QUAB quabQuab, n. a fish in Russian rivers QUACHILTO quachiltoQuachilto, n. a beautiful bird in S. America QUACK quackQuack, v.i. to cry like a duck, brag, physic QUACK (2) quack (2)Quack, n. a bold but ignorant pretender to phsic QUACKERY quackeryQuackery, n. mean or bad acts in physic, deceit QUACKSALVER quacksalverQuacksalver, n. a man who boasts of salves, ob. QUADRAGESIMA quadragesimaQuadragesima, n. Lent consisting of 4 days QUADRAGESIMAL quadragesimalQuadragesimal, a. belonging to or used in Lent QUADRANGLE quadrangleQuadrangle, n. a figure that has four right angles QUADRANGULAR quadrangularQuadrangular, a. having four right angles QUADRANT quadrantQuadrant, n. a fourth part, a marine instrument, and arch of 9 degrees, a piece of metal to fill space in printing QUADRANTAL quadrantalQuadrantal, a. having a fourth part of a circle QUADRAT quadratQuadrat, n. an instrument called geometrical square QUADRATE quadrateQuadrate, a. square, suited, fitted, adapted QUADRATE (2) quadrate (2)Quadrate, v.i. to square, suit, fit, agree QUADRATIC quadraticQuadratic, a. relating to or including a square QUADRATURE quadratureQuadrature, n. the act of squaring, squareness, the quartering of the moon QUADRENNIAL quadrennialQuadrennial, a. happening once every four years QUADRIBLE quadribleQuadrible, a. that may be squared or completed QUADRICAPSULAR quadricapsularQuadricapsular, a. having four capsules QUADRIDENTATE quadridentateQuadridentate, a. having four indentations QUADRIFID quadrifidQuadrifid, a. divided into four segments QUADRIJUGOUS quadrijugousQuadrijugous, a. having four pair or pair of petioles QUADRILATERAL quadrilateralQuadrilateral, a. having four sides or angles QUADRILITERAL quadriliteralQuadriliteral, a. consisting of five letters QUADRILL quadrillQuadrill, n. a game at cards QUADRILOBE quadrilobeQuadrilobe, a. having four lobes QUADRILOCULAR quadrilocularQuadrilocular, a. having four cells for seeds QUADRIPARTITE quadripartiteQuadripartite, a. divided into four parts QUADRIPARTITION quadripartitionQuadripartition, n. dividing into four equal parts QUADRIREME quadriremeQuadrireme, n. a vessel with four benches of oars QUADRIVALVULAR quadrivalvular|quadrivalveQuadrivalvular, or Quadrivalve, a. having four valves QUADROON quadroonQuadroon, n. the offspring of a mulatto woman by a white man QUADRUM quadrumQuadrum, n. a gritstone with a calcerous cement QUADRUPED quadrupedQuadruped, n. any beast going on four feet QUADRUPLE quadrupleQuadruple, a. fourfold, told or taken four times QUADRUPLICATE quadruplicateQuadruplicate, a. fourfold, four times repeated QUADRUPLICATE (2) quadruplicate (2)Quadruplicate, v.t. to make fourfold QUADRUPLY quadruplyQuadruply, ad. in a fourfold state of proportion QUAFF quaffQuaff, v.t. to drink, drink hard, tipple, tope QUAFFER quafferQuaffer, v.i. to feel out; n. a person who quaffs QUAGGY quaggyQuaggy, a. boggy, swampy, fenny, marshy, soft QUAGMIRE quagmireQuagmire, n. a bog, boggy place, shaking marsh QUAHOG quahogQuahog, n. the popular name of a large clam QUAIL quailQuail, n. a bird; v. to languish, crush, quell, ob. QUAILPIPE quailpipeQuailpipe, n. a pipe used to allure quails by QUAINT quaintQuaint, a. nice, pretty, subtle, artful, exact, odd QUAINTLY quaintlyQuaintly, ad. nicely, prettily, artfully, exactly QUAINTNESS quaintnessQuaintness, n. a petty elegance, nicety, subtility QUAKE quakeQuake, v.i. to shake with cold or fear; n. a shudder QUAKER quakerQuaker, n. one of the sect of friends QUAKERISM quakerismQuakerism, n. the system or manners of quakers QUALIFICATION qualificationQualification, n. an accomplishment, a capacity QUALIFY qualifyQualify, v.t. to make fit, lessen, abate, soften QUALITY qualityQuality, n. nature relatively considered, property, efficacy, rank, birth, temper, disposition QUALM qualmQualm, n. a sudden fit of sickness, a faintness QUALMISH qualmishQualmish, a. seized with a sickly languor, sick QUAMIFORM quamiformQuamiform, a. in the shape of scales QUANDARY quandaryQuandary, n. a