NAB nabNab, v.t. to catch by surprise, catch, bite NABOB nabobNabob, n. a prince in India, subordinate to the subahs, a man of great wealth NADIR nadirNadir, n. the point opposit to the zenith NAG nagNag, n. a faddle-horse, a little or young horse NAID naidNaid, n. a water nymph NAIL nailNail, n. a kind of horn on the fingers and toes, iron pin, stud, boss, the 16th part of a yard NAIL (2) nail (2)Nail, v.t. to fasten, secure or stud with nails NAILER nailerNailer, n. a maker or dealer in nails NAKED nakedNaked, a. uncovered, bare, unarmed, open, plain NAKEDLY nakedlyNakedly, ad. barely, simply, plainly, evidently NAKEDNESS nakednessNakedness, n. a want of covering, plain evidence NAMAZ namazNamaz, n. the common prayer used by the Turks NAME nameName, v.t. to mention by name, call, utter, tell NAME (2) name (2)Name, n. an appellation, title, reputation, renown NAMELESS namelessNameless, a. having no name, unnamed NAMELY namelyNamely, ad. particularly, to wit, that is to say NAMER namerNamer, n. one who names, one who appoints NAMESAKE namesakeNamesake, n. a person who is of the same name NANKEEN nankeenNankeen, n. a species of cotton cloth from China NAP napNap, n. a short sleep, a down on cloth NAP (2) nap (2)Nap, v. to take a nap, be off one's guard, raise, cheat NAPE napeNape, n. the joint of the neck behind NAPHTHA naphthaNaphtha, n. a bituminous mineral, very inflammable NAPKIN napkinNapkin, n. linen to wipe the face or hands on NAPLESS naplessNapless, a. threadbare, much worn, shabby NAPPY nappyNappy, a. having a nap, soft, frothy, spumy NARCISSUS narcissusNarcissus, n. a fine flower, the daffodil-flower NARCOTIC narcoticNarcotic, a. stupifying, opiate, causing sleep, easing NARCOTIC (2) narcotic (2)Narcotic, n. a stupifying medicin, an opiate NARD nardNard, n. an odoriferous shrub, a sweet ointment NARE nareNare, n. a natural cavity in the nose, a nostril NARRABLE narrableNarrable, a. that may be related or told NARRATION narration|narrativeNarration, or Narrative, n. an account, relation, history NARRATIVE (2) narrative (2)Narrative, a. relating, descriptive, expressive NARRATIVELY narrativelyNarratively, ad. by way of narrative or relation NARRATOR narratorNarrator, n. a relater, teller, reciter, repeater NARROW narrowNarrow, a. not broad, not wide, covetous, near NARROW (2) narrow (2)Narrow, v.t. to contract, limit, diminish, cut NARROWLY narrowlyNarrowly, ad. closely, nearly, sparingly, meanly NARROWMINDED narrowmindedNarrowminded, a. meanspirited, ungenerous NARROWNESS narrownessNarrowness, n. a want of breadth, meanness, greediness NARROWS narrowsNarrows, n. a strait or narrow passage NARWAL narwalNarwal, n. the sea unicorn, a fish with a horn projecting from its nose NASAL nasalNasal, a. belonging or relating to the nose NASCENT nascentNascent, a. beginning to exist or grow NASEBERRY naseberryNaseberry, n. a species of tree NASTILY nastilyNastily, ad. dirtily, filthily, obscenely, lewdly NASTINESS nastinessNastiness, n. dirtiness, filthiness, filth, obscenity NASTURTION nasturtionNasturtion, n. a species of cress NASTY nastyNasty, a. dirty, filthy, nauseous, obscene, lewd NASUS nasusNasus, n. a fish like the chub NATAL natalNatal, a. relating to nativity or birth, native NATALITIOUS natalitiousNatalitious, a. relating to a person's birthday NATANT natantNatant, a. swimming, floating on water NATATION natationNatation, n. a swimming, the act of swimming NATHLESS nathlessNathless, ad. nevertheless, notwithstanding, ob. NATION nationNation, n. a body, of people united under one prince or government, or their state or kingdom NATIONAL nationalNational, a. public, favoring one's own people NATIONALLY nationallyNationally, ad. with regard to a whole nation NATIVE nativeNative, n. one born in any place; a. natural, real NATIVITY nativityNativity, n. birth, bondage, a figure, a position NATRON natronNatron, n. soda or mineral alkali NATURAL naturalNatural, a. produced by nature, baseborn, easy NATURAL (2) natural (2)Natural, n. an idiot, fool, native quality or gift NATURALIST naturalistNaturalist, n. one who studies natural philosophy NATURALIZATION naturalizationNaturalization, n. admission to native privileges NATURALIZE naturalizeNaturalize, v.t. to admit to native privileges NATURALLY naturallyNaturally, ad. without affectation, spontaneously NATURALNESS naturalnessNaturalness, n. natural state of any thing, constitution, disposition, regular course, state or systen of the world, natural affection, sort, kind NAUGHT naughtNaught, a. worthless, corrupt, lewd; n. nothing NAUGHTILY naughtilyNaughtily, ad. badly, corruptly, wickedly, vilely NAUGHTINESS naughtinessNaughtiness, a. badness, wickedness, lewdness NAUGHTY naughtyNaughty, a. bad, corrupt, wicked, lewd, vile NAUMACHY naumachyNaumachy, n. a seafight, a mock seafight NAUSEA nauseaNausea, n. a sickness at the stomach, a disgust NAUSEATE nauseateNauseate, v. to grow squeamish, loathe, abhor NAUSEATING nauseatingNauseating, n. a nausea, disgust NAUSEOUS nauseousNauseous, a. loathsome, disgustful, offensive NAUSEOUSLY