JABBER jabberJabber, v.i. to talk idly, chatter, prate JABBER (2) jabber (2)|jabberingJabber, or Jabbering, n. idle talk, prate, noise JABBERER jabbererJabberer, n. one who talks unintelligibly or idly JABIRIC jabiricJabiric, n. an aquatic fowl of the crane kind JACENT jacentJacent, a. lying, lying at length, extended JACINTH jacinthJacinth, n. a gem, jewel, precious stone, hyacinth JACK jackJack, n. john, an engine, fish, lethern can, cup JACKAL jackalJackal, n. a voracious animal of the canine genus JACKANAPES jackanapesJackanapes, n. a monkey, ape, coxcomb, meddler JACKBOOTS jackbootsJackboots, n. pl. very large boots serving for armor JACKDAW jackdawJackdaw, n. a kind of black chattering bird JACKDAW (2) jackdaw (2)Jackdaw, n. a kind of black chattering bird JACKET jacketJacket, n. a waistcoat, a kind of short close coat JACKKETCH jackketchJackketch, n. a common hangman JACKPUDDING jackpuddingJackpudding, n. a merry-andrew, buffoon, mimic JACOBIN jacobinJacobin, n. the member of a private club to overturn or manage government, one who opposes government in a secret or unlawful manner or from an unreasonable spirit of discontent JACOBINIC jacobinic|jacobinicalJacobinic, or Jacobinical, a. pertaining to secret associations against government or a factious spirit JACOBINISM jacobinismJacobinism, n. unreasonable opposition to government, an attempt to overthrow or change government by secret clubs or irregular means JACOBITE jacobiteJacobite, n. a partisan or favorer of James II JACOBITISM jacobitismJacobitism, n. the principles of a jacobite JACONET jaconetJaconet, n. a kind of coarse muslin JACTITATION jactitationJactitation, n. a tossing motion, heave, restlessness JACULATION jaculationJaculation, n. the act of throwing or darting JADE jadeJade, n. a bad woman, wench, worthless horse JADE (2) jade (2)Jade, n. a magnesian stone of a dark green or bluish JADE (3) jade (3)Jade, v. to tire, weary, ride down, harass, sink JADISH jadishJadish, a. unruly, vicious, unchaste, loose JAGG jaggJagg, v.t. to notch; n. a notch, unevenness, load JAGGEDNESS jaggednessJaggedness, n. a jagged state, unevenness JAGGING jaggingJagging, n. the act of cutting in notches, a notch JAGGY jaggyJaggy, a. notched, indented, uneven, ragged JAGUAR jaguarJaguar, n. the American tiger JAIL jailJail, n. a prison, a place of confinement JAILBIRD jailbirdJailbird, n. one who has been confined in jail JAILER jailerJailer, n. the keeper or master of prison JAKES jakesJakes, n. pl. a house of office, boghouse, laystall JALAP jalapJalap, n. the root of species of bind-weed used in powder as a purgative JAM jamJam, n. a conserve of fruit, child's frock, bed JAM (2) jam (2)Jam, v.t. to confine in or between, to wedge in JAMB jambJamb, n. the upright post of a door, a supporter JANGLE jangleJangle, v.i. to wrangle, differ, be out of tune JANGLER janglerJangler, n. a quarrelsome or noisy person JANGLING janglingJangling, n. a wrangling, a harsh noise JANIZARY janizaryJanizary, n. a Turkish soldier, foot-guard, officer JANTY janty|jauntyJanty, or Jaunty, a. showy, gay, giddy, fluttering JANUARY januaryJanuary, n. the first month in the year JAPAN japanJapan, n. a fine varnish to work in colors with JAPAN (2) japan (2)Japan, v. to varnish, adorn, set off, black shoes JAPANESE japaneseJapanese, n. a native of Japan, the language JAPANNER japannerJapanner, n. one who japans, a shoeblack JAPU japuJapu, n. a Brazilian