted UNOBIOUS unobiousUnobious, a. not readily occuring, not plain UNOBJECTED unobjectedUnobjected, a. not charged as a fault, allowed UNOBNOXIOUS unobnoxiousUnobnoxious, a. not liable, not exposed, free UNOBSCURED unobscuredUnobscured, a. not obscured, bright UNOBSEQUIOUSNESS unobsequiousnessUnobsequiousness, n. disobedience, contradiction UNOBSERVABLE unobservableUnobservable, a. not to be observed or perceived UNOBSERVANT unobservantUnobservant, a. not obsequious, inattentive UNOBSERVED unobservedUnobserved, a. not seen, not attended to UNOBSERVING unobservingUnobserving, a. unheedful, inattentive, simple UNOBSTRUCTED unobstructedUnobstructed, a. not at all hindered, not stopped UNOBSTRUCTIVE unobstructiveUnobstructive, a. not raising any obstacle, kind UNOBTAINED unobtainedUnobtained, a. not acquired, not gained, left UNOCCUPIED unoccupiedUnoccupied, a. unpossessed, uninhabited UNOFFENDING unoffendingUnoffending, a. harmless, innocent, civil, kind UNOFFERED unofferedUnoffered, a. not offered, not presented UNOFFICIAL unofficialUnofficial, a. not official, not authorized by the proper officer UNOIL unoilUnoil, v.t. to clear or free from oil UNOPENED unopenedUnopened, a. not opened, closed, shut, secured UNOPENING unopeningUnopening, a. not opening, not purgative UNOPERATIVE unoperativeUnoperative, a. producing no effect, very weak UNOPPOSED unopposedUnopposed, a. not opposed, not withstood, yielded UNOPPRESSED unoppressedUnoppressed, a. not oppressed UNORDINARY unordinaryUnordinary, a. uncommon, unusual, rare UNORGANIZED unorganizedUnorganized, a. not orgainzed, not duly formed UNORIGINAL unoriginalUnoriginal, a. having no birth, not generated UNORTHODOX unorthodoxUnorthodox, a. not holding pure doctrin UNOWED unowedUnowed, a. not owed, not due, cleared or paid off UNOWNED unownedUnowned, a. not owned, having no owner, left UNOXYGENATED unoxygenatedUnoxygenated, a. not combined with oxygene UNPACK unpackUnpack, v.t. to open things packed, to unload UNPACKED unpackedUnpacked, pa. not packed, opened, unloaded UNPAID unpaidUnpaid, a. not paid, not discharged, still due UNPAINED unpainedUnpained, a. suffering no pain, being quite at ease UNPAINFUL unpainfulUnpainful, a. not painful, giving no pain UNPALATABLE unpalatableUnpalatable, a. nauseous, disgusting, sickly, bad UNPALLED unpalledUnpalled, a. not deadened UNPARADISE unparadiseUnparadise, v.t. to render unhappy or wretched UNPARAGONED unparagonedUnparagoned, a. unequalled, unmatched, noble UNPARALLELED unparalleledUnparalleled, a. having no equal, unmatched UNPARDONABLE unpardonableUnpardonable, a. not to be forgiven, very bad UNPARDONABLE (2) unpardonable (2)Unpardonable, ad. beyond forgiveness, basely UNPARDONED unpardonedUnpardoned, a. not forgiven, not discharged UNPARDONING unpardoningUnpardoning, a. not forgiving UNPARLIAMENTARINESS unparliamentarinessUnparliamentariness, n. a contrariety to rules of parliament UNPARLIAMENTARY unparliamentaryUnparliamentary, a. contrary to the rules of parliament UNPARTED unpartedUnparted, a. not divided or separated UNPARTIAL unpartialUnpartial, a. just, fair, honest, good, impartial, ob. UNPARTIALLY unpartiallyUnpartially, ad. justly, fairly, duly, impartially, ob. UNPASSABLE unpassableUnpassable, a. admitting no passage, impassable UNPASSIONATE unpassionateUnpassionate, a. free from passion, quite calm UNPASSIONATELY unpassionatelyUnpassionately, ad. without passion, calmly UNPATHED unpathedUnpathed, a. untrod, untracked, smooth, even UNPATRONISED unpatronisedUnpatronised, a. not patronised, unsupported UNPAVED unpavedUnpaved, a. not paved, not covered with stone UNPAWNED unpawnedUnpawned, a. not laid in pawn, not pledged, safe UNPAY unpayUnpay, v.t. to undo, pay back UNPEACEABLE unpeaceableUnpeaceable, a. quarrelsome, cross, troublesome UNPEG unpegUnpeg, v.t. to pull or let out a peg, to open UNPELTED unpeltedUnpelted, a. not pelted, unhurt, unmolested UNPENSIONED unpensionedUnpensioned, a. not pensioned, quite neglected UNPEOPLE unpeopleUnpeople, v.t. to drive off or destroy inhabitants UNPERCEIVABLE unperceivableUnperceivable, a. that cannot be perceived UNPERCEIVED unperceivedUnperceived, a. unseen, unobserved, hidden UNPERCEIVEDLY unperceivedlyUnperceivedly, ad. so as not to be perceived UNPERFECT unperfectUnperfect, a. incomplete, not full, imperfect UNPERFECTNESS unperfectnessUnperfectness, n. an imperfect state, a defect UNPERFORATED unperforatedUnperforated, a. not perforated, not having holes UNPERFORMED unperformedUnperformed, a. not performed, not done, left UNPERISHABLE unperishableUnperishable, a. not perishable, lasting, durable UNPERJURED unperjuredUnperjured, a. not perjured, not forsworn UNPERPLEXED unperplexedUnperplexed, a. not embarrassed, composed UNPERSPIRABLE unperspirableUnperspirable, a. that cannot be sweated through UNPERSUADABLE unpersuadableUnpersuadable, a. not to be persuaded, obstinate UNPETRIFIED unpetrifiedUnpetrified, a. not turned into stone UNPHILOSOPHICAL unphilosophicalUnphilosophical, a. not conformable to philosophy UNPHILOSOPHICALLY unphilosophicallyUnphilosophically, a. contrary to philosophy UNPHILOSOPHICALNESS unphilosophicalnessUnphilosophicalness, n. a being contrary to philosophy, imperfectness, absurdness UNPHILOSOPHIZE unphilosophizeUnphilosophize, v.t. to degrade from a philosopher UNPIERCED unpiercedUnpierced, a. not pierced, sound, whole, entire UNPILLARED unpillaredUnpillared, a. divested of pillars, not supported UNPILLOWED unpillowedUnpillowed, a. wanting a pillow, hard, uneasy UNPIN unpinUnpin, v.t. to open what is pinned, to loosen UNPINKED unpinkedUnpinked, a. not pinked, not set off or adorned UNPITIED unpitiedUnpitied, a. not pitied, not set off or adorned UNPITIFULLY unpitifullyUnpitifully, ad. without pity or mercy, cruelly UNPITYING unpityingUnpitying, a. having no compassion, cruel, hard UNPLACED unplacedUnplaced, a. having no place or employment UNPLAGUED unplaguedUnplagued, a. not tormented, not vexed, happy UNPLANTED unplantedUnplanted, a. not planted, not set, spontaneous UNPLASTERED unplasteredUnplastered, a. not plastered, bare, naked UNPLAUSIBLE unplausibleUnplausible, a. not plausible, unlikely, false UNPLAUSIVE unplausiveUnplausive, a. not approving, not commending UNPLEASANT unpleasantUnpleasant, a. not pleasant, uneasy, troublesome UNPLEASANTLY unpleasantlyUnpleasantly, ad. crossly, uneasily, uncivilly UNPLEASANTNESS unpleasantnessUnpleasantness, n. a want of pleasing qualities UNPLEASED unpleasedUnpleased, a. not pleased, not delighted UNPLEASING unpleasingUnpleasing, a. not pleasing, offensive, disgusting UNPLEASINGLY unpleasinglyUnpleasingly, ad. in an unpleasing manner UNPLIANT unpliantUnpliant, a. not bending to another, very stiff UNPLOWED unplowedUnplowed, a. not plowed, not duly prepared UNPLUME unplumeUnplume, v.t. to strip off plumes, strip, degrade UNPOETICAL unpoeticalUnpoetical, a. not becoming a poet or poetry UNPOLICIED unpoliciedUnpolicied, a. not having one policy, or civil government UNPOLISHED unpolishedUnpolished, a. not polished, uncivilized, rough UNPOLITE unpoliteUnpolite, a. not polite, uncivil, rude, strange UNPOLITELY unpolitelyUnpolitely, ad. in an unpolite manner UNPOLLUTED unpollutedUnpolluted, a. not