nauseouslyNauseously, ad. with disgust, offensively, badly NAUSEOUSNESS nauseousnessNauseousness, n. loathsomeness, disgust, hatred NAUTICAL nauticalNautical, a. pertaining to seamen or ships NAUTILUS nautilusNautilus, n. a shellfish that has oars and a sail NAVAL navalNaval, a. consisting of or belonging to ships NAVE naveNave, n. the middle part of a wheel or church NAVEL navelNavel, n. a part of the body, middle, center NAVELSTRING navelstringNavelstring, n. the ligament which attaches a fetus to the parent NAVELWORT navelwortNavelwort, n. a plant of several kinds NAVEW navewNavew, n. a plant, a species of cabbage NAVICULAR navicularNavicular, a. shaped like a boat, cymbiform NAVIGABLE navigableNavigable, a. passable for ships or boats NAVIGATE navigateNavigate, v. to sail, manage, direct, pilot ships NAVIGATION navigationNavigation, n. the act or art of passing by water NAVIGATOR navigatorNavigator, n. a seaman, one who pilots a ship NAVY navyNavy, n. a fleet of ships of war only, a force by sea NAY nayNay, ad. no, by no means, not only so but more NAYWORD naywordNayword, n. a denial, by-word, reproach, jest NAZARENE nazareneNazarene, n. a native of Nazareth, one of a sect of Jews who mingled judaism and christianity NAZARITE nazariteNazarite, n. one of the Jews who professed an extraordinary purity of life and devotion NAZARITISM nazaritismNazaritism, n. the doctrins, and practice of the Nazarites NEAF neafNeaf, n. a feast, hand when clenched, ob. NEAL nealNeal, v.t. to temper by fire or a gradual heat NEAP neapNeap, a. low, decreasing, scanty, deficient NEAPOLITAN neapolitanNeapolitan, n. a native of Naples in Italy NEAPOLITAN (2) neapolitan (2)Neapolitan, a. pertaining to Naples NEAPTIDE neaptideNeaptide, n. a low tide, a short or slack tide NEAR nearNear, a. not distant, close, intimate, niggardly NEAR (2) near (2)|nearlyNear, or Nearly, ad. at hand, closely, sparingly NEARNESS nearnessNearness, n. closeness, niggardliness, avarice NEAT neatNeat, a. clean, spruce, nice; n. an ox, cow, NEATHERD neatherdNeatherd, n. one who keeps herds, a cowkeeper NEATLY neatlyNeatly, ad. cleanly, sprucely, nicely, artfully NEATNESS neatnessNeatness, n. cleanliness, spruceness, elegance NEB nebNeb, n. a nose, mouth, bill or beak of a bird NEBULE nebuleNebule, n. a cloudiness, a thin cloud NEBULOSITY nebulosityNebulosity, n. cloudiness, mistiness NEBULOUS nebulousNebulous, a. cloudy, misty, hazy, dim, dark, dull NECESSARIES necessariesNecessaries, n. pl. things needful to support life NECESSARILY necessarilyNecessarily, ad. from necessity, unavoidably NECESSARY necessaryNecessary, a. needful, proper, conclusive, fatal NECESSITARIAN necessitarianNecessitarian, n. a person who denies free agency NECESSITATE necessitateNecessitate, v.t. to make necessary, compel, force NECESSITATED necessitatedNecessitated, pa. forced by necessity, obliged NECESSITATION necessitationNecessitation, n. a making necessary, compulsion NECESSITOUS necessitousNecessitous, a. pressed with poverty, needy, low NECESSITOUSNESS necessitousness|necessitudeNecessitousness, or Necessitude, n. poverty, want NECESSITY necessityNecessity, n. poverty, want, distress, compulsion NECK neckNeck, n. a part of the body, of land, a point NECKBEEF neckbeefNeckbeef, n. the coarse or hard flesh of the neck NECKCLOTH neckclothNeckcloth, n. a thing worn about men's necks NECKLACE necklaceNecklace, n. a woman's ornament for the neck NECROLOGICAL necrologicalNecrological, a. pertaining to necrology NECROLOGY necrologyNecrology, n. an account of the dead NECROMANCER necromancerNecromancer, n. a magician, a conjurer NECROMANCY necromancyNecromancy, n. magic, conjuration, enchantment NECROMANTIC necromanticNecromantic, a. of or relating to necromancy NECTAR nectarNectar, n. the feigned drink of the gods, a sweet NECTARED nectaredNectared, a. tinged, or mixed with nectar NECTAREOUS nectareous|nectarinNectareous, or Nectarin, a. sweet as nectar, fine NECTARIFEROUS nectariferousNectariferous, a. producing nectaries NECTARIN (2) nectarin (2)Nectarin, n. a very fine fruit of the plum-kind NECTARY nectaryNectary, n. that part of a plant which produces a sweet juce of honey NECTIFEROUS nectiferousNectiferous, a. producing nectar NEED needNeed, v. to want, lack, require, be necessitated NEED (2) need (2)|needinessNeed, or Neediness, n. necessity, want, exigence NEEDER neederNeeder, n. one who needs or wants any thing NEEDFUL needfulNeedful, a. indispensibly requisit, neccessary, fit NEEDFULLY needfullyNeedfully, ad. with need or want, necessarily NEEDILY needilyNeedily, ad. in need, in want, in poverty, in distress NEEDLE needleNeedle, v. to form into needles, as in crystals NEEDLEFISH needlefishNeedlefish, n. a fish with the middle of the body hexangular NEEDLEFUL needlefulNeedleful, n. a short piece of silk, thread, 7c. NEEDLEMAKER needlemaker|needlerNeedlemaker, or Needler, n. one who makes needles NEEDLESS needlessNeedless, a. unnecessary, not requisit, useless NEEDLESSLY needlesslyNeedlessly, ad. without need, unnecessarily NEEDLESSNESS needlessnessNeedlessness, n. an