bird that suspends its nest JAR jarJar, v.t. to clash, discord, harsh sound, a vessel JARGON jargonJargon, n. gibberish, nonsense, a species of stone very hard and white JARGONIC jargonicJargonic, a. pertaining to jargon JASMIN jasminJasmin, n. a shrub with fragrant flowers JASPER jasperJasper, n. a beautiful white or green stone JASPIDEAN jaspideanJaspidean, a. like jasper, green JAUNDICE jaundiceJaundice, n. a distemper arising from the liver JAUNDICED jaundicedJaundiced, a. affected with the jaundice, yellow JAUNT jauntJaunt, v.i. to walk or travel about, to ramble JAUNT (2) jaunt (2)Jaunt, n. a ramble or excursion, a felly of a wheel JAUNTILY jauntilyJauntily, ad. airily, gayly, briskly, nimbly, quickly JAUNTINESS jauntinessJauntiness, n. airiness, gayety, briskness, flutter JAVELIN javelinJavelin, n. a kind of dart, spear, half pike JAW jawJaw, n. the bone inclosing the teeth, noise, talk JAY jayJay, n. a bird, a finical and gaudy person JAZEL jazelJazel, n. a precious stone of a blue color JEALOUS jealousJealous, a. suspicious, fearful, cautious, tender JEALOUSY jealousyJealousy, n. suspicion in love, suspicious fear, mistrust JEARS jearsJears, n. tackles to hoist or lower the the lower yards JEAT jeatJeat, n. a fossil of a fine black color JEER jeerJeer, v.t. to scoff, to rally; n. a scoff, gibe, jest JEERINGLY jeeringlyJeeringly, ad. in a geering way, with haughtiness JEHOVAH jehovahJehovah, n. the Hebrew name for GOD, the LORD JEJUNE jejuneJejune, a. hungry, dry, flat, unaffecting, trifling JEJUNENESS jejunenessJejuneness, n. dryness, poverty, want of matter JELLIED jelliedJellied, a. brought to or like a jelly, glutinous JELLY jellyJelly, n. a transparent sizy broth, a sweetmeat JENNERIAN jennerianJennerian, a. denominating what relates to Dr. Jenner the author of vaccination JENNET jennetJennet, n. a small Spanish or Barbary horse JENNETING jennetingJenneting, n. a kind of forward or early apple JENNY jennyJenny, n. a machine for spinning many threads at once, used in manufactories JENTLING jentlingJentling, n. a fish in the Danube, the blue chub JEOPARD jeopardJeopard, v.t. to put in danger, hazard, expose JEOPARDOUS jeopardousJeopardous, a. dangerous, hazardous, doubtful JEOPARDY jeopardyJeopardy, n. danger, peril, hazard, risk, doubt JERBO jerboJerbo, n. a quadruped with very short fore legs JERK jerkJerk, v. to give a quick smart blow, lash, throw JERK (2) jerk (2)Jerk, n. a quick and smart lash, twitch, quick jolt JERKIN jerkinJerkin, n. a jacket, short coat, kind of hawk JERSEY jerseyJersey, n. combed wool, woolen yarn, an island JESSAMIN jessaminJessamin, n. a very fragrant shrub JEST jestJest, v.t. to make merry by words, joke, divert JEST (2) jest (2)Jest, n. any thing ludicrous, a joke, a laughing stock JESTER jesterJester, n. one fond of jesting, a wit, a buffoon JESTING jestingJesting, n. talk to raise laughter, mirth, wit JESTINGLY jestinglyJestingly, ad. in a jesting or jocose manner JESUITISM jesuitismJesuitism, n. deceit, artifice, hypocrisy, principles of the Jesuits JET jetJet, n. a very black fossil, spout, court, yard JET (2) jet (2)Jet, v.i. to shoot forward, jolt, strut, intrude JETSAM jetsam|jetsonJetsam, or Jetson, n. goods from a shipwreck JETTY jettyJetty, a. made of jet, like or black as jet JEUSITICAL jeusiticalJeusitical, a. shuffling, equivocal, deceitful, sly JEWEL jewelJewel, n. a precious stone, a name of fondness JEWELLER