defiled, not corrupted, pure UNPOPULAR unpopularUnpopular, a. not popular, disliked, hated, odious UNPOSSESSED unpossessedUnpossessed, a. not held or enjoyed, not obtained UNPOSSESSING unpossessingUnpossessing, a. having not possession, destitute UNPOWDERED unpowderedUnpowdered, a. not powdered UNPRACTICABLE unpracticableUnpracticable, a. not feasible, not to be done UNPRACTICED unpracticedUnpracticed, a. not skilled by use, unskilled UNPRAISED unpraisedUnpraised, a. not praised, not celebrated UNPRECARIOUS unprecariousUnprecarious, a. not depending on another, sure UNPRECEDENTED unprecedentedUnprecedented, a. not having a precedent, new UNPREDICT unpredictUnpredict, v.t. to retract a prediction made UNPREFERRED unpreferredUnpreferred, a. not advanced or promoted, low UNPREGNANT unpregnantUnpregnant, a. unprolific, unfuitful, poor UNPREJUDICATE unprejudicateUnprejudicate, a. not prepossessed, candid, fair UNPREJUDICED unprejudicedUnprejudiced, a. free from prejudice, unbiassed UNPRELATICAL unprelaticalUnprelatical, a. not becoming or like a prelate UNPREMEDITATED unpremeditatedUnpremeditated, a. not studied beforehand UNPREPARED unpreparedUnprepared, a. not prepared, not fitted, rough UNPREPAREDNESS unpreparednessUnpreparedness, n. the state of being unprepared UNPREPOSSESED unprepossesedUnprepossesed, a. not prepossessed, impartial UNPRESSED unpressedUnpressed, a. not pressed, not forced, free, loose UNPRETENDING unpretendingUnpretending, a. not claiming distinction, plain UNPREVAILING unprevailingUnprevailing, a. being of no force, vain, disliked UNPREVENTED unpreventedUnprevented, a. not prevented, not hindered UNPRINCELY unprincelyUnprincely, ad. unsuitable to or unlike a prince UNPRINCIPLED unprincipledUnprincipled, a. not duly instructed, profligate UNPRINTED unprintedUnprinted, a. not yet printed, not published UNPRISABLE unprisableUnprisable, a. having little estimation or value UNPRISONED unprisonedUnprisoned, a. set free from confinement, free UNPRIZED unprizedUnprized, a. not prized or valued, not regarded UNPROCLAIMED unproclaimedUnproclaimed, a. not publicly declared, secret UNPROFANED unprofanedUnprofaned, a. not profaned or violated, sacred UNPROFESSIONAL unprofessionalUnprofessional, a. not belonging to one's profession UNPROFITABLE unprofitableUnprofitable, a. useless, vain, serving no purpose UNPROFITABLENESS unprofitablenessUnprofitableness, n. uselessness, insignificance UNPROFITABLY unprofitablyUnprofitably, ad. uselessly, to no good purpose UNPROFITED unprofitedUnprofited, a. not profited, having no gain UNPROHIBITED unprohibitedUnprohibited, a. not forbidden, lawful, right UNPROLIFIC unprolificUnprolific, a. not fruitful, unfruitful, barren UNPROMISING unpromisingUnpromising, a. not promising, unfavorable UNPRONOUNCED unpronouncedUnpronounced, a. not uttered, not spoken UNPROP unpropUnprop, v.t. to remove a prop or pillars UNPROPER unproperUnproper, a. not proper or peculiar, ob. UNPROPERLY unproperlyUnproperly, ad. unfitly, amiss, improperly, ob. UNPROPITIOUS unpropitiousUnpropitious, a. unfavorable, inauspicious UNPROPITIOUSLY unpropitiouslyUnpropitiously, ad. unfavorably, unkindly UNPROPORTIONABLE unproportionableUnproportionable, a. wanting due proportion UNPROPORTIONATE unproportionateUnproportionate, a. disproportioned UNPROPORTIONED unproportionedUnproportioned, a. not proportioned, not suited UNPROPOSED unproposedUnproposed, a. not proposed, not yet declared UNPROPPED unproppedUnpropped, a. not supported by props, loose UNPROSPEROUS unprosperousUnprosperous, a. unfortunate, unsuccessful, bad UNPROSPEROUSLY unprosperouslyUnprosperously, ad. unsuccessfully, badly UNPROSTITUTED unprostitutedUnprostituted, a. not debased or degraded UNPROTABLE unprotableUnprotable, a. not to be carried or borne UNPROTECTED unprotectedUnprotected, a. not protected, unsupported UNPROVED unprovedUnproved, a. not proved, by argument, false UNPROVIDE unprovideUnprovide, v.t. to divest of qualifications UNPROVIDED unprovidedUnprovided, a. not provided, not furnished UNPROVIDENT unprovidentUnprovident, a. thoughtless, giddy, improvident UNPROVOKED unprovokedUnprovoked, a. not provoked, not displeased UNPRUNED unprunedUnpruned, a. not pruned, not cut or lopped, long UNPUBLIC unpublicUnpublic, a. not generally known, private UNPUBLISHED unpublishedUnpublished, a. not yet given out to the public UNPUNCTUALITY unpunctualityUnpunctuality, n. a want of punctuality UNPUNISHED unpunishedUnpunished, a. not punished, excused, free, safe UNPUNISHING unpunishingUnpunishing, a. not punishing UNPURCHASED unpurchasedUnpurchased, a. not purchased, unbought, left UNPURGED unpurgedUnpurged, a. not purged, not cleansed, foul UNPURIFIED unpurifiedUnpurified, a. not purified, not cleansed, foul UNPURSUED unpursuedUnpursued, a. not pursued, not followed, quitted UNPUTRIFIED unputrifiedUnputrified, a. not qualified, unfit, improper UNQUALIFY unqualifyUnqualify, v.t. to divest of qualification UNQUARRELABLE unquarrelableUnquarrelable, a. not to be attacked, firm, ob. UNQUEEN unqueenUnqueen, v.t. to depose or degrade a queen UNQUELLED unquelledUnquelled, a. not quelled, unsubdued, furious UNQUENCHABLE unquenchableUnquenchable, a. not to be quenched, or put out UNQUENCHABLENESS unquenchablenessUnquenchableness, n. an unquenchable quality UNQUENCHED unquenchedUnquenched, a. not extinguished, not put out UNQUESTIONABLE unquestionableUnquestionable, a. not to be doubted, certain UNQUESTIONABLY unquestionablyUnquestionably, ad. without doubt, certainly UNQUESTIONED unquestionedUnquestioned, a. not asked, not doubted UNQUICK unquickUnquick, a. not quick, slow, dull, motionless UNQUICKENED unquickenedUnquickened, a. not animated, not moving UNQUIET unquietUnquiet, a. restless, disturbed, dissatisfied, uneasy UNQUIETLY unquietlyUnquietly, ad. without rest, troublesomely UNQUIETNESS unquietnessUnquietness, n. restlessness, uneasiness, trouble UNRACKED unrackedUnracked, a. not drawn together, not covered UNRAKED unrakedUnraked, a. not drawn together, not covered UNRANSACKED unransackedUnransacked, a. not plundered or pillaged UNRASONABLE unrasonableUnrasonable, a. unjust, exorbitant, immoderate UNRAVEL unravelUnravel, v.t. to desentangle, explain, clear up UNRAVELMENT unravelmentUnravelment, n. developement of a plot UNRAZORED unrazoredUnrazored, a. not shaven, rough, filthy, nasty UNREACHED unreachedUnreached, a. not reached, not attained to UNREAD unreadUnread, a. not read, not learned, untaught UNREADINESS unreadinessUnreadiness, n. a want of readiness or preparation UNREADY unreadyUnready, a. not ready, unfit, ungain, aukward UNREAL unrealUnreal, a. not real, unsubstantial, fancied, vain UNREASONABLENESS unreasonablenessUnreasonableness, n. inconsistency, with reason UNREASONABLY unreasonablyUnreasonably, ad. unjustly, immoderately UNREAVE unreaveUnreave, v.t. to disentangle, let loose, unwind UNREBATED unrebatedUnrebated, a. not blunted, continued, firm UNREBUKABLE unrebukableUnrebukable, a. not blamable, innocent, upright UNRECIEVED unrecievedUnrecieved, a. not received, not admitted, lost UNRECLAIMED unreclaimedUnreclaimed, a. not reformed, not turned, wild UNRECOMPENSED unrecompensedUnrecompensed, a. not recompensed or