unnecessary state or quality NEEDLEWORK needleworkNeedlework, n. work done with a needle NEEDLY needlyNeedly, n. a thing used for sewing with, a small steel bar or wire used in a mariner's compass NEEDS needsNeeds, ad. from need, necessarily, indispensably NEEDY needyNeedy, a. necessitous, poor, distressed, low NEESE neeseNeese, v.i. to sneeze; n. a nose, cape, headland NEF nefNef, n. the body of a church, a nave of a wheel NEFANDOUS nefandous|nefariousNefandous, or Nefarious, a. abominable, wicked NEGATION negationNegation, n. a denial, a description by negative NEGATIVE negativeNegative, n. a proposition that denies; a. denying NEGATIVE (2) negative (2)Negative, v.t. to deny, refuse, reject, cast out NEGATIVELY negativelyNegatively, ad. with denial, by means of denial NEGLECT neglectNeglect, v.t. to omit, let slip, disregard, slight NEGLECT (2) neglect (2)Neglect, n. omission, carelessness, coldness NEGLECTER neglecterNeglecter, n. one who neglects, one who slights NEGLECTFUL neglectfulNeglectful, a. heedless, inattentive to, regardless of NEGLIGENCE negligenceNegligence, n. a habit of acting carelessly, folly NEGLIGENT negligentNegligent, a. careless, heedless, inattentive, idle NEGLIGENTLY negligentlyNegligently, ad. carelessly, heedlessly, remissly NEGOTIABLE negotiableNegotiable, a. that may be negotiated or passed from one to another by assignment NEGOTIATE negotiate|negociateNegotiate, or Negociate, v.t. to traffic, trade, treat with, transact, make, manage NEGOTIATION negotiationNegotiation, n. a trading, treaty, of business, care NEGOTIATOR negotiatorNegotiator, n. one employed to treat or manage NEGRESS negressNegress, n. a female black or African NEGRO negro|negerNegro, or Neger, n. an African, or his descendant of full blood, a black man NEGUS negusNegus, n. wine, water, sugar, nutmeg and lemon NEIF neifNeif, n. the fist, a bond-woman, a female slave NEIGH neighNeigh, [na] v.i. to cry as a horse NEIGH (2) neigh (2)Neigh, n. the voise of a horse NEIGHBOR neighborNeighbor, [nabor] n. one who lives near another NEIGHBOR (2) neighbor (2)Neighbor, v.i. to live near, border upon, adjoin NEIGHBORHOOD neighborhoodNeighborhood, n. a people or place adjoining NEIGHBORING neighboringNeighboring, a. near, living near NEIGHBORLY neighborlyNeighborly, a. civil, kind, obliging; ad. civilly NEITHER neitherNeither, n. not either, no one; conj. nor NELOGICAL nelogicalNelogical, a. pertaining to neology NEMEAN nemeanNemean, a. pertaining to Nemea, in Greece NEMINE-CONTRADICENTE nemine-contradicenteNemine-contradicente, ad. none opposing NEMORAL nemoralNemoral, a. relating or belonging to a grove NEOLOGIST neologistNeologist, n. he who uses new terms in language NEOLOGY neologyNeology, n. the introduction of new words NEOPHITE neophiteNeophite, n. that which is newly planted NEOTERIC neotericNeoteric, a. novel, late, modern, fresh, recent, ob. NEGUS negusNegus, n. wine, water, sugar, nutmeg and lemon NEP nepNep, n. a plant, catmint NEPENTHE nepentheNepenthe, n. a drug that can expel all pain or care NEPHEW nephewNephew, n. the son of a brother or sister NEPHRITIC nephriticNephritic, a. pertaining to the kidneys NEPHRITIC (2) nephritic (2)Nephritic, n. a medicin good against the stone NEPOTISM nepotismNepotism, n. a fondness or affection for nephews NEPTUNIAN neptunianNeptunian, a. of or relating to the ocean or water NEPTUNIAN (2) neptunian (2)|neptunistNeptunian, or Neptunist, one who believes that the ocean once covered the eath NEREID nereidNereid, n. a sea nymph NERITE neriteNerite, n. a genus of univalve shell-fish NERSLING nerslingNersling, n. a fresh water fish of Germany NERTURE nertureNerture, v.t. to train or bring up, educate, nurse NERVE nerveNerve, n. an organ of sensation, a whitish vessel NERVE (2) nerve (2)Nerve, v.t. to give nerves, strength or vigor NERVELESS nervelessNerveless, a. void of stength, weak, insipid NERVOSE nervoseNervose, a. having simple unbranched nerves NERVOUS nervous|nervyNervous, or Nervy, a. strong, vigorous, robust, having the nerves affected or diseased NERVOUSNESS nervousnessNervousness, n. great strength, weakness NESCIENCE nescienceNescience, n. ignorance, a want of knowledge NESS nessNess, n. a headland, point, nose NEST nestNest, n. a bed, box of drawers, abode; v.t. to build nests NESTEGG nesteggNestegg, n. an egg left in the nest of a bird NESTLE nestleNestle, v. to lie close, settle, cherish, move NESTLING nestlingNestling, n. a bird just hatched, a close person NESTORIAN nestorianNestorian, n. one of a sect who denied Mary to be the mother of Christ NET netNet, n. a device for fishing, a. neat, real NET (2) net (2)Net, v. to make nets, to catch in a net NETHER netherNether, a. lower, placed lower, infernal NETHERMOST nethermostNethermost, a. lowest, most infernal NETTING nettingNetting, n. a complication of ropes intersecting each other NETTLE nettleNettle, n. a stinging plant; v.t. to provoke, to sting NETWORK networkNetwork, n. work made in the manner of nets NEUTER neuter|neutralNeuter, or Neutral, a. indifferent, being of neither party NEUTER (2) neuter (2)|neutral (2)Neuter, or Neutral, n. one who stands neuter NEUTRALITY neutralityNeutrality, n. a state of absolute indifference NEUTRALIZATION neutralizationNeutralization, n. the destroying of qualities of bodies by combination NEUTRALIZE neutralizeNeutralize, v.t. to render neuter, to destroy the properties of a body or bodies by mixture NEVER neverNever, ad. at no time, in no degree, not even NEVERMEANING nevermeaningNevermeaning, a. having no meaning or design NEVERTHELESS neverthelessNevertheless, ad. notwithstanding that, however NEW newNew, a. fresh, late, modern, repaired, uncommon NEW-HAMPSHIRE new-hampshireNew-hampshire, n. one of the United States NEW-JERSEY new-jerseyNew-jersey, n. one of the United States NEW-YEAR'S-GIFT new-year's-giftNew-year's-gift, n. a present on new-year's day NEW-YORK new-yorkNew-york, n. one of the United States and its metropolis NEWEL newelNewel, n. the upright post in a staircase NEWFANGLED newfangledNewfangled, a. newly formed, novel, affected NEWFANGLEDNESS newfanglednessNewfangledness, n. a foolish love of novelty NEWFASHIONED newfashionedNewfashioned, a. lately come into fashion, fine NEWGROWN newgrownNewgrown, a. lately grown, just sprung up NEWLY newlyNewly, ad. freshly, lately, just or even now NEWMODEL newmodelNewmodel, v.t. to form or make anew NEWNESS newnessNewness, n. freshness, novelty, a reformation NEWS newsNews, n. fresh accounts of transactions NEWSMONGER newsmongerNewsmonger, n. a dealer in news, a busy body NEWSPAPER newspaperNewspaper, n. a public print to circulate news NEWT newtNewt, n. a small water lizard NEWTONIAN newtonianNewtonian, n. a follower of the Great Newton NEWTONIAN (2) newtonian (2)Newtonian, a. produced by or pertaining to Newton NEXT nextNext, a. nearest in place; ad. in the next place NIB nibNib, n. a point of a pen, point, end, beak of a bird NIB (2) nib (2)Nib, v. to make or cut a nib, point, bill NIBBED nibbedNibbed, pa. a. having a nib, pointed, sharp NIBBLE nibbleNibble, v. to eat slowly, bite at, carp at NIBBLER nibblerNibbler, n. one that bites a little at a time, a critic NIBILITY nibilityNibility, n. nothingness, a trifle, nonexistence NICE niceNice, a. exact, refined, squeamish, sinical, fine NICELY nicelyNicely, ad. accurately, minutely, delicately NICENESS nicenessNiceness, n. accuracy, exactness, care, delicacy NICETY nicetyNicety, n. accuracy, minuteness, delicacy, dainty NICH nichNich, n. a hollow for a statue to stand in NICK nickNick, n. a notch, cut, score, exact point, Nicholas NICK (2) nick (2)Nick, v.t. to cut in nicks, notch, sit, hit, trick NICKEL nickelNickel, n. a metal of gray white color NICKELIC ACID nickelic acidNickelic acid, n. a saturated combination of nickel and oxygene NICKNAME nicknameNickname, n. a byname; v.t. to give a byname NICTATE nictateNictate, v.t. to wink, to twinkle with the eyes NIDE nideNide, n. a brood, especially that of pheasants NIDIFICATION nidificationNidification, n. the act or art of building nests NIDOROUS nidorousNidorous, a. tasting or smelling like roast meat NIDULANT nidulantNidulant, a. nesting, as feeds in the pulp of a berry NIDULATION nidulationNidulation, n. the time of remaining in a nest NIECE nieceNiece, n. the daughter of a brother or sister NIGGARD niggardNiggard, n. a miser; v. a. to stint, bound confine NIGGARD (2) niggard (2)|niggardlyNiggard, or Niggardly, a. sordid, mean NIGGARDLINESS niggardliness|niggardnessNiggardliness, or Niggardness, n. meanness, covetousness NIGGARDLY (2) niggardly (2)Niggardly, ad. sordidly, meanly, sparingly NIGH nighNigh, a. near, not distant, allied by blood NIGH (2) nigh (2)|nighlyNigh, or Nighly, ad. nearly, closely, within a little NIGHNESS nighnessNighness, n. a nearness or closeness of situation NIGHT nightNight, n. the time of darkness, gloominess, death NIGHT DEW night dewNight dew, n. a dew that falls in the night NIGHT SHADE night shadeNight shade, n. the name of many plants, some of them poisonous NIGHTBRAWLER nightbrawlerNightbrawler, n. a person who quarrels by night NIGHTCAP nightcapNightcap, n. a cap worn in bed or in an undress NIGHTCROW nightcrowNightcrow, n. a bird that cries in the night NIGHTDOG nightdogNightdog, n. a dog that hunts in the night NIGHTDRESS nightdressNightdress, n. a dress worn only at night NIGHTED nightedNighted, a. clouded, darkened, dark, black NIGHTFARING nightfaringNightfaring, a. travelling by or in the night NIGHTFIRE nightfireNightfire, n. a kind of meteor, will-wish-a-wisp NIGHTFOUNDERED nightfounderedNightfoundered, a. lost by or in the night NIGHTGOWN nightgownNightgown, n. a veryloose wide gown, an undress NIGHTHAG nighthagNighthag, n. a witch that wanders in the night NIGHTINGALE nightingaleNightingale, n. a small bird that sings sweetly NIGHTLY nightlyNightly, ad. every night, by or in the night NIGHTLY (2) nightly (2)Nightly, a. done by night, acting by night NIGHTMAN nightmanNightman, n. one who empties privies by night NIGHTMARE nightmareNightmare, n. a morbid oppression of the breast NIGHTPIECE nightpieceNightpiece, n. a picture of a view