jewellerJeweller, n. a man who deals in precious stones JEWELLERY jewelleryJewellery, n. jewels and trinkets in general JEWISH jewishJewish, a. pertaining to the Jews or Israelites JEWS-HARP jews-harpJews-harp, n. a very small musical instrument JIB jibJib, n. the foremast sail of a vessel JIBBOOM jibboomJibboom, n. a spar projecting forward of the bowsprit to support the jib JIBOYA jiboyaJiboya, n. an American serpent of the largest kind JIG jigJig, v.i. to dance nimbly; n. a quick dance JIGGER jiggerJigger, n. a rope and block to hold a cable as it is drawn in JIGMAKER jigmakerJigmaker, n. one who dances or plays merrily JILT jiltJilt, n. a deceiving woman; v.t. to deceive JINGLE jingleJingle, v.i. to sound correspondently, to clink JINGLE (2) jingle (2)Jingle, n. any thing sounding, a noise, a rattle JOB jobJob, v. to do jobs, play the stockjobber, strike, hit JOB (2) job (2)Job, n. a piece of chance-work, an affair, a stab JOBBER jobberJobber, n. a man who jobs or does chance-work JOBBERNOWL jobbernowlJobbernowl, n. a blockhead, dunce, simpleton JOCKEY jockeyJockey, v.t. to cheat, trick, cast, deceive, jostle JOCOSE jocose|jocularJocose, or Jocular, a. given to jesting, droll, merry JOCOSELY jocoselyJocosely, ad. in jest, drolly, waggishly, pleasantly JOCOSENESS jocoseness|jocosity|jocularityJocoseness, or Jocosity, or Jocularity, n. pleasantry JOCUND jocundJocund, a. merry, gay, lively, sprightly, blithe JOCUNDITY jocundityJocundity, n. pleasantness, agreableness, mirth JOCUNDLY jocundlyJocundly, ad. merrily, gayly, joyfully, pleasantly JOG jog|joggleJog, or Joggle, v. to push, shake, move; n. a push JOGGER joggerJogger, n. one who moves slowly or heavily JOHANNES johannesJohannes, n. a Portuguese gold coin value 8 dolls. JOIN joinJoin, v.t. to add, unite, close, encounter, clash JOINDER joinderJoinder, n. a joining, conjunction, union JOINER joinerJoiner, n. a person who joins wood together JOINERY joineryJoinery, n. the art of joining wood together JOINT jointJoint, n. a point where bones, meet, a hinge JOINT (2) joint (2)Joint, v.t. to join, form, cut, divide, separate JOINT (3) joint (3)Joint, a. shared among many, combined, united JOINTED jointedJointed, pa. full of or cut into joints, joined JOINTER jointerJointer, n. an instrument, a long plane JOINTLY jointlyJointly, ad. together, in a body, in conjunction JOINTRESS jointressJointress, n. a woman who possesses a jointure JOINTTENANCY jointtenancyJointtenancy, n. a tenure of estate by unity of interest, title, time and possession JOINTTENANT jointtenantJointtenant, n. one who holds by joint-tenancy JOINTURE jointureJointure, n. an estate or income settled on a wife JOIST joistJoist, n. a small beam to support floors JOKE jokeJoke, v.i. to jest, to be merry; n. a jest, mirth JOKER jokerJoker, n. a jester, a merry and facetious fellow JOLE jole|jowlJole, or Jowl, n. the cheek, face, head of a fish JOLILY jolilyJolily, ad. in a merry manner, jovially, gayly JOLLIMENT jolliment|jollinessJolliment, or Jolliness, jollity, n. merriment, gayety JOLLY jollyJolly, a. merry, gay, plump, full of flesh JOLT joltJolt, n. a violent shock; v.t. to shake very much JOLTHEAD joltheadJolthead, n. a blockhead, blunderhead, dunce JONQUIL jonquilJonquil, n. a species of daffodil JORDEN jordenJorden, n. a pot, vessel, chamberpot JOSO josoJoso, n. a small fish of the gudgeon kind JOSTLE jostleJostle, v.t. to run against, push, toss about