rewarded UNRECONCILEABLE unreconcileableUnreconcileable, a. implacable, inconsistent UNRECONCILED unreconciledUnreconciled, a. not reconciled, left at variance UNRECORDED unrecordedUnrecorded, a. not recorded, unregistered UNRECOUNTED unrecountedUnrecounted, a. not related, nto told or recited UNRECRUITABLE unrecruitableUnrecruitable, a. not to be recruited, quite lost UNRECURING unrecuringUnrecuring, a. not to be cured or remedied, ob. UNREDEEMED unredeemedUnredeemed, a. not redeemed, not ransomed UNREDRESSED unredressedUnredressed, a. not redressed, or relieved UNREDUCED unreducedUnreduced, a. not reduced, not lessened, entire UNREEVE unreeveUnreeve, v.t. to take a rope from a hole UNREFORMABLE unreformableUnreformable, a. not to be reformed, worthless UNREFORMED unreformedUnreformed, a. not reformed, not amended UNREFRACTED unrefractedUnrefracted, a. not refracted, not broken UNREFRESHED unrefreshedUnrefreshed, a. not comforted or relieved, weak UNREFRESHING unrefreshingUnrefreshing, a. not refreshing, not invigorating UNREGARDED unregardedUnregarded, a. unheeded, neglected, slighted UNREGARDFUL unregardfulUnregardful, a. heedless, disregardful UNREGENERATE unregenerateUnregenerate, a. not regenerate, wicked, bad UNREGISTERED unregisteredUnregistered, a. not entered in a register UNREINED unreinedUnreined, a. not restrained by a bridle, loose UNRELATED unrelatedUnrelated, a. not related, or connected UNRELATIVE unrelativeUnrelative, a. not relating, or concerning UNRELENTING unrelentingUnrelenting, a. feeling no pity, hard, cruel, stern UNRELIEVABLE unrelievableUnrelievable, a. admitting of no ease or excuse UNRELIEVED unrelievedUnrelieved, a. not succored or helped, not eased UNREMARKABLE unremarkableUnremarkable, a. not worthy of notice, simple UNREMEDIABLE unremediableUnremediable, a. admitting of no remedy or cure UNREMEMBERING unrememberingUnremembering, a. having no memory, forgetful UNREMEMBRANCE unremembranceUnremembrance, n. a want of memory, forgetfulness UNREMITTED unremittedUnremitted, a. not remitted, not abated UNREMITTING unremittingUnremitting, a. not ceasing or remitting UNREMOVABLE unremovableUnremovable, a. not to be taken away, fixed, sure UNREMOVABLY unremovablyUnremovably, ad. so as not to be removed, fixedly UNREMOVED unremovedUnremoved, a. not removed, not taken away UNREPAID unrepaidUnrepaid, a. not paid back, not compensated UNREPEALED unrepealedUnrepealed, a. not repealed, not revoked, left UNREPENTED unrepentedUnrepented, a. not repented of UNREPENTING unrepenting|unrepentantUnrepenting, or Unrepentant, a. not penitent, not sorry for UNREPINING unrepiningUnrepining, a. not complaining or lamenting UNREPLENISHED unreplenishedUnreplenished, a. not filled again, empty, void UNREPRIEVABLE unreprievableUnreprievable, a. not to be reprieved, lost, gone UNREPRIEVED unreprievedUnreprieved, a. not reprieved or respited UNREPROACHED unreproachedUnreproached, a. not upbraided, not censured UNREPROVABLE unreprovableUnreprovable, a. not liable to blame, pure UNREPROVED unreprovedUnreproved, a. not censured, not blamed UNREPUGNANT unrepugnantUnrepugnant, a. not opposit, not contrary UNREPUTABLE unreputableUnreputable, a. not creditable, disgraceful, ob. UNREQUESTED unrequestedUnrequested, a. not asked or desired, unsought UNREQUITABLE unrequitableUnrequitable, a. not to be requited or fully paid UNREQUITED unrequitedUnrequited, a. not repaid, or recompensed UNRESENTED unresentedUnresented, a. not resented or heeded, forgiven UNRESERVED unreservedUnreserved, a. not reserved, open, frank, free UNRESERVEDLY unreservedlyUnreservedly, ad. openly, without limitation UNRESERVEDNESS unreservednessUnreservedness, n. openness, frankness, candor UNRESISTED unresistedUnresisted, a. not opposed, obeyed, resistless UNRESISTING unresistingUnresisting, a. not making resistance, passive UNRESOLVABLE unresolvableUnresolvable, a. not to be solved or cleared up UNRESOLVED unresolvedUnresolved, a undetermined, not cleared up UNRESOLVING unresolvingUnresolving, a. not resolving, not determining UNRESPECTIVE unrespectiveUnrespective, a. taking little notice, careless UNRESPITED unrespitedUnrespited, a. not respited or relieved UNRESPONSIBLE unresponsibleUnresponsible, a. not answerable, not able to answer UNREST unrestUnrest, n. a want of rest, disquiet, uneasiness, ob. UNRESTORED unrestoredUnrestored, a. not restored, not cleared, left UNRESTRAINABLE unrestrainableUnrestrainable, a. not to be restrained UNRESTRAINED unrestrainedUnrestrained, a. not confined, licentious, loose UNRESTRAINED (2) unrestrained (2)Unrestrained, a. not forced, easy, natural, proper UNRESTRAINT unrestraintUnrestraint, n. a freedom from restraint, ease UNRETRACTED unretractedUnretracted, a. not revoked, not recalled, held UNREVEALED unrevealedUnrevealed, a. not revealed, not told about UNREVENGED unrevengedUnrevenged, a. not revenged, forgiven, pardoned UNREVEREND unreverendUnreverend, a. irreverent, disrespectful, rude UNREVERENDLY unreverendlyUnreverendly, ad. disrespectfully, slightingly UNREVERSED unreversedUnreversed, a. not revoked, not repealed, full UNREVIVED unrevivedUnrevived, a. not revived or called to life UNREVOKED unrevokedUnrevoked, a. not revoked, not recalled UNREWARDED unrewardedUnrewarded, a. not rewarded, not recompensed UNRIDDLE unriddleUnriddle, v.t. to solve a difficulty, to explain UNRIG unrigUnrig, v.t. to strip off tackling, to undress UNRIGHTEOUS unrighteousUnrighteous, a. unjust, sinful, wicked, base UNRIGHTFUL unrightfulUnrightful, a. not right or just, unjust, wrong UNRING unringUnring, v.t. unrang, unrung, pret. unrung, pa. to take or strip off a ring, to free UNRIP unripUnrip, v.t. to rip open, cut open, disclose, tell UNRIPE unripeUnripe, a. not yet ripe, sour, hard, too early UNRIPENED unripenedUnripened, a. not ripened, not matured, young UNRIPENESS unripenessUnripeness, n. a want of due ripeness, sourness UNRIVALLED unrivalledUnrivalled, a. having no rival, having no equal UNRIVET unrivetUnrivet, v.t. to free from rivets, loosen, clear UNROL unrolUnrol, v.t. to open any thing rolled up UNROMANTIC unromanticUnromantic, a. not romantic, simple, plain UNROOF unroofUnroof, v.t. to take off a roof, to uncover a house UNROOSTED unroostedUnroosted, a. driven from or fallen off a roost UNROOT unrootUnroot, v.t. to tear from the root, to root out UNROUGH unroughUnrough, a. not rough, smooth, even, uniform UNROUNDED unroundedUnrounded, a. not made round, uneven, irregular UNROYAL unroyalUnroyal, a. not royal, unprincely, unfit, mean UNRUFFLE unruffleUnruffle, v.i. to cease from commotion, to calm UNRUFFLED unruffledUnruffled, a. not tumultuous, calm, unmoved UNRULED unruledUnruled, a. not set under government, wanton UNRULINESS unrulinessUnruliness, n. an unruly state or temper UNRULY unrulyUnruly, a. ungovernable, licentious, loose, wild UNRUMINATED unruminatedUnruminated, a. not chewed well, or digested UNSAFE unsafeUnsafe, a. not safe, hazardous, dangerous, wrong UNSAFELY unsafelyUnsafely, ad. not safely or securely, dangerously UNSAFETY unsafetyUnsafety, n. danger, exposure to injury UNSAID unsaidUnsaid, a. not said or uttered, unmentioned UNSALEABLE unsaleableUnsaleable, a. not meeting with quick sale