doubt, uncertainty, difficulty QUANTITIVE quantitiveQuantitive, a. valued according to the quantity QUANTITY quantityQuantity, n. bulk, weight, a part, protion, measure of time observed in pronouncing syllables QUANTUM quantumQuantum, n. a quantity, amount, sufficiency QUARANTIN quarantinQuarantin, n. restraint of intercourse imposed on a vessel arriving in port, originally 4 days QUARANTIN (2) quarantin (2)Quarantin, v.t. to restrain a vessel from intercourse QUARREL quarrelQuarrel, n. a brawl, dispute, contest, strife, scuffle QUARREL (2) quarrel (2)Quarrel, v.i. to brawl, debat, find fault, fight QUARRELOUS quarrelous|quarrelsomeQuarrelous, or Quarrelsome, a. inclined to quarrel QUARRELSOMENESS quarrelsomenessQuarrelsomeness, n. a quarrelsome disposition QUARRY quarryQuarry, n. a stone mine, kind of arrow, square QUARRY (2) quarry (2)Quarry, v.t. to dig from a quarry, (to prey upon, ob.) QUARRYMAN quarrymanQuarryman, n. one who digs stones in a quarry QUART quartQuart, n. a fourth part of a gallon, a sequence QUART quartQuart, n. a fourth part of a gallon, a sequence QUARTAN quartanQuartan, n. a fourth day argue; a. every fourth day QUARTATION quartationQuartation, n. the process or refining a metal by mixing one fourth with three fourths of another metal QUARTER quarterQuarter, n. a fourthpart, measure of eight bushels, timber, mercy, part, region QUARTER (2) quarter (2)Quarter, v.t. to divide or break into four parts, lodge, diet, station, fix, bear as an appendage QUARTERAGE quarterageQuarterage, n. a quarterly allowance or payment QUARTERDAY quarterdayQuarterday, n. the day that completes three months or quarter of a year QUARTERDECK quarterdeckQuarterdeck, n. the short upper deck of a ship QUARTERLY quarterlyQuarterly, a. happening every three months QUARTERLY (2) quarterly (2)Quarterly, ad. once in the quarter of a year QUARTERMASTER quartermasterQuartermaster, n. one who regulates quarters for men QUARTERN quarternQuartern, n. the fourth part of a pint QUARTERS quartersQuarters, n. lodgings, a station QUARTERSTAFF quarterstaffQuarterstaff, n. an ancient staff of defense QUARTILE quartileQuartile, n. an aspect of planets distant one fourth of a circle or 9 degrees QUARTO quartoQuarto, n. the size of a sheet when twice doubled QUARTZ quartzQuartz, n. a siliceous stone so hard as to emit sparks with steel QUARTZOUS quartzous|quartzy|quartzoseQuartzous, or Quartzy, or Quartzose, a. pertaining to or like quartz QUASH quashQuash, v. to crush, subdue, annul, be shaken QUATE quateQuate, n. an instrument of play, a quoit QUATERCONFIN quaterconfinQuaterconfin, n. a distant relation, a friend QUATERN quaternQuatern, a. consisting of four QUATERNARY quaternary|quaternion|quaternityQuaternary, or Quaternion, or Quaternity, n. number four QUATRAIN quatrainQuatrain, n. four lines that rhyme alternately QUAVER quaverQuaver, v.i. to shake the voice, to vibrate QUAVER (2) quaver (2)Quaver, n. a note in music, a shake QUAY quayQuay, n. a key for landing goods at QUEAN queanQuean, n. a low worthless woman, strumpet, drab QUEASINESS queasinessQueasiness, n. a sickness of stomach, greasiness QUEASY queasyQueasy, a. squeamish, fastidious, greasy QUECK queckQueck, v.i. to shrink, show pain, ob. QUEEN queenQueen, v.i. to shrink, show pain, ob. QUEEN (2) queen (2)Queen, n. the wife of a king, a sovereign princess QUEENBEE queenbeeQueenbee, n. the chief bee in swarm QUEER queerQueer, a. odd, strange, particular, droll, original QUEERLY queerlyQueerly, ad. oddly, strangely, particularly, shily QUEERNESS queernessQueerness, n. oddness, strangeness, particularity QUELL quellQuell, v. to crush, subdue, appease; n. murder QUELLER quellerQueller, n. one who crushes or subdues QUELQUECHOSE quelquechoseQuelquechose, n. a trifle, mere trifle, kickshaw QUENCH quenchQuench, v.t. quenched, quencht, pret. and pa. to extinguish, cool, allay, destroy QUENCHABLE quenchableQuenchable, a. that may be quenched or cooled QUENCHER quencherQuencher, n. one who or that which quenches QUENCHLESS