JOT jot|iotaJot, or Iota, n. a point, tittle, bit, smallest part JOURNAL journalJournal, n. a diary, book, newspaper; a. daily JOURNALIST journalistJournalist, n. a writer or keeper of a journal JOURNALIZE journalizeJournalize, v.i. to enter or put in a journal JOURNEY journeyJourney, n. a travel by land or sea; v.t. to travel JOURNEYMAN journeymanJourneyman, n. a hired mechanic or workman JOURNEYWORK journeyworkJourneywork, n. work done by a journeyman JOUST joustJoust, n. a mock fight; v.i. to run in the tilt JOVE joveJove, n. one of the names of jupiter JOVIAL jovialJovial, a. jolly, gay, merry, cheerful, pleasant JOVIALLY joviallyJovially, ad. gayly, merrily, pleasantly, airily JOVIALNESS jovialnessJovialness, n. gayety, merriment, cheerfulness, life JOY joyJoy, v. to rejoice, be or make glad, congratulate JOY (2) joy (2)Joy, n. a lively sense of good, cause of pleasure, gladness, happiness JOYFUL joyfulJoyful, a. full of joy or mirth, very glad, exulting JOYFULLY joyfullyJoyfully, ad. with joy, gladly, merrily, gayly JOYFULNESS joyfulnessJoyfulness, n. great joy, great gladness, pleasure JOYLESS joylessJoyless, a. void of joy or pleasure, insipid, sad JOYOUS joyousJoyous, a. glad, merry, cheerful, pleasant, joyful JUBILANT jubilantJubilant, a. uttering songs of triumph, shouting JUBILEE jubileeJubilee, n. a public periodical festivity, a feast JUDAICAL judaicalJudaical, a. of or relating to the Jews, Jewish JUDAISM judaismJudaism, n. the practice or tenets of the Jews JUDAIZE judaizeJudaize, v.i. to conform or incline to Judaism JUDDOCK juddockJuddock, n. the small snipe JUDGE judgeJudge, n. on who presides in a court, an umpire JUDGE (2) judge (2)Judge, v. to pass sentence, doom, decide, discern JUDGEMENT judgementJudgement, n. a decision, opinion, skill JUDGER judgerJudger, n. one who judges or settles, a juryman JUDICATORY judicatoryJudicatory, n. a court or distribution of justice JUDICATURE judicatureJudicature, n. a power to distribute justice JUDICIAL judicialJudicial, a. belonging to a cause or trial, legal JUDICIALLY judiciallyJudicially, ad. in form of or according to law JUDICIARY judiciaryJudiciary, a. passing or forming judgement, legal JUDICIARY (2) judiciary (2)Judiciary, n. that branch of government which is concerned in the determination of suits JUDICIOUS judiciousJudicious, a. prudent, wise, skilful, rational, fit JUDICIOUSLY judiciouslyJudiciously, ad. prudently, wisely, skilfully JUDICIOUSNESS judiciousnessJudiciousness, n. a judicious quality, skilfulness JUG jugJug, n. a large drinking vessel, note, meadow JUG (2) jug (2)Jug, v.t. to dress a hare in a vessel by steam JUGGLE juggleJuggle, v.i. to play tricks by sleight of hands, to draw JUGGLE (2) juggle (2)Juggle, n. a deception, fallacy, imposture, trick JUGGLER jugglerJuggler, n. one who juggles, a cheat, a deceiver JUGGLING jugglingJuggling, n. the act of playing tricks, deceit JUGULAR jugularJugular, a. belonging or relating to the throat JUGULATE jugulateJugulate, v.t. to cut the throat, kill, murder JUICE juice|juceJuice, or Juce, n. sap in vegetables, fluid in animals, gravy JUICELESS juicelessJuiceless, a. void of moisture, dry, insipid JUICINESS juicinessJuiciness, n. plenty of juice, fulness of moisture JUICY juicyJuicy, a. full of juice or moisture, moist, rich JUJUBE jujubeJujube, n. a tree, ramnus jujuba JULAP julap|julepJulap, or Julep, n. a kind of liquid medicin JULIS julisJulis, n. a