UNSALTED unsaltedUnsalted, a. not salted, fresh, insipid, tasteless UNSANCTIFIED unsanctifiedUnsanctified, a. unholy, impure, not consecrated UNSANCTIONED unsanctionedUnsanctioned, a. not confirmed or sanctioned UNSANDALED unsandaledUnsandaled, a. without sandals, uncovered UNSATED unsatedUnsated, a. not sated or satisfied, insatiate UNSATIABLE unsatiableUnsatiable, a. not to be satisfied or pleased, vast UNSATISFACTORILY unsatisfactorilyUnsatisfactorily, ad. so as not to satisfy UNSATISFACTORINESS unsatisfactorinessUnsatisfactoriness, n. a failure of satisfaction UNSATISFACTORY unsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory, a. not affording satisfaction UNSATISFIED unsatisfiedUnsatisfied, a. not satisfied, discontented UNSATISFIEDNESS unsatisfiednessUnsatisfiedness, n. an unsatisfied state, trouble UNSATISFYING unsatisfyingUnsatisfying, a. not able to satisfy or please UNSATURATED unsaturatedUnsaturated, a. not filled or saturated UNSAVORINESS unsavorinessUnsavoriness, n. a bad taste or smell, insipidness UNSAVORY unsavoryUnsavory, a. tasteless, insipid, disgustful UNSAY unsayUnsay, v.t. unsaid, pret. unsaid, pa. to retract, recall, recant, alter, deny UNSCALY unscalyUnscaly, a. having no scales, smooth, soft, fine UNSCANNED unscannedUnscanned, a. not measured, not computed UNSCARRED unscarredUnscarred, a. not marked with scars or wounds UNSCHOLASTIC unscholasticUnscholastic, a. not bred to literature, absurd UNSCHOOLED unschooledUnschooled, a. untaught, unlearned, unskilled UNSCIENTIFIC unscientificUnscientific, a. not according to rules of science UNSCIENTIFICALLY unscientificallyUnscientifically, ad. in an unscientific manner UNSCORCHED unscorchedUnscorched, a. not touched by fire, not burnt UNSCORIFIED unscorifiedUnscorified, a. not formed into dross UNSCREENED unscreenedUnscreened, a. unsheltered, unprotected, bare UNSCREW unscrewUnscrew, v.t. to take out a screw, or loosen UNSCRIPTURAL unscripturalUnscriptural, a. not agreeable to the scriptures UNSEAL unsealUnseal, v.t. to open a seal or any thing sealed UNSEALED unsealedUnsealed, pa. not sealed, having the seal broken UNSEAM unseamUnseam, v.t. to rip up a seam, to cut open a seam UNSEARCHABLE unsearchableUnsearchable, a. not to be explored, hidden, dark UNSEARCHABLENESS unsearchablenessUnsearchableness, n. an unsearchable state or place UNSEARCHED unsearchedUnsearched, a. not searched, or examined UNSEARED unsearedUnseared, a. not seared, slighted, despised UNSEASIBLE unseasibleUnseasible, a. impracticable, not to be done UNSEASONABLE unseasonableUnseasonable, a. untimely, unfit, late UNSEASONABLENESS unseasonablenessUnseasonableness, n. a disagreement with time UNSEASONABLY unseasonablyUnseasonably, ad. not seasonably, improperly UNSEASONED unseasonedUnseasoned, a. not salted, fresh, ill-timed UNSEATED unseatedUnseated, a. having no bottom, not settled UNSECONDED unsecondedUnseconded, a. not seconded, unsupported UNSECRET unsecretUnsecret, v.t. to disclose, to divulge; a. not trusty UNSECURE unsecureUnsecure, a. not secure, unsafe, hazardous UNSEDUCED unseducedUnseduced, a. not drawn away to evil, innocent UNSEEM unseemUnseem, v.i. not to seem, not to appear UNSEEMING unseemingUnseeming, pa. not seeming, not appearing UNSEEMLINESS unseemlinessUnseemliness, n. indecency, uncomeliness, fault UNSEEMLY unseemlyUnseemly, a. indecent, unbecoming, uncomely UNSEEMLY (2) unseemly (2)Unseemly, ad. in an unbecoming or bad manner UNSEEN unseenUnseen, a. not seen, invisible, unexperienced UNSELFING unselfingUnselfing, a. pulling down self, humbling, low UNSELFISH unselfishUnselfish, a. not governed by private interest UNSENSIBLE unsensibleUnsensible, a. insensible, unfeeling, ob. UNSENT unsentUnsent, a. not sent, not dispatched, left behind UNSEPARABLE unseparableUnseparable, a. not to be parted, not divided, entire UNSERVICEABLE unserviceableUnserviceable, a. useless, being of no advantage UNSERVICEABLENESS unserviceablenessUnserviceableness, n. uselessness, unfitness UNSET unsetUnset, a. not set, not placed, not appointed UNSETTLE unsettleUnsettle, v.t. to make uncertain, to overthrow UNSETTLED unsettledUnsettled, a. not established or fixed, having no inhabitants, or occupiers UNSETTLEDNESS unsettlednessUnsettledness, n. irresolution, fluctuation, change UNSEVERED unseveredUnsevered, a. not parted or divided, entire UNSEX unsexUnsex, v. to change or alter the sec, to transform UNSHACKLE unshackleUnshackle, v.t. to loose from chains or bands UNSHADOWED unshadowedUnshadowed, a. not shadowed, not darkened UNSHAKEABLE unshakeableUnshakeable, a. not to be shaken, fixed, firm UNSHAKED unshaked|unshakenUnshaked, or Unshaken, a. not shaken, unmoved UNSHAMED unshamedUnshamed, a. not shamed, not abashed, very bold UNSHAPE unshapeUnshape, v.t. to disorder, derange UNSHAPEN unshapenUnshapen, a. mishapen, deformed, ugly UNSHARED unsharedUnshared, a. not divided in common, not parted UNSHEATH unsheathUnsheath, v.t. to draw out of a scabbard UNSHED unshedUnshed, a. not shed, not spilt, not cast, not lost UNSHELTERED unshelteredUnsheltered, a. wanting protection, exposed, open UNSHIP unshipUnship, v.t. to take out of a ship, remove UNSHOCKED unshockedUnshocked, a. not frighted, not disgusted or hurt UNSHOD unshodUnshod, a. having no shoes on the feet, barefoot UNSHOOK unshookUnshook, a. not shaken, not cracked, clear, fine UNSHORN unshornUnshorn, a. not clipped, not shaven, rough UNSHOT unshotUnshot, a. not hit by shot, not killed, alive, safe UNSHOUT unshoutUnshout, v.i. to retract a shout, stop, give over UNSHOWERED unshoweredUnshowered, a. not watered by means of showers UNSHRINKING unshrinkingUnshrinking, a. not recoiling back, firm, strong UNSHUNABLE unshunableUnshunable, a. not to be avoided or escaped, sure UNSHUNNED unshunnedUnshunned, a. not shunned, unavoidable UNSHUT unshutUnshut, a. not shut, unfastened, unclosed, open UNSIFTED unsiftedUnsifted, a. not sifted, unexamined, untried UNSIGHT unsightUnsight, a. not seeing, blind, unseen, invisible UNSIGHTED unsightedUnsighted, a. not seen, invisible, obscure UNSIGHTLINESS unsightlinessUnsightliness, n. disagreeableness, ugliness, deformity UNSIGHTLY unsightlyUnsightly, a. disagreeable to the fight, ugly UNSINCERE unsincereUnsincere, a. not sincere, deceitful, false UNSINCERELY unsincerelyUnsincerely, ad. without sincerity, falsely UNSINCERITY unsincerityUnsincerity, n. falseness, a cheat, adulteration UNSINEW unsinewUnsinew, v.t. to deprive of strength, to weaken UNSINEWED unsinewedUnsinewed, a. unnerved, nerveless, weak, feeble UNSINGED unsingedUnsinged, a. not singed, not scorched, not burnt UNSINKING unsinkingUnsinking, a. not sinking, floating, quite light UNSINNING unsinningUnsinning, a. having no sin, pure, perfect, upright UNSIZED unsizedUnsized, a. not sized UNSKILFUL unskilfulUnskilful, a. wanting knowledge or art, clumsy UNSKILFULLY unskilfullyUnskilfully, ad. without knowledge or art, badly UNSKILFULNESS unskilfulnessUnskilfulness, n. a want of skill or art, ignorance UNSKILLED unskilledUnskilled, a. wanting skill or knowledge, simple UNSLAIN unslainUnslain, a. not slain, not killed, preserved, safe UNSLAKED unslakedUnslaked, a. not quenched, not put out, burning UNSLEEPING