in the night NIGHTRAIL nightrailNightrail, n. a linen covering for the shoulders NIGHTRAVEN nightravenNightraven, n. a night bird, a sort of owl NIGHTRULE nightruleNightrule, n. a disturbance made in the night NIGHTWALKER nightwalkerNightwalker, n. a strumpet who walks at night NIGHTWARBLING nightwarblingNightwarbling, a. singing by or in the night NIGHTWARD nightwardNightward, a. drawing towards night, duskish NIGHTWATCH nightwatchNightwatch, n. three hours of the night NIGRESCENT nigrescentNigrescent, a. growing or making black NILL nillNill, v.t. not to will, to refuse, ob. NILOMETER nilometerNilometer, n. an instrument to measure the rise of the Nile during the floods NIM nimNim, v.t. to steal, pilfer, filch, ob. NIMBLE nimbleNimble, a. active, brisk, ready, quick, speedy, swift NIMBLEFOOTED nimblefootedNimblefooted, a. nimble, active, quick, speedy NIMBLENESS nimblenessNimbleness, n. activity, quickness, speed, haste NIMBLEWITTED nimblewittedNimblewitted, a. quick, ready, eager to speak NIMBLY nimblyNimbly, ad. actively, readily, quickly, speedily NINCOMPOOP nincompoopNincompoop, n. a blockhead, simpleton, fool NINE nineNine, a. the number of eight and one NINEFOLD ninefoldNinefold, a. repeated or doubled nine times NINEPINS ninepinsNinepins, n. pl. a play with nine pins and a bowl NINESCORE ninescoreNinescore, a. twenty repeated nine times, 18 NINETEEN nineteenNineteen, a. nine and ten, nine added to ten NINETEENTH nineteenthNineteenth, a. noting the number nineteen NINETIETH ninetiethNinetieth, a. the ninth ten times told NINETY ninetyNinety, a. ten taken or repeated nine times NINNY ninny|ninnyhammerNinny, or Ninnyhammer, n. a simpleton, a fool NINTH ninthNinth, a. what in numbers precedes the tenth NIP nipNip, n. a plant, ill smelling ragwort NIP (2) nip (2)Nip, v.t. to pinch, blast, destroy, vex, ridicule NIP (3) nip (3)Nip, n. a pinch, bite, small cut, blast, taunt, nib NIPPER nipperNipper, n. one who nips or pinches, a keen satirist NIPPERS nippersNippers, n. pl. an instrument, small pinchers NIPPINGLY nippinglyNippingly, ad. bitterly, severely, tartly, keenly NIPPLE nippleNipple, n. an orifice or end of a teat, teat, dug NIPPLEWORT nipplewortNipplewort, n. a plant, wartwort NISAN nisanNisan, n. a Jewish month answering to March and April NISBERRY nisberryNisberry, n. a species of tree NIT nitNit, n. the egg of a louse or any little animal NITENCY nitencyNitency, n. brightness, an endeavor, a spring NITER niterNiter, n. a mineral and very cooling salt, saltpeter NITID nitidNitid, a. bright, shining, gay, fine, neat, clean NITRATE nitrateNitrate, n. a salt formed by nitric acid and a base NITRATED nitratedNitrated, a. combined with niter NITRIC ACID nitric acidNitric acid, n. niter saturated with oxygeneNitrous acid, n. niter not saturated with oxygene NITRITE nitriteNitrite, n. a salt formed by the nitrous acid, with a base NITROGENE nitrogeneNitrogene, n. azote, or the element of niter NITROGENOUS nitrogenousNitrogenous, a. pertaining to nitrogene NITROMURIATIC ACID nitromuriatic acidNitromuriatic acid, n. a mixture of nitric and muriatic acids NITROUS nitrous|nitryNitrous, or Nitry, a. impregnated with or like niter NITTILY nittilyNittily, ad. in a nitty manner, lousily, meanly NITTY nittyNitty, a. abounding with or resembling nits NIVAL nivalNival, a. abounding with or like snow, white NIVEOUS niveousNiveous, a. snowy, like or white as snow, fair NO noNo, ad. a word of denial, not; a. none, not any NOBILITATE nobilitateNobilitate, v.t. to ennoble, to make famous NOBILITY nobilityNobility, n. persons of high rank, dignity, fame NOBLE nobleNoble, a. great, illustrious, grand, brave, generous NOBLE (2) noble (2)Noble, n. a person of high rank or great birth NOBLENESS noblenessNobleness, n. greatness, dignity, boldness, worth NOBLESSE noblesseNoblesse, n. the body of nobles, nobility, dignity NOBLY noblyNobly, ad. illustrioussly, grandly, bravely NOBODY nobodyNobody, n. not any one whatever, not any person NOCENT nocent|nocive|nocuousNocent, or Nocive, or Nocuous, a. guilty, hurtful, ob. NOCK nockNock, n. a notch, slit, cut, hole, ob. NOCTAMBULATION noctambulationNoctambulation, n. a walking in sleep NOCTAMBULIST noctambulistNoctambulist, n. a person who walks in his sleep NOCTIDIAL noctidialNoctidial, a. containing a night and a day NOCTILUCA noctilucaNoctiluca, n. phosphorus which shines at night without the previous aid of solar rays NOCTUARY noctuaryNoctuary, n. an account of night affairs NOCTULE noctuleNoctule, n. a large species of bat NOCTURN nocturnNocturn, n. devotion performed by night NOCTURNAL nocturnalNocturnal, a. nightly, in the night NOCTURNAL (2) nocturnal (2)Nocturnal, n. an instrument of observation by night NOD nodNod, v.i. to bend the head, be drowsy, sleep NOD (2) nod (2)Nod, n. a quick declination of the head, a sign NODDER nodderNodder, n. one who nods, one who makes signs NODDLE noddle|nollNoddle, or Noll, n. the head, by way of contempt NODDY noddyNoddy, n. a simpleton, a species of gull NODE nodeNode, n. a knot, knob, swelling, intersection NODOSE