Outline of I Kings

    I. The united kingdom                            1:1-11:43
      A. Solomon's exaltation as king                1:1-2:11
      B. Solomon's establishment of the kingdom      2:12-3:28
      C. Solomon's organization of the kingdom       4:1-34
      D. Solomon's building program                  5:1-8:66
      E. The activities of Solomon's era             9:1-11:43

    II. The divided kingdom                         12:1-22:53
      A. The division and early kings               12:1-16:14
        1. The accession of Rehoboam and
           accession of the 10 tribes               12:1-24
        2. The reign of Jeroboam I in the
           northern kingdom                         12:25-14:20
        3. The reign of Rehoboam in the
           southern kingdom                         14:21-31
        4. The reign of Abijah in the southern
           kingdom                                  15:1-8
        5. The reign of Asa in the southern
           kingdom                                  15:9-24
        6. The reign of Nadab in the northern
           kingdom                                  15:25-31
        7. The second dynasty in Israel             15:32-16:14
      B. The era of the third dynasty               16:15-22:53
        1. Interregnum: Zimri and Tibni             16:15-22
        2. The reign of Omri in the northern
           kingdom                                  16:23-28
        3. The reign of Ahab in the northern
           kingdom                                  16:29-22:40
        4. The reign of Jehoshaphat in the
           southern kingdom                         22:41-50
        5. The reign of Ahaziah in the northern
           kingdom                                  22:51-53