unsleepingUnsleeping, a. ever wakeful, awake, watchful UNSLING unslingUnsling, v.t. to take off slings UNSLIPPING unslippingUnslipping, a. not liable to slip, fast, firm, safe UNSMIRCHED unsmirchedUnsmirched, a. unstained, unpolluted, clean UNSMOKED unsmokedUnsmoked, a. not smoked, not dried in smoke UNSOBER unsoberUnsober, a. not sober UNSOCIABLE unsociableUnsociable, a. not sociable, reserved, surly UNSOCIABLY unsociablyUnsociably, ad. with reserve, shily, surlily UNSOCIAL unsocialUnsocial, a. not useful or agreeable in society UNSOILED unsoiledUnsoiled, a. unstained, unpolluted, clean, neat UNSOLD unsoldUnsold, a. not sold, not disposed of, left behind UNSOLDIERLIKE unsoldierlikeUnsoldierlike, a. unbecoming a soldier, mean UNSOLICITED unsolicitedUnsolicited, a. not asked or requested UNSOLICITOUS unsolicitousUnsolicitous, a. not solicitous, not anxious, easy UNSOLID unsolidUnsolid, a. not coherent or firm, fluid, loose UNSOLVED unsolvedUnsolved, a. not solved, not explained UNSONABLE unsonableUnsonable, a. that cannot be sounded, broken UNSOPHISTICATED unsophisticatedUnsophisticated, a. not adulterated, not mixed UNSORTED unsortedUnsorted, a. not sorted, not separated, mixed UNSOUGHT unsoughtUnsought, a. not sought, not searched for UNSOUND unsoundUnsound, a. rotten, wanting health, not honest, insincere, not true, not orthodox, erroneous UNSOUNDED unsoundedUnsounded, a. not tried, by a plummet or lead UNSOUNDNESS unsoundnessUnsoundness, n. corruption, weakness, error, mistake UNSOURED unsouredUnsoured, a. not made sour, not morose UNSOWED unsowed|unsownUnsowed, or Unsown, a. not sown, having no seed UNSPARED unsparedUnspared, a. not spared, made free with used UNSPARING unsparingUnsparing, a. not parsimonious, lavish, profuse UNSPEAK unspeakUnspeak, v.t. unspake, unspoke, pret. unspoken, pa. to retract, recant, revoke, forbid UNSPEAKABLE unspeakableUnspeakable, a. not to be expressed, very great UNSPEAKABLY unspeakablyUnspeakably, ad. inexpressibly, very greatly, very UNSPECIFIED unspecifiedUnspecified, a. not particularly mentioned UNSPECULATIVE unspeculativeUnspeculative, a. not theoretical, plain, simple UNSPED unspedUnsped, a. not sped or dispatched, unsuccessful UNSPENT unspentUnspent, a. not wasted or diminished, left, safe UNSPHERE unsphereUnsphere, v.t. to remove from its orb or place UNSPIED unspiedUnspied, a. not seen, not discovered, hidden UNSPILT unspiltUnspilt, a. not spilt, not shed, not spoiled, left UNSPIRIT unspiritUnspirit, v.t. to depress, deject, cast down, hurt UNSPOILED unspoiledUnspoiled, a. not plundered, not marred or hurt UNSPOTTED unspottedUnspotted, a. not spotted, not stained with sin UNSQUARED unsquaredUnsquared, a. not formed, irregular, rough UNSTABLE unstableUnstable, a. not fixed, inconstant, irresolute UNSTAID unstaidUnstaid, a. not staid or steady, changeable, fickle UNSTAIDNESS unstaidnessUnstaidness, n. thoughtlessness, indiscretion, folly UNSTAINED unstainedUnstained, a. not stained, not dyed, clean, pure UNSTATE unstateUnstate, v.t. to put out of state, displace, alter UNSTATUTABLE unstatutableUnstatutable, a. contrary to statute, illegal UNSTAUNCHED unstaunched|unstanchedUnstaunched, or Unstanched, a. not stopped UNSTEADFAST unsteadfast|unitedfastUnsteadfast, or Unitedfast, a. not fast, irresolute UNSTEADILY unsteadily|unsteddilyUnsteadily, or Unsteddily, ad. inconstantly UNSTEADINESS unsteadiness|unsteddinessUnsteadiness, or Unsteddiness, n. a want of constancy UNSTEADY unsteady|unsteddyUnsteady, or Unsteddy, a. not fixed, irresolute UNSTEEPED unsteepedUnsteeped, a. not steeped, not soaked, fresh, dry UNSTIMULATING unstimulatingUnstimulating, a. not exciting action UNSTING unstingUnsting, v.t. unstung, pret. unstung, pa. to take out a sting, ease from, cure UNSTINTED unstintedUnstinted, a. not limited, not confined, free UNSTIRRED unstirredUnstirred, a. not stirred, unshaken, unmoved UNSTITCH unstitchUnstitch, v.t. to open by picking out stitches UNSTOOPING unstoopingUnstooping, a. not bending, not yielding, proud UNSTOP unstopUnstop, v.t. to free from obstructions, to open UNSTOPPED unstoppedUnstopped, pa. meeting no resistance, opened UNSTORED unstoredUnstored, a. not laid up in store, not supplied UNSTRAITENED unstraitenedUnstraitened, a. not straitened, unconfined, easy UNSTRENGTHENED unstrengthenedUnstrengthened, a. unsupported, unassisted UNSTRING unstringUnstring, v.t. unstrung, pret. unstringed, unstrung, pa. to relax strings, untie, loose UNSTRUCK unstruckUnstruck, a. not struck, unaffected, unmoved UNSTUDIED unstudiedUnstudied, a. not studied, not labored, quite easy UNSTUFFED unstuffedUnstuffed, a. unskilled, unfurnished, empty UNSUBDUED unsubduedUnsubdued, a. not subdued, not conquered, safe UNSUBJECTED unsubjectedUnsubjected, a. not subdued, not reduced to power UNSUBMERSIBLE unsubmersibleUnsubmersible, a. that cannot be sunk UNSUBMITTING unsubmittingUnsubmitting, a. not yielding UNSUBSIDIZED unsubsidizedUnsubsidized, a. not receiving subsidies UNSUBSTANTIAL unsubstantialUnsubstantial, a. not solid, not real, empty, poor UNSUCCEEDED unsucceededUnsucceeded, a. not succeeded, not followed UNSUCCESSFUL unsuccessfulUnsuccessful, a. not successful, unfortunate UNSUCCESSFULLY unsuccessfullyUnsuccessfully, ad. unfortunately, unluckily UNSUCCESSFULNESS unsuccessfulnessUnsuccessfulness, n. a want of success, a failure UNSUCCESSIVE unsuccessiveUnsuccessive, a. not according to flux or parts UNSUCKED unsuckedUnsucked, a. not having the breast drawn, full UNSUFFERABLE unsufferableUnsufferable, a. not sufferable, intolerable, vile UNSUFFERABLY unsufferablyUnsufferably, ad. so as not to be endured UNSUFFICIENCE unsufficienceUnsufficience, n. an inability to answer some end UNSUFFICIENT unsufficientUnsufficient, a. unable, inadequate, unfit, weak UNSUGARED unsugaredUnsugared, a. not sweetened with sugar, sour UNSUITABLE unsuitableUnsuitable, a. unfit, improper, inadequate UNSUITABLENESS unsuitablenessUnsuitableness, n. unfitness, incongruity, error UNSUITABLY unsuitablyUnsuitably, ad. in an unsuitable manner, badly UNSUITING unsuitingUnsuiting, a. not fitting, not becoming UNSULLIED unsulliedUnsullied, a. not fouled, not disgraced, pure UNSUNG unsungUnsung, a. not yet recited in song or verse UNSUNNED unsunnedUnsunned, a. not exposed to the sun, damp, cold UNSUPERFLUOUS unsuperfluousUnsuperfluous, a. not more than enough, proper UNSUPPORTABLE unsupportableUnsupportable, a. not to be endured, intolerable UNSUPPORTED unsupportedUnsupported, a. unsustained, unassisted, alone UNSURE unsureUnsure, a. not sure or certain, not fixed, unsafe UNSURMOUNTABLE unsurmountableUnsurmountable, a. that cannot be overcome UNSUSCEPTIBLE unsusceptibleUnsusceptible, a. not liable to admit, incapable UNSUSPECT unsuspect|unsuspectedUnsuspect, or Unsuspected, a. not suspected UNSUSPECTING unsuspectingUnsuspecting, ad. in an unsuspected manner UNSUSPECTING (2) unsuspecting (2)Unsuspecting, a. not suspecting, not thinking UNSUSPICIOUS unsuspiciousUnsuspicious, a. having no suspicion, open, easy UNSUSTAINED unsustainedUnsustained, a. not supported, not seconded UNSWAYABLE unswayableUnswayable, a. not to be swayed or influenced UNSWAYED unswayedUnswayed, a. not swayed, not led, not wielded