quenchlessQuenchless, a. that cannot be extinguished QUERCITRON quercitronQuercitron, n. the yellow oak of America QUERELE quereleQuerele, n. a complaint made to a court, a writ QUERIMONIOUS querimoniousQuerimonious, a. complaining, making moan QUERIMONIOUSLY querimoniouslyQuerimoniously, ad. with complaint or moan QUERIST queristQuerist, n. an inquirer, an asker of questions QUERN quern|quernsQuern, or Querns, n. a handmill, a churn QUERPO querpoQuerpo, n. a dress close to the body, a waistcoat QUERULOUS querulousQuerulous, a. habitually complaining, mournful QUERULOUSLY querulouslyQuerulously, ad. by way of complaint QUERULOUSNESS querulousnessQuerulousness, n. a complaining mournfully QUERY queryQuery, n. a question, a doubt put to be cleared up QUERY (2) query (2)Query, v.t. to put or ask questions, to doubt of QUEST questQuest, n. a search, (empannelled jury, request, ob.) QUESTANT questant|questristQuestant, or Questrist, n. a seeker, inquirer, ob. QUESTION questionQuestion, n. an interrogatory, inquiry, doubt QUESTION (2) question (2)Question, v.t. to ask, inquire, examin, doubt QUESTIONABLE questionableQuestionable, a. doubtful, disputable, suspicious QUESTIONARY questionaryQuestionary, a. asking questions, inquiring QUESTIONLESS questionlessQuestionless, ad. without doubt or controversy QUESTMAN questmanQuestman, n. a stater of lawsuits, inquirer, officer QUESTOR questorQuestor, n. an officer, a Roman public treasurer QUESTORSHIP questorshipQuestorship, n. the office of a Roman treasurer QUESTUARY questuaryQuestuary, a. studious of profit, greedy, ob. QUIB quibQuib, n. a sarcasm, gibe, taunt QUIBBLE quibbleQuibble, v.i. to equivocate, to pun; n. an evasion, a pun QUIBBLER quibblerQuibbler, n. an equivocator, shuffler, punster QUICK quickQuick, a. swift, active, ready, living; ad. readily QUICK (2) quick (2)Quick, n. any sensible part, living flesh, a plant QUICKEN quickenQuicken, v. to make or become alive, to hasten QUICKENER quickenerQuickener, n. who or what quickens, or hastens QUICKLIME quicklimeQuicklime, n. lime unquenched or unslaked QUICKLY quicklyQuickly, ad. nimbly, speedily, soon, immediately QUICKNESS quicknessQuickness, n. speed, briskness, readiness, pungency QUICKSAND quicksandQuicksand, n. a sinking or shaking sand QUICKSET quicksetQuickset, n. a thorn-plant set to grow QUICKSIGHTED quicksightedQuicksighted, a. having a sharp sight, keen QUICKSIGHTEDNESS quicksightednessQuicksightedness, n. sharpness of sight QUICKSILVER quicksilverQuicksilver, n. a white fluid mineral, mercury QUICKSILVERED quicksilveredQuicksilvered, a. overlaid with quicksilver QUIDDITY quiddityQuiddity, n. the essence, a trifling nicety, a cavil Quid pro quo, latin in law a consideration or equivalent QUIESCENCE quiescence|quiescencyQuiescence, or Quiescency, n. quiet, rest, repose QUIESCENT quiescentQuiescent, a. quiet, still, resting, lying in repose QUIET quietQuiet, a. still, calm, easy, unmolested, safe QUIET (2) quiet (2)Quiet, n. rest, repose, tranquility, ease, security QUIET (3) quiet (3)Quiet, v.t. to still, calm, pacify, lull, put to rest QUIETISM quietismQuietism, n. the opinion of the Quietists, quiet QUIETIST quietistQuietist, n. one who places religion in quiet QUIETLY quietlyQuietly, ad. calmly, peaceably, gently, securely QUIETNESS quietness|quietudeQuietness, or Quietude, n. calm, rest, repose QUIETUS quietusQuietus, n. a full discharge, answer, rest, death QUILL quillQuill, n. the hard and strong fether of the wing QUILLET quilletQuillet, n. a subtility, nicety, quibble QUILT quiltQuilt, n. the cover of a bed; v.t. to few two cloths QUINARY quinaryQuinary, a. consisting of or relating to five QUINCE quinceQuince, n. the name of a tree or its fruit QUINCUNX quincunxQuincunx, n. a fort of plantation, order, five twelfths of any thing QUINDECAGON quindecagonQuindecagon, n. a figure, with 15 sides and 15 angles QUINDECEMVIRATE quindecemvirateQuindecemvirate, n. the office of fifteen QUINDECEMVIRS quindecemvirsQuindecemvirs, n. fifteen officers