Outline of John

    I. Manifestation                                 1:1-4:54
      A. Prologue                                    1:1-18
        1. The Word eternal                          1:1-13
        2. The Word incarnate                        1:14-18
      B. Manifestation to the disciples              1:19-51
        1. The witness of John                       1:19-37
        2. The first disciples                       1:38-51
      C. Manifestation to Israel                     2:1-4:54
        1. The first miracle                         2:1-11
        2. Jesus manifested in Judea                 2:12-3:36
          a. In the temple                           2:12-25
          b. To a ruler of the Jews                  3:1-21
          c. To the disciples of John                3:22-36
        3. Jesus manifested in Samaria               4:1-42
        4. Jesus manifested in Galilee               4:43-54

    II. Confrontation                                5:1-10:42
      A. Conflict at the pool of Bethesda            5:1-47
        1. The miracle                               5:1-18
        2. The teaching                              5:19-47
          a. The testimony                           5:19-29
          b. The witnesses                           5:30-40
          c. The rejection                           5:41-47
      B. Conflict in Galilee                         6:1-71
        1. The miracles                              6:1-21
          a. Feeding the five thousand               6:1-13
          b. Walking on the water                    6:14-21
        2. The discourse: the Bread of Life          6:22-40
        3. The reaction                              6:41-71
          a. Rejection by the Jews                   6:41-59
          b. Rejection by the disciples              6:60-71
      C. Conflict at the Feast of Tabernacles        7:1-8:59
        1. Jesus tested by His brothers              7:1-9
        2. Jesus tested by the crowds                7:10-36
        3. Jesus teaches on the last day             7:37-53
        4. Jesus and the woman taken in
           adultery                                  8:1-11
        5. Jesus discourse: the Light
           of the World                              8:12-30
        6. Jesus dishonored by the Jews              8:31-59
      D. Conflict at the Feast of Dedication         9:1-10:42
        1. The healing of the man born blind         9:1-41
          a. The miracle                             9:1-7
          b. The controversy                         9:8-34
          c. The judgment                            9:35-41
        2. The discourse on the Good Shepherd       10:1-42

    III. Alienation                                 11:1-12:50
      A. The last sign                              11:1-57
        1. The death of Lazarus                     11:1-16
        2. The miracle                              11:17-44
        3. The reaction                             11:45-57
      B. The last visit with His friends            12:1-11
      C. The last manifestation to Israel           12:12-19
      D. The last public discourse: His hour
         has come                                   12:20-36
      E. The last rejection                         12:37-43
      F. The last invitation                        12:44-50

    IV. Preparation                                 13:1-17:26
      A. The lesson of humility                     13:1-20
      B. Jesus foretells His betrayal               13:21-30
      C. The discourse in the Upper Room            13:31-14:31
        1. The announcement                         13:31-35
        2. The questions                            13:36-14:24
          a. Of Peter                               13:36-14:4
          b. Of Thomas                              14:5-7
          c. Of Philip                              14:8-21
          d. Of Judas                               14:22-24
        3. The promise                              14:25-31
      D. The discourse on the way to the
         garden                                     15:1-16:33
        1. Abiding in Christ                        15:1-27
        2. Promise of the Comforter                 16:1-33
      E. The Lord's Intercessory prayer             17:1-26
        1. Prayer for Himself                       17:1-5
        2. Prayer for the disciples                 17:6-19
        3. Prayer for the church                    17:20-26

    V. Consummation                                 18:1-19:42
      A. Jesus is arrested in Gethsemane            18:1-11
      B. Jesus is tried by the authorities          18:12-19:16
        1. The Jewish trial                         18:12-27
        2. The Roman trial                          18:28-19:16
      C. Jesus is crucified on Golgotha             19:17-37
      D. Jesus is buried in a tomb                  19:38-42

    VI. Resurrection                                20:1-31
      A. The empty tomb                             20:1-10
      B. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene            20:11-18
      C. Jesus appears in the Upper Room            20:19-31

    VII. Epilogue                                   21:1-25
      A. Jesus` manifestation of Himself again      21:1-8
      B. Jesus` invitation to the disciples         21:9-14
      C. Jesus` examination of Peter                21:15-23
      D. Postscript                                 21:24-25