UNSWEAR unswearUnswear, v.t. unsware, unswore, pret. unsworn, pa. to recant a thing already sworn UNSWEAT unsweatUnsweat, v.t. unsweat, unsweated, pret. and pa. to cool on ease after fatigue UNSWORN unswornUnsworn, a. not sworn, not bound by an oath UNSYSTEMATICAL unsystematicalUnsystematical, a. not reduced to system, absurd UNTAINTED untaintedUntainted, a. unsullied, unstained, pure, good UNTAKEN untakenUntaken, a. not taken, not apprehended, left UNTALKED-OF untalked-ofUntalked-of, a. not mentioned in the world UNTAMEABLE untameableUntameable, a. not to be tamed or subdued, vile UNTAMED untamedUntamed, a. not tamed, unsubdued, haughty UNTANGLE untangleUntangle, v.t. to loose from intricacy, to free UNTARNISHED untarnishedUntarnished, a. not soiled or tarnished, clean UNTASTED untastedUntasted, a. not tasted, not touched, left UNTASTED (2) untasted (2)Untasted, a. not tasted, not touched, left UNTASTING untastingUntasting, a. not trying by means of the palate UNTAUGHT untaughtUntaught, a. not taught, uninstructed, ignorant UNTEACH unteachUnteach, v.t. untaught, pret. untaught, pa. to make to forget, to unlearn UNTEMPERATE untemperateUntemperate, a. without moderation, intemperate UNTEMPERED untemperedUntempered, a. not tempered, not hardened UNTEMPERING untemperingUntempering, a. not molding or shaping UNTEMPTED untemptedUntempted, a. not tempted, not embarrassed UNTENABLE untenableUntenable, a. not capable of defense, week UNTENANTABLE untenantableUntenantable, a. not fit to be inhabited UNTENANTED untenantedUntenanted, a. having not tenant, quite empty UNTENDED untendedUntended, a. being without attendance, alone UNTENDER untenderUntender, a. wanting compassion, cruel, unkind UNTENDERED untenderedUntendered, a. not tendered, not offered, tough UNTENSIL untensilUntensil, [u as yu] n. an instrument for any use, tool, thing UNTENT untentUntent, v.t. to bring or drive out of a tent UNTENTED untentedUntented, a. having no medicaments applied UNTERRIFIED unterrifiedUnterrified, a. not affrighted, dauntless, brave UNTHANKED unthankedUnthanked, a. not repaid with acknowledgment UNTHANKFUL unthankfulUnthankful, a. ungrateful, displeasing, careless UNTHANKFULLY unthankfullyUnthankfully, ad. ungratefully, negligently UNTHANKFULNESS unthankfulnessUnthankfulness, n. ingratitude, neglect of thanks UNTHAWED unthawedUnthawed, a. not thawed, not dissolved, hard UNTHINKING unthinkingUnthinking, a. thoughtless, careless, giddy, idle UNTHINKINGNESS unthinkingnessUnthinkingness, n. want of thought or reflection UNTHORNY unthornyUnthorny, a. not obstructed by prickles UNTHOUGHT OF unthought ofUnthought of, a. not regarded, not minded, unexpected UNTHREAD unthreadUnthread, v.t. to free from a thread, loose, ease UNTHREATENED unthreatenedUnthreatened, a. not threatened, not alarmed UNTHRIFT unthriftUnthrift, n. a spendthrift, prodigal, waster, rake UNTHRIFT (2) unthrift (2)|unthriftyUnthrift, or Unthrifty, a. extravagent, lavish UNTHRIFTILY unthriftilyUnthriftily, ad. without frugality UNTHRIVING unthrivingUnthriving, a. not thriving, not prospering, poor UNTHRONE unthroneUnthrone, v.t. to pull or take from a throne UNTIDY untidyUntidy, a. not tidy or neat UNTIE untie|untyUntie, or Unty, v.t. to unbind, loosen, resolve UNTIED untiedUntied, pa. not bound or fastened, loosened, open UNTIL untilUntil, ad. to the time that, to the place that UNTILLED untilledUntilled, a. not tilled, uncultivated, fallow UNTIMELY untimelyUntimely, a. happening before the proper time UNTIMELY (2) untimely (2)Untimely, ad. before natural time, improperly UNTINGED untingedUntinged, a. not tinged or stained, not affected UNTIRABLE untirableUntirable, a. not to be wearied, indefatigable UNTIRED untiredUntired, a. not tired, not made weary, fresh UNTITLED untitledUntitled, a. having not title or honor, unknown UNTO untoUnto, prep. and ad. to, until, to the time that UNTOLD untoldUntold, a. not told, not revealed, not reckoned UNTOOTHSOME untoothsomeUntoothsome, a. not toothsome, unpleasant UNTOUCHED untouchedUntouched, a. not touched, not affected UNTOWARD untowardUntoward, a. froward, vexation, cross, aukward UNTOWARDLY untowardlyUntowardly, ad. perversely' a. perverse, aukward UNTOWARDNESS untowardnessUntowardness, n. perverseness, aukwardness UNTRACEABLE untraceableUntraceable, a. that cannot be traced, intricate UNTRACED untracedUntraced, a. not traced, not marked out UNTRACKED untrackedUntracked, a. not tracked or marked out, untrod UNTRACTABLE untractableUntractable, a. ungovernable, unruly, rough UNTRACTABLENESS untractablenessUntractableness, n. an untractable disposition UNTRACTABLY untractablyUntractably, ad. un an untractable manner UNTRADED untradedUntraded, a. not usual or customary, ob. UNTRADING untradingUntrading, a. not engaged in trade or commerce UNTRAINED untrainedUntrained, a. not trained or instructed, rough UNTRANSFERRABLE untransferrableUntransferrable, a. not transferrable, fixed, sure UNTRANSFERRED untransferredUntransferred, a. not transferred, or conveyed UNTRANSLATABLE untranslatableUntranslatable, a. not capable of being translated UNTRANSPARENT untransparentUntransparent, a. not transparent, cloudy UNTRAVELLED untravelledUntravelled, a. unfrequented, not having been abroad UNTREAD untreadUntread, v.t. untrod, pret. untrod, untrodden, pa. to go back in the very same steps UNTREASURED untreasuredUntreasured, a. not treasured, not laid up, spent UNTRIED untriedUntried, a. not tried, not attempted, unknown UNTRIMMED untrimmedUntrimmed, a. not trimmed, plain, not shaven UNTRIUMPHABLE untriumphableUntriumphable, a. allowing no triumph, firm UNTROD untrod|untroddenUntrod, or Untrodden, a. not trodden, smooth UNTROLLED untrolledUntrolled, a. not rolled or run along, not bowled UNTROUBLED untroubledUntroubled, a. not disturbed, unmoved, clear UNTRUE untrueUntrue, a. not true, false, unfaithful, deceitful UNTRULY untrulyUntruly, ad. falsely, unfaithfully, deceitfully UNTRUSSED untrussedUntrussed, a. not trussed or tied up UNTRUSTINESS untrustinessUntrustiness, n. unfaithfulness, deceitfulness UNTRUSTY untrustyUntrusty, a. not trusty, unfaithful, false giddy UNTRUTH untruthUntruth, n. a falsehood, falsity, false assertion, lie UNTUCKERED untuckeredUntuckered, a. not having a tucker, open, bare UNTUNABLE untunableUntunable, a. unmusical, unharmonious, harsh UNTUNE untuneUntune, v.t. to put out of tune, disorder, hurt UNTURNED unturnedUnturned, a. not turned, unchanged, obstinate UNTUTORED untutoredUntutored, a. uninstructed, untaught UNTWINE untwine|untwistUntwine, or Untwist, v.t. to separate things involved UNUNIFORM ununiformUnuniform, a. wanting uniformity, irregular UNURGED unurgedUnurged, a. not urged, not pressed, not incited UNUSED unusedUnused, [unyuzed] a. unemployed, disused UNUSEFUL unusefulUnuseful, a. serving no use or purpose, useless UNUSUAL unusualUnusual, [unyuzual] a. uncommon, rare UNUSUALLY unusuallyUnusually, ad. uncommonly, rarely UNUSUALNESS unusualnessUnusualness, n. uncommonness, rareness, strangeness UNUTTERABLE unutterableUnutterable, a. inexpressible, not to be declared UNVAIL unvailUnvail, v.t. to throw off a vail, uncover, show UNVALUABLE unvaluableUnvaluable, a. that is above price, inestimable