Outline of II Timothy

    I. Exhortations to Timothy                     1:1-4:8
      A. The exhortation to loyalty                1:1-18
        1. Preparation for the exhortation         1:1-5
        2. Presentation of the exhortation         1:6-14
        3. Illustrations of the exhortation        1:15-18
      B. Exhortation to endurance                  2:1-13
        1. Areas of endurance                      2:1-7
        2. Examples of endurance                   2:8-10
        3. Principles of endurance                 2:11-13
      C. Exhortation to orthodoxy                  2:14-26
        1. Orthodoxy in relation to teaching       2:14-15
        2. Orthodoxy in relation to false
           doctrine                                2:16-21
        3. Orthodoxy in relation to personal
           conduct                                 2:22-26
      D. Exhortation concerning apostasy           3:1-17
        1. Instruction about the coming
           apostasy                                3:1-8
        2. Preparation for the coming apostasy     3:10-17
      E. Exhortation concerning the ministry       4:1-8
        1. Concerning his professional conduct
           in the ministry                         4:1-4
        2. Concerning his personal conduct in
           the ministry                            4:5-8

    II. Conclusion                                 4:9-22
      A. Personal requests                         4:9-13
      B. A word about Alexander                    4:14-15
      C. Paul's recollections and assurances       4:16-18
      D. Paul's greetings and information          4:19-21
      E. Benediction                               4:22