Outline of Ruth

    I. Ruth deciding                                 1:1-22
      A. The setting: the sojourn in Moab in
         the days of the judges                      1:1-5
      B. The return to Bethlehem                     1:6-22

    II. Ruth serving                                 2:1-23
      A. The kindness of Boaz toward Ruth            2:1-17
      B. The concern of Naomi                        2:18-23

    III. Ruth resting                                3:1-18
      A. Naomi's plan and its success                3:1-15
      B. Naomi's further counsel                     3:16-18

    IV. Ruth's reward                                4:1-22
      A. Boaz, the kinsman redeemer                  4:1-12
      B. The marriage of Ruth and Boaz               4:13-16
      C. The posterity of Ruth and Boaz              4:17-22