UNVALUED unvaluedUnvalued, a. not valued, not prized, slighted UNVANQUISHED unvanquishedUnvanquished, a. not conquered, not subdued UNVARIABLE unvariableUnvariable, a. unchangeable, certain, invariable UNVARIED unvariedUnvaried, a. not diversified, unchanged, fixed UNVARIEGATED unvariegatedUnvariegated, a. not variegated, not altered UNVARNISHED unvarnishedUnvarnished, a. not covered with varnish UNVARYING unvaryingUnvarying, a. not varying, not liable to change UNVEIL unveilUnveil, [unvail] v.t. to disclose, show, discover UNVEILEDLY unveiledlyUnveiledly, ad. plainly, without disguise UNVENERABLE unvenerableUnvenerable, a. not worthy of respect UNVENTILATED unventilatedUnventilated, a. not fanned by the wind or air UNVERITABLE unveritableUnveritable, a. untrue, safe, deceitful, base, ob. UNVERSED unversedUnversed, a. not acquainted with, unskilled UNVEXED unvexedUnvexed, a. not vexed, unprovoked, unmoved UNVIOLATED unviolatedUnviolated, a. uninjured, unhurt, unbroken UNVIRTUOUS unvirtuousUnvirtuous, a. wanting virtue, bad, wicked, vile UNVISITED unvisitedUnvisited, a. not resorted to, unfrequented UNVITIATED unvitiatedUnvitiated, a. not vitiated, not corrupted UNVITRIFIED unvitrifiedUnvitrified, a. not converted to glass UNVOYAGEABLE unvoyageableUnvoyageable, a. not to be passed over, dangerous UNVULNERABLE unvulnerableUnvulnerable, a. that cannot be wounded UNWAKENED unwakenedUnwakened, a. not waked, not roused from sleep UNWALLED unwalledUnwalled, a. not having walled, open, bare UNWARILY unwarilyUnwarily, ad. without proper caution, carelessly UNWARINESS unwarinessUnwariness, n. a want of due caution, carelessness UNWARLIKE unwarlikeUnwarlike, a. not like or fit for war, impotent UNWARNED unwarnedUnwarned, a. not warned, not cautioned UNWARRANTABLE unwarrantableUnwarrantable, a. unjustifiable, indefensible UNWARRANTABLY unwarrantablyUnwarrantably, ad. not justifiably, wrong UNWARRANTED unwarrantedUnwarranted, a. not warranted, uncertain UNWARY unwaryUnwary, a. wanting caution, precipitate, hasty UNWASHED unwashed|unwashenUnwashed, or Unwashen, a. not washed, dirty UNWASTED unwastedUnwasted, a. not diminished, not lessened UNWASTING unwastingUnwasting, a. not wasting, not growing less UNWAYED unwayedUnwayed, a. not used to travelling or the road, ob. UNWEAKENED unweakenedUnweakened, a. not weakened, not lessened UNWEAPONED unweaponedUnweaponed, a. not furnished with arms, weak UNWEARIABLE unweariableUnweariable, a. that cannot be tired or fatigued UNWEARIED unweariedUnwearied, a. untired, indefatigable, refreshed UNWEARIEDLY unweariedlyUnweariedly, ad. without fatigue or remission UNWEARY unwearyUnweary, v.t. to refresh after weariness; a. not weary UNWED unwed|unweddedUnwed, or Unwedded, a. unmarried, single UNWEDGEABLE unwedgeableUnwedgeable, a. not to to be cloven by wedges UNWEEDED unweededUnweeded, a. not cleared from weeds, foul UNWEETING unweetingUnweeting, a. unknowing, insensible, ignorant UNWEIGHED unweighedUnweighed, a. not weighed, not considered UNWEIGHING unweighingUnweighing, a. inconsiderate, thoughtless, idle UNWELCOME unwelcomeUnwelcome, a. not pleasing, not at all grateful UNWELL unwellUnwell, a. not well, disordered, sick, afflicted UNWEPT unwept|unweepedUnwept, or Unweeped, a. not wept, not lamented UNWET unwetUnwet, a. not wet, not moist, dry, hard UNWHIPT unwhiptUnwhipt, a. not whipped, not corrected UNWHOLESOME unwholesomeUnwholesome, a. not wholesome, unhealthy UNWHOLESOMENESS unwholesomenessUnwholesomeness, n. an unwholesome state UNWIELDINESS unwieldinessUnwieldiness, n. a difficulty to move or be moved UNWIELDY unwieldyUnwieldy, ad. heavily, with great difficulty UNWIELDY (2) unwieldy (2)Unwieldy, a. unmanageable, bulky, ponderous UNWILLED unwilledUnwilled, a. not produced by the will UNWILLING unwillingUnwilling, a. not willing, not inclined, loth UNWILLINGLY unwillinglyUnwillingly, ad. not with good will, backwardly UNWILLINGNESS unwillingnessUnwillingness, n. a disinclination, backwardness UNWIND unwindUnwind, v.t. unwound, pret. unwound, pa. to untwist, untwine, disentangle UNWIPED unwipedUnwiped, a. not wiped, not cleaned, dirty, foul UNWISE unwiseUnwise, a. defective in wisdom, weak, foolish UNWISELY unwiselyUnwisely, ad. not wisely, ad. not wisely, imprudently, simply UNWISH unwishUnwish, v.t. to wish what is not to be, to revoke UNWISHED unwishedUnwished, pa. not desired, not sought UNWIST unwistUnwist, a. unthought of unapprized UNWIT unwitUnwit, v.t. to deprive of wit or understanding UNWITHDRAWING unwithdrawingUnwithdrawing, a. continuing liberal or kind UNWITHSTOOD unwithstoodUnwithstood, a. not opposed, not resisted UNWITNESSED unwitnessedUnwitnessed, a. wanting evidence or due notice UNWITTINGLY unwittinglyUnwittingly, ad. not willingly, ignorantly UNWITTY unwittyUnwitty, a. destitute of wit, coarse, homely UNWONTED unwontedUnwonted, a. uncommon, unusual, rare UNWORKING unworkingUnworking, a. living without work or labor UNWORSHIPPED unworshippedUnworshipped, a. not adorned, not duly honored UNWORTHILY unworthilyUnworthily, ad. without due regard, vilely UNWORTHINESS unworthinessUnworthiness, n. a want of due merit, vileness UNWORTHY unworthyUnworthy, a. undeserving, unsuitable, mean, vile UNWOUND unwoundUnwound, pa. untwisted, untwined UNWOUNDED unwoundedUnwounded, a. not wounded, unhurt, very safe UNWREATH unwreathUnwreath, v.t. to untwist, untwine, disengage UNWRINKLE unwrinkleUnwrinkle, v.t. to reduce wrinkles, make smooth UNWRITING unwritingUnwriting, a. not pretending to be an author UNWRITTEN unwrittenUnwritten, a. not written, traditional, verbal UNWROUGHT unwroughtUnwrought, [unrawt] a. not manufactured UNWRUNG unwrungUnwrung, a. not wrung or pinched, unhurt UNYIELDING unyieldingUnyielding, a. not pliant, not bending UNYOKE unyokeUnyoke, v.t. to loose from a yoke, free, disjoin UNYOKED unyokedUnyoked, pa. a. freed, unrestrained, licentious UNZONED unzonedUnzoned, a. not bound with a girdle, loose, easy UP upUp, ad. out of bed, aloft, above, on UPBEAR upbearUpbear, v.t. upbore, pret. upborne, pa. to raise up or aloft, support, uphold UPBRAID upbraidUpbraid, v.t. to reproach, twit, charge, chide UPBRAIDINGLY upbraidinglyUpbraidingly, ad. by way of reproach, crossly UPCAST upcastUpcast, v.t. upcast, pret. upcast, pa. to cast up, to throw upwards UPCAST (2) upcast (2)Upcast, n. a throw, cast, cast at bowls, event, end UPDRAW updrawUpdraw, v.t. to draw up, raise UPGROW upgrowUpgrow, v.t. to grow up UPHAND uphandUphand, a. lifted up or supported by the hand UPHEAVE upheaveUpheave, v.t. to heave or lift up UPHELD upheldUpheld, pa. sustained, supported, maintained UPHILL uphillUphill, a. difficult, hard, laborious, troublesome UPHOLD upholdUphold, v.t. upheld, pret. upheld, upholden, pa. to lift on high, support, save, keep UPHOLDER upholderUpholder, n. a supporter, defender, undertaker UPHOLSTERER upholstererUpholsterer, n. one who furnishes houses, beds, UPLAND uplandUpland, n. higher ground; a. higher, high, raised UPLANDISH uplandishUplandish, a. mountainous, hilly, high, ascending UPLAY uplayUplay, v.t. uplaid, pret. uplaid, pa. to lay up, hoard up, preserve, secure UPLEAD upleadUplead, v.t. to conduct upwards UPLIFT upliftUplift, v.t. uplift, uplifted, pret. and