nodose|nodousNodose, or Nodous, a. knotty, full of knots, hard NODOSITY nodosityNodosity, n. a knottiness, a great complication NODULAR nodularNodular, a. pertaining to or in form of a nodule NODULE noduleNodule, n. a small knot, or irregular lump NOGGEN noggenNoggen, a. hard, rough, harsh, troublesome NOGGIN nogginNoggin, n. a small wooden cup or mug, a small measure NOIER noierNoier, n. one who annoys or hurts, ob. NOISE noiseNoise, n. a sound, outcry, clamor, squabble NOISE (2) noise (2)Noise, v. to sound loud, bawl out, spread a report NOISEFUL noisefulNoiseful, a. loud, high, clamorous, troublesome NOISELESS noiselessNoiseless, a. making no noise, silent, quiet, easy NOISEMAKER noisemakerNoisemaker, n. a noisy and troublesome person NOISILY noisilyNoisily, ad. in a noisy manner, troublesomely NOISINESS noisinessNoisiness, n. loudness of sound, disturbance NOISOME noisomeNoisome, a. noxious, offensive, nasty, stinking NOISOMELY noisomelyNoisomely, ad. offensively, with a nasty stench NOISOMENESS noisomenessNoisomeness, n. offensiveness, nastiness, stench NOISY noisyNoisy, a. clamorous, turbulent, troublesome NOLENS-VOLENS nolens-volensNolens-volens, whether a person will or no NOLITION nolitionNolition, n. unwillingness, reluctance, not used NOMADIC nomadicNomadic, a. pastoral, subsisting by feeding flocks and herds, wandering as the Tatars NOMBLES nomblesNombles, n. pl. the entrails of a deer NOMENCLATOR nomenclatorNomenclator, n. one who names persons, right NOMENCLATURAL nomenclaturalNomenclatural, a. pertaining to a nomenclature NOMENCLATURE nomenclatureNomenclature, n. the act of naming, a vocabulary NOMIAL nomialNomial, n. a single name or term in mathematics NOMINAL nominalNominal, a. existing only in name, not real, titular NOMINALIST nominalistNominalist, n. one of a sect who denied all existences but names NOMINALLY nominallyNominally, ad. in or by name only, titularly NOMINATE nominateNominate, v. to name, propose, appoint, entitle NOMINATION nominationNomination, n. a naming, the power of appointing, in Connecticut, a list of men selected by choice as candidates for council or congress NOMINATIVE nominativeNominative, a. naming, the first case in grammar NOMINEE nomineeNominee, n. one named, appointed or designated, as the nominee of a life annuity NONAGE nonageNonage, n. minority in point of age NONAGESIMAL nonagesimalNonagesimal, a. noting the 9th degree of the ecliptic NONAGON nonagonNonagon, n. a figure having 9 sides and angles NONAPPEARANCE nonappearanceNonappearance, n. the omission of due appearance NONATTENDANCE nonattendanceNonattendance, n. an ommision of attendance NONCE nonceNonce, n. a purpose, intent, design, drift, ob. NONCOMPLIANCE noncomplianceNoncompliance, n. neglect of compliance NONCONDUCTING nonconductingNonconducting, a. not transmitting another substance NONCONDUCTOR nonconductorNonconductor, n. a substance which does not transmit another substance, especially electricity NONCONFORMIST nonconformistNonconformist, n. a person who does not conform to the worship of an established church NONCONFORMITY nonconformityNonconformity, n. a refusal to join in opinion NONCONTAGIOUS noncontagiousNoncontagious, a. not infecting NONCONTAGIOUSNESS noncontagiousnessNoncontagiousness, n. the state of not being communicable by infection NONDESCRIPT nondescriptNondescript, a. that has not yet been described NONE noneNone, a. not any, not one, not even one besides NONELECTRIC nonelectricNonelectric, n. a conductor of electricity NONENTITY nonentityNonentity, n. nonexistence, a want of being NONES nonesNones, n. pl. in the Roman calender, were the seventh of March, May, July, and October, and the fifth of the other months NONESUCH nonesuchNonesuch, n. a very extraordinary person, NONEXISTENCE nonexistenceNonexistence, n. a want or absence of existence NONJURING nonjuringNonjuring, a. refusing to swear allegiance NONJUROR nonjurorNonjuror, n. one who refuses to swear allegiance NONNATURALS nonnaturalsNonnaturals, n. pl. things that enter not into the nature of diseases, though they may cause them; as air, meat, drink, sleep, exercise, NONPAREIL nonpareilNonpareil, n. an apple, a sort of printing, letter NONPLUS nonplusNonplus, n. a puzzle; v.t. to puzzle, to confound NONPONDEROSITY nonponderosityNonponderosity, n. levity, the having no weight NONREGARDANCE nonregardanceNonregardance, n. a want of due or just regard NONRESIDENCE nonresidenceNonresidence, n. an absence from some charge, or an estate NONRESIDENT nonresidentNonresident, n. one who does not reside on his estate or with his charge NONRESISTANCE nonresistanceNonresistance, n. passive obedience, submission NONSENSE nonsenseNonsense, n. words without connected meaning, NONSENSICAL nonsensicalNonsensical, a. unmeaning, foolish, silly, trifling NONSOLUTION nonsolutionNonsolution, n. a failure in or want of solution NONSPARING nonsparingNonsparing, a. cruel, merciless, unfeeling NONSUIT nonsuitNonsuit, n. a non-appearance of the plaintiff in a suit, when called in court NONUSER nonuserNonuser, n. a neglect of the duties