in Rome who presided over sacrifices QUINQUAGESIMA quinquagesimaQuinquagesima, n. a name of Shrove-sunday QUINQUANGULAR quinquangularQuinquangular, a. having five corners or sides QUINQUARTICULAR quinquarticularQuinquarticular, a. consisting of five articles QUINQUECAPSULAR quinquecapsularQuinquecapsular, a. having five capsules QUINQUEDENTATE quinquedentateQuinquedentate, a. divided into five segments QUINQUEFARIOUS quinquefariousQuinquefarious, a. opening into five parts QUINQUELOBE quinquelobeQuinquelobe, a. having five lobes, or convex segments QUINQUELOCULAR quinquelocularQuinquelocular, a. having five cells for seeds QUINQUENNIAL quinquennialQuinquennial, a. lasting or happening in 5 years QUINQUEPARTITE quinquepartiteQuinquepartite, a. divided into five parts QUINQUESID quinquesidQuinquesid, a. divided into five parts QUINQUEVALVULAR quinquevalvular|quinquevalveQuinquevalvular, or Quinquevalve, a. having five valves QUINQUEVIRS quinquevirsQuinquevirs, n. five priests in Rome who sacrificed to the dead QUINSY quinsyQuinsy, n. a very dangerous disease in the throat QUINT quintQuint, n. a sequence of five used at piquet QUINTAIN quintain|quintinQuintain, or Quintin, n. a post with a turning top QUINTAL quintalQuintal, n. a hundred pounds, a kentle QUINTESSENCE quintessenceQuintessence, n. the virtue of any thing extracted QUINTESSENTIAL quintessentialQuintessential, a. consisting to the quintessence QUINTILE quintileQuintile, n. the aspect of planets distant 72 degrees or a fifth part of a circle QUINTUPLE quintupleQuintuple, a. fiveforl, told or holding five times QUIP quipQuip, v.t. to rally; n. a carcasm, give, sharp jest, ob. QUIRE quireQuire, n. a body of fingers, twenty-four sheets QUIRE (2) quire (2)Quire, v.i. to sing in concert or in a body QUIRISTER quiristerQuirister, n. one who sings in concert, a chorister QUIRK quirkQuirk, n. a subtilty, nicety, quibble, light tune QUIRPEL quirpelQuirpel, n. the Indian ferret, an animal of the weesel kind QUIT quitQuit, v.t. quit, quitted, pret. quit quitted, pa. to leave, remove, discharge, give up QUITCLAIM quitclaimQuitclaim, n. a release of claim by deed QUITCLAIM (2) quitclaim (2)Quitclaim, v.t. to release a claim to an estate by deed QUITE quiteQuite, ad. completely, entirely; v.t. to repay QUITRENT quitrentQuitrent, n. a small rent reserved to manors QUITS quitsQuits, ad. quite even in bets, upon equal terms QUITTANCE quittanceQuittance, n. a discharge from a debt, a receipt, ob. QUITTANCE (2) quittance (2)Quittance, v.t. to repay, return, requite, ob. QUIVER quiverQuiver, n. a case for arrows; (a. nimble active, ob.) QUIVER (2) quiver (2)Quiver, v.t. to shake, tremble, shiver, shudder QUIVERED quiveredQuivered, a. sheathed in or having a quiver QUOB quobQuob, v.i. to move as an embryo, not used QUODLIBET quodlibetQuodlibet, n. a subtility, nice point, quirk, pun QUOIF quoifQuoif, v.t. to dress with a headdress, to cap QUOIF (2) quoif (2)|quoiffureQuoif, or Quoiffure, n. a kind of headdress, a cap QUOIN quoinQuoin, n. a corner, wedge, warlike instrument QUOIT quoitQuoit, n. a kind of horseshow to pitch at a mark QUOIT (2) quoit (2)Quoit, v. to play at quoits, throw, cast, pitch QUOLL quollQuoll, n. an animal like the polecat in N. Holland QUONDAM quondamQuondam, a. having been foremerly, former, old QUORUM quorumQuorum, n. a special commission of justices, the number of members of a council or corporation required to transact business QUOTA quotaQuota, n. a share, rate, proportion, part, sum QUOTATION quotationQuotation, n. a citation, passage quoted, passage QUOTE quoteQuote, v.t. to cite or recite the words of another QUOTER quoterQuoter, n. one who quotes or cites from another QUOTH quothQuoth, verb. imperf. for say or said QUOTIDIAN quotidianQuotidian, n. daily, happening every day QUOTIDIAN (2) quotidian (2)Quotidian, n. a fever which returns every day QUOTIENT quotientQuotient, n. the number arising from a division QUURBATOS quurbatosQuurbatos, n. a bird in Africa like the king-fisher