pa. to lift up or high, raise aloft, raise UPMOST upmostUpmost, a. uppermost, topmost, highest, chiefest UPON uponUpon, pr. on, not under, with respect to, near to UPPER upperUpper, a. higher in place, superior to, leading UPPERLETHER upperletherUpperlether, n. the upper soft lether of a shoe UPPERMOST uppermostUppermost, a. highest in place, power, first UPPISH uppishUppish, a. proud, lofty, high, haughty, arrogant UPPISHNESS uppishnessUppishness, n. pride, loftiness, haughtiness UPRAISE upraiseUpraise, v.t. to raise up, exalt, advance, promote UPREAR uprearUprear, v.t. to rear or raise on high, to build up UPRIGHT uprightUpright, n. an upright post, model, draft UPRIGHT (2) upright (2)Upright, a. set strait up, erected, honest, just UPRIGHTEOUSLY uprighteouslyUprighteously, ad. in an upright manner UPRIGHTLY uprightlyUprightly, ad. perpendicularly, honestly, justly UPRIGHTNESS uprightnessUprightness, n. perpendicularity, honesty, truth UPRISE upriseUprise, v.i. uprose, pret. uprisen, pa. to rise from a seat, come up, ascend UPRISE (2) uprise (2)|uprisingUprise, or Uprising, n. the act or time of rising UPROAR uproarUproar, n. tumult, confusion; v.t. to confuse UPROLLED uprolledUprolled, a. rolled up UPROOT uprootUproot, v.t. to root up, grub up, tear up, destroy UPROUSE uprouseUprouse, v.i. to awaken from sleep, to excite UPSHOT upshotUpshot, n. a conclusion, end, event, amount, total UPSIDE upsideUpside, n. the upper side, the upper or near part UPSPRING upspringUpspring, v.t. to spring up UPSPRING (2) upspring (2)Upspring, n. a man suddenly raised or exalted UPSTAND upstandUpstand, v.i. upstood, pret. upstood, pa. to stand up, to stand or be erected UPSTART upstartUpstart, v.i. to start or spring up suddenly UPSTART (2) upstart (2)Upstart, n. one who is suddenly raised to wealth UPSTAY upstayUpstay, v.t. upstaid, upstayed, pret. and pa. to sustain, support, uphold, defend UPSWARM upswarmUpswarm, v.t. to raise in a swarm, to rouse up UPTURN upturnUpturn, v.t. to turn or throw up, to furrow UPWARD upwardUpward, a. directed higher, more; ad. more; n. the top UPWHIRLED upwhirledUpwhirled, a. whirled upwards URAL ural|uralianUral, or Uralian, a. noting a chain of mountains which divide Europe from Asia, on the North URANITE uraniteUranite, [u as yu] n. a metal of a dark gray color URANITIC uraniticUranitic, a. pertaining to uranite URBANITY urbanityUrbanity, n. politeness, elegance, civility URCEOLATE urceolateUrceolate, a. shaped like a pitcher URCHIN urchinUrchin, n. a hedgehog, brat, child in anger, URETER ureterUreter, [u as yu] n. practice, use, custom, habit, fate URETHRA urethraUrethra, [u as yu] n. a tube for the passage of the urine URGE urgeUrge, v.t. to press, solicit, ask, incite, provoke URGENCY urgencyUrgency, n. a pressure of difficulty or haste URGENT urgentUrgent, a. pressing, earnest, importunate, eager URGENTLY urgentlyUrgently, ad. closely, eagerly, vehemently, violently URGER urgerUrger, n. one who urges, one who incites URINAL urinalUrinal, [u as yu] n. a bottle to keep urine for inspection URINARY urinaryUrinary, a. relating or belonging to urine URINATIVE urinativeUrinative, a. working by or provoking urine URINATOR urinatorUrinator, n. one who swims under water, a diver URINE urineUrine, n. animal water; v.i. to make water URINOUS urinousUrinous, a. partaking of or like urine URN urnUrn, n. a vessel for the ashes of the dead, UROSCOPY uroscopyUroscopy, n. an examination made of urine URRY urryUrry, n. a kind of black clay found near coals URSA ursaUrsa, n. the bear, a constellation, greater and lesser, near the North Pole URSIFORM ursiformUrsiform, a. in shape like a bear URSINE ursineUrsine, a. pertaining to a bear URSULINE ursulineUrsuline, a. denoting an order of nuns URUS urus|ureUrus, or Ure, n. the wild bull US usUs, pron. oblique case of we USAGE usageUsage, [u as yu] n. custom, fashion, practice, treatment USAGER usagerUsager, n. one who has any thing in trust only USANCE usanceUsance, [u as yu] n. use, usury, interest for money, a space USE useUse, [yuse] n. service, employment, practice, interest USE (2) use (2)Use, [yuze] v.t. to employ, frequent, treat, behave USEFUL usefulUseful, a. serviceable, conducive, convenient USEFULLY usefullyUsefully, ad. in a way so as to help, serviceably USEFULNESS usefulnessUsefulness, n. a conduciveness to some end, use USELESS uselessUseless, a. answering no end or purpose, vain USELESSLY uselesslyUselessly, ad. without answering any good end USELESSNESS uselessnessUselessness, n. unserviceableness, unprofitableness USER userUser, n. one who uses, one who employs USHER usherUsher, n. an under-teacher, introducer, servant USHER (2) usher (2)Usher, v.t. to introduce, bring in, forerun USQUEBAUGH usquebaughUsquebaugh, n. a compound hot spirit USTION ustionUstion, n. the act of burning, a burnt state, heat USTORIOUS ustoriousUstorious, a. having the quality of burning, hot USUAL usualUsual, [u as yu] a. common, customary, frequent USUALLY usuallyUsually, a. commonly, customarily, generally USUALNESS usualnessUsualness, n. a usual state, commonness USUCAPTION usucaptionUsucaption, [u as yu] n. acquisition by long use USUFRUCT usufructUsufruct, [u as yu] n. a temporary use or profit of a thing USUFRUCTUARY usufructuaryUsufructuary, n. one who has a temporary use USURE usureUsure, [u as yu] v.i. to practice or encourage usury USURER usurerUsurer, n. one who practices usury, a mean wretch USURIOUS usuriousUsurious, a. exorbitantly greedy, griping, mean Usuriousness, n. a desire of exorbitant profit USURP usurpUsurp, [u as yu] v.t. to hold without right, to seize upon by violence USURPATION usurpationUsurpation, n. an illegal possession, seizure, force USURPER usurperUsurper, n. one who possesses another's right USURPINGLY usurpinglyUsurpingly, ad. without just claim or right USURY usuryUsury, [u as yu] n. money paid for the use of money beyond lawful interest UTERINE uterineUterine, [u as yu] a. belonging to the womb, related UTILITY utilityUtility, [u as yu] n. usefulness, convenience, profit, worth UTIS utisUtis, n. a bustle, stir, noise, disturbance, ob. UTMOST utmostUtmost, a. highest, most; n. most that can be UTOPIAN utopianUtopian, [u as yu] a. chimerical, imaginary, fancied UTRICLE utricleUtricle, [u as yu] n. a small bag, cell or bottle UTRICULAR utricularUtricular, a. furnished with glandular vessels like small bags or bottles UTRONEOUS utroneousUtroneous, a. spontaneous, voluntary, willing, free UTTER utterUtter, a. outward, extreme, complete, full, entire UTTER (2) utter (2)Utter, v.t. to speak, say, discover, sell, publish UTTERABLE utterableUtterable, a. that may be uttered or expressed UTTERANCE utteranceUtterance, n. a pronunciation, salt, extremity UTTERER uttererUtterer, n. a speaker, divulger, discoverer, seller UTTERLY utterlyUtterly, ad. perfectly, completely, fully, entirely UTTERMOST uttermostUttermost, a. utmost, most remote, extreme UTTERMOST (2) uttermost (2)Uttermost, n. the greatest degree, the worst part UXORIOUS uxoriousUxorious, a. submissive to or very fond of a wife UXORIOUSLY uxoriouslyUxoriously, ad. fondly submissive to a wife UXORIOUSNESS uxoriousnessUxoriousness, n. fond submission to a wife