of an office NOOK nookNook, n. a corner, covert, retreat, part of land NOON noonNoon, n. the middle point or hour of the day NOONDAY noonday|noontideNoonday, or Noontide, n. midday, twelve o'clock NOONDAY (2) noonday (2)|noontide (2)Noonday, or Noontide, a. meridional, the highest NOOSE nooseNoose, v.t. to know; n. a running knot, a trap NOPAL nopalNopal, n. the cochineel fig NOR norNor, conj. a negative particle, neither, not even NORMAL normalNormal, a. perpendicular, forming a right angle, relating to rudiments or principles NORTH northNorth, n. the part of the earth opposit the south NORTH (2) north (2)|northerly|northern|northwardNorth, or Northerly, or Northern, or Northward, a. lying towards the north, tending to the north NORTHING northingNorthing, n. the distance of a planet from the equator northward, distance north NORTHSTAR northstarNorthstar, n. the star nearest the northern pole NORTHUMBRIAN northumbrianNorthumbrian, a. pertaining to northumberland NORTHWIND northwindNorthwind, n. the wind that blows from the north NORWEGIAN norwegianNorwegian, n. a native of Norway; a. pertaining to Norway NOSE noseNose, n. a part of the face; v. to bluster, oppose, scent NOSEBLEED nosebleedNosebleed, n. a discharge of blood from the nose NOSEFISH nosefishNosefish, n. a fish with a flat blunt snout NOSEGAY nosegayNosegay, n. a bunch of flowers, a posy NOSELESS noselessNoseless, a. having no nose, destitute of a nose NOSOLOGICAL nosologicalNosological, a. pertaining to Nosology NOSOLOGIST nosologistNosologist, n. one who classifies diseases NOSOLOGY nosologyNosology, n. a systematic classification of diseases NOSOPOETIC nosopoeticNosopoetic, n. causing or productive of diseases NOSTRIL nostrilNostril, n. the inward cavity of the nose NOSTRUM nostrumNostrum, n. a medicin, the ingredients of which are kept secret NOT notNot, ad. a particle of denying or refusing NOTABLE notableNotable, a. memorable, bustling, active, careful NOTABLENESS notableness|notabilityNotableness, or Notability, n. diligence, contrivance NOTABLY notablyNotably, ad. remarkably, with diligence or care NOTARY notaryNotary, n. one who protests bills or draws contracts NOTATION notationNotation, n. the act of noting down, a meaning NOTCH notchNotch, v.t. to cut in small hollows; n. a nick NOTE noteNote, n. a mark, token, written paper, found in music, abbreviation, explanatory annotation, an obligation without seal NOTE (2) note (2)Note, v.t. to set down, observe, attend, charge NOTED notedNoted, pa. a. set down, celebrated, remarkable NOTHING nothingNothing, n. not any thing, a mere trifle, nonentity NOTHINGNESS nothingnessNothingness, n. a thing of no value, nonexistence NOTICE noticeNotice, n. regard, advice, information, warning NOTICE (2) notice (2)Notice, v.t. to see, regard, observe, attend NOTICEABLE noticeableNoticeable, a. that may be observed NOTIFICATION notificationNotification, n. the act of making known, a sign NOTIFY notifyNotify, v.t. to make known, declare, publish NOTION notionNotion, n. a sentiment, opinion, idea, sense NOTIONAL notionalNotional, a. imaginary, ideal, conceived, fond NOTIONALITY notionalityNotionality, n. an empty or ungrounded opinion NOTIONALLY notionallyNotionally, ad. in notion, in idea or conception NOTORIETY notoriety|notoriousnessNotoriety, or Notoriousness, n. public knowledge NOTORIOUSLY notoriouslyNotoriously, ad. in a notorious or base manner NOTT nottNott, n. a quantity of thred, consisting of 4 rounds NOTWITHSTANDING notwithstandingNotwithstanding, conj. in spite of, nevertheless NOUGHT noughtNought, [nawt] n. not any thing, nothing NOUN nounNoun, n. the name of things in grammar NOURISH nourishNourish, v.t. to support with food, to cherish NOURISHABLE nourishableNourishable, a. that may be nourished or fed NOURISHING nourishingNourishing, a. affording nutriment, cherishing NOURISHMENT nourishmentNourishment, n. food, sustenance, support, help NOUSEL nouselNousel, v.t. to entrap, confine, bring up, ob. NOVACULITE novaculiteNovaculite, n. Turkey home, a species of shistus NOVEL novelNovel, a. new, strange, appendant to the code NOVEL (2) novel (2)Novel, n. a feigned story or tale, a law to the code NOVELIST novelistNovelist, n. a writer of novels, an innovator NOVELTY noveltyNovelty, n. a new thing or state, newness NOVEMBER novemberNovember, n. the eleventh month of the year NOVENARY novenaryNovenary, n. the number nine; a. relating to nine *Italic N not silent NOVERCAL novercalNovercal, a. relating to or like a stepmother NOVICE noviceNovice, n. one unlearned or unskilled, a beginner NOVITIATE novitiateNovitiate, n. the state or condition of a novice NOVITY novityNovity, n. novelty, newness, freshness, ob. NOW nowNow, ad. at this very time; n. the present time NOWADAYS nowadaysNowadays, ad. now, in the present age or time NOWED nowedNowed, a. knotted, tied with knots, ob. NOWHERE nowhereNowhere, ad. not in any place, not in existence NOWISE nowiseNowise, ad. not in any manner, by no means NOXIOUS noxiousNoxious, a. hurtful, destructive, criminal, guilty NOXIOUSNESS