small fish with a green back JULY julyJuly, n. the seventh month of the year JUMART jumartJumart, n. the offspring of a bull and a mare JUMBLE jumbleJumble, v.t. to mix or put together confusedly JUMBLE (2) jumble (2)Jumble, n. a confused mixture, a confused heap JUMENT jumentJument, n. a beast used for burden or husbandry JUMP jumpJump, n. a leap, skip, kind of stays; ad. exactly JUNCATE juncateJuncate, n. a cheesecake, any delicacy, ob. JUNCOUS juncousJuncous, a. full of or resembling bulrushes JUNCTION junctionJunction, n. an union, coalition, combination JUNCTURE junctureJuncture, n. a critical time, state, joint, point, union JUNE juneJune, n. the sixth month of the year JUNIOR juniorJunior, a. younger, later-born, inferior, lower JUNIOR (2) junior (2)Junior, n. one younger in years or office JUNIPER juniperJuniper, n. the name of a shrub or small tree JUNK junkJunk, n. a Chinese ship, old ropes JUNKET junketJunket, n. a private entertainment; v.i. to feast privately JUNTO juntoJunto, n. a cabal, faction, party, combination, set JUPITER jupiterJupiter, n. a heathen deity, a planet JURAT juratJurat, n. a magistrate in some corporation-towns JURATORY juratoryJuratory, a. giving or relating to an oath JURIDICAL juridicalJuridical, a. used in courts of justice, legal JURIDICALLY juridicallyJuridically, ad. with legal authority or form JURISCONSULT jurisconsultJurisconsult, n. one who gives his opinion in law JURISDICTION jurisdictionJurisdiction, n. legal authority, power, a district JURISDICTIONAL jurisdictionalJurisdictional, a. pertaining to jurisdiciton JURISPRUDENCE jurisprudenceJurisprudence, n. the science of or skill in law JURISPRUDENTIAL jurisprudentialJurisprudential, a. relating to jurisprudence JURIST juristJurist, n. a professor of civil law, civilian, lawyer JUROR juror|jurymanJuror, or Juryman, n. a person who serves on ajury JURUCUA jurucuaJurucua, n. a Brazilian tortoise very large JURURA jururaJurura, n. a small Brazilian tortoise JURY juryJury, n. pl. persons sworn to deliver truth on such evidence as shall be given before them JURYMAST jurymastJurymast, n. a temporary mast JUST justJust, a. upright, incorrupt, honest, exact, orderly JUST (2) just (2)Just, n. a mock fight made on horseback, a tilt JUST (3) just (3)Just, ad. exactly, really, merely, barely, nearly JUSTICE justiceJustice, n. right, equity, punishment, an officer JUSTICESHIP justiceshipJusticeship, n. the rank or office of a justice JUSTICIARY justiciaryJusticiary, n. a person who administers justice JUSTIFIABLE justifiableJustifiable, a. that can be justified, defensible JUSTIFIABLENESS justifiablenessJustifiableness, n. a possibility of being defended JUSTIFIABLY justifiablyJustifiably, ad. in a justifiable manner, right JUSTIFICATION justificationJustification, n. a defense, vindication, support JUSTIFIER justifierJustifier, n. one who justifies, one who defends JUSTIFY justifyJustify, v.t. to defend, maintain, free, clear JUSTLE justleJustle, v.t. to run against, push about, jostle JUSTLY justlyJustly, ad. uprightly, honestly, properly, exactly JUSTNESS justnessJustness, n. reasonableness, propriety, exactness JUT jut|juttyJut, or Jutty, v.i. to come or shoot out of the line JUVENILE juvenileJuvenile, a. young, youthful, gay, brisk, lively JUVENILITY juvenilityJuvenility, n. youthfulness, gayety, briskness JUXTAPOSITION juxtapositionJuxtaposition, n. the act of placing near or by