Outline of Lamentations

    I. First lament                                1:1-22
      A. Jerusalem's suffering for sin             1:1-11
      B. A cry for sympathy                        1:12-22

    II. Second lament                              2:1-22
      A. God's judgment of sin                     2:1-17
      B. A cry for mercy                           2:18-22

    III. Third lament                              3:1-66
      A. A rehearsal of affliction                 3:1-20
      B. A remembrance of affection                3:21-39
      C. A recommitment to adoration               3:40-54
      D. A cry for vindication                     3:55-66

    IV. Fourth lament                              4:1-22
      A. Israel's past glory and present
         pain                                      4:1-12
      B. Israel's past sin and present
         punishment                                4:13-20
      C. A cry for vengeance                       4:21-22

    V. Fifth lament                                5:1-22
      A. A plea for compassion                     5:1-15
      B. A prayer of confession                    5:16-18
      C. A cry for restoration                     5:19-22