noxiousnessNoxiousness, n. hurtfulness, a destructive quality NOYEAU noyeauNoyeau, [noeyo] n. a rich cordial NOZZLE nozzleNozzle, n. a nose, snout, front, point, end NUB nubNub, n. a knob, a protuberance NUBBLE nubbleNubble, v.t. to bruise with fighting, bang, beat NUBBY nubbyNubby, a. full of knobs, or points NUBIFEROUS nubiferousNubiferous, a. bringing clouds, heavy, stormy NUBILE nubileNubile, a. marriageable, fit for marriage, grown NUBILOUS nubilousNubilous, a. cloudy, overcast, dark, gloomy, dull NUCIFEROUS nuciferousNuciferous, a. bearing or producint nuts NUCLEUS nucleusNucleus, n. the body of a comet, a central part NUGACITY nugacity|nugalityNugacity, or Nugality, n. trifling talk, futility NUGATORY nugatoryNugatory, a. trifling, futile, insignificant, vain NUISANCE nuisanceNuisance, n. that which annoys, see nusance NULL nullNull, n. a thing of no force or meaning, a cipher NULL (2) null (2)Null, v.t. to annul, to annihilate; a. void, having no force NULLITY nullityNullity, n. a want of force or efficacy NUMB numbNumb, a. benumbed, torpid, cold, chill, dead NUMB (2) numb (2)Numb, v.t. to make numb, chill, stupify, deaden NUMBER numberNumber, v.t. to count, tell over, reckon, add NUMBER (2) number (2)Number, n. many units added, poetry, harmony NUMBERER numbererNumberer, n. one who numbers or reckons NUMBERLESS numberlessNumberless, a. not to be numbered, innumerable NUMBERS numbersNumbers, n. the fourth book of the Old Testament NUMBLENESS numbleness|numblednessNumbleness, or Numbledness, n. stupefaction, deadness NUMERABLE numerableNumerable, a. that may be numbered or reckoned NUMERAL numeralNumeral, a. consisting of or relating to number NUMERAL (2) numeral (2)Numeral, n. a letter denoting a number, as L for 5 NUMERALLY numerallyNumerally, ad. according to number, by numbers NUMERARY numeraryNumerary, a. belonging to a certain number NUMERATION numerationNumeration, n. the art or act of numbering NUMERATOR numeratorNumerator, n. a number that measures others NUMERICAL numericalNumerical, a. numeral, denoting sameness NUMERICALLY numericallyNumerically, ad. by a sameness in number NUMERIST numeristNumerist, n. one who is well skilled in numbers NUMEROSITY numerosityNumerosity, n. a numerous state, plenty, harmony NUMEROUS numerousNumerous, a. containing many, musical, sweet NUMIDIAN numidianNumidian, n. a native of Numidia in Africa NUMIDIAN (2) numidian (2)Numidian, a. pertaining to Numidia NUMISMATIC numismaticNumismatic, a. pertaining to coins or money NUMMARY nummaryNummary, a. belonging to or containing money NUMSKULL numskullNumskull, n. a dunce, blockhead, dolt, head NUN nunNun, n. a religious recluse woman, a small bird NUNCHION nunchionNunchion, n. victuals eaten between meals NUNCIATURE nunciatureNunciature, n. the office or state of nuncio NUNCIO nuncio|nunciateNuncio, or Nunciate, n. a popes embassador NUNCUPATIVE nuncupative|nuncupatoryNuncupative, or Nuncupatory, a. verbally declared NUNNERY nunneryNunnery, n. a place for the residence of nuns NUPTIAL nuptialNuptial, a. pertaining or relating to marriage NUPTIALS nuptialsNuptials, n. a marriage, marriage-rites NURSE nurseNurse, n. one who takes care of a child or a sick person NURSE (2) nurse (2)|noursleNurse, or Noursle, v.t. to bring up a child, to feed NURSEPOND nursepondNursepond, n. a pond to keep young fish in NURSER nurserNurser, n. one who nurses or feeds, a prompter NURSERY nurseryNursery, n. the act of nursing, a room in which children are kept, a plantation of young trees NURSLING nurslingNursling, n. one nursed tenderly up, a fondling NURTURE nurtureNurture, n. food, diet, nourishment, education NUSANCE nusanceNusance, n. that which annoys, the source of continual or durable injury or inconvenience NUSTLE nustleNustle, v.t. to fondle, cherish, caress, hug, love NUT nutNut, n. a fruit in a shell, a part of a screw NUT (2) nut (2)Nut, v.t. to go a nutting, to gather nuts NUTANT nutantNutant, a. nodding, declining NUTATION nutationNutation, n. a nodding, tremulous motion, shake NUTBROWN nutbrownNutbrown, a. brown like a ripe nut, very brown NUTCRACKERS nutcrackersNutcrackers, n. pl. an instrument to break nuts with NUTGALL nutgallNutgall, n. the excrescence of an oak NUTHATCH nuthatchNuthatch, n. a bird of the pye kind NUTMEG nutmegNutmeg, n. a very warm fine spice NUTRICATION nutricationNutrication, n. the manner or state of feeding NUTRIENT nutrientNutrient, n. that which feeds or nourishes NUTRIMENT nutrimentNutriment, n. food, nourishment, aliment, fuel NUTRIMENTAL nutrimentalNutrimental, a. affording nourishment, good, rich NUTRITION nutritionNutrition, n. the quality or act of nourishing NUTRITIOUS nutritious|nutritiveNutritious, or Nutritive, a. nourishing, good, rich NUTRITURE nutritureNutriture, n. the power or state of nourishing NUTTREE nuttreeNuttree, n. a tree that bears nuts NUTWOOD nutwoodNutwood, n. the popular name of hickory NUZZLE nuzzleNuzzle, v. to nurse, to go with the nose down NYLGAW nylgawNylgaw, n. a quadruped like a cow and deer NYMPH nymphNymph, n. a goddess of the woods, lady, virgin