Outline of II Kings

    I. The divided kingdom                           1:1-17:41
      A. The era of the Third Dynasty                1:1-9:37
        1. The reign of Ahaziah in the northern
           kingdom                                   1:1-18
        2. The eras of Jehoram of the northern
           kingdom and Johoram and Ahaziah of
           the southern kingdom                      2:1-9:37
      B. The era of the Fourth Dynasty              10:1-15:12
        1. The reign of Jehu in the northern
           kingdom                                  10:1-36
        2. The reign of Athaliah in the
           southern kingdom                         11:1-16
        3. The reign of Joash in the southern
           kingdom                                  11:17-12:21
        4. The reign of Jehoahaz in the
           northern kingdom                         13:1-9
        5. The reign of Jehoash in the northern
           kingdom                                  13:10-25
        6. The reign of Amaziah in the southern
           kingdom                                  14:1-22
        7. The reign of Jeroboam II in the
           northern kingdom                         14:23-29
        8. The reign of Azariah (Uzziah) in the
           southern kingdom                         15:1-7
        9. The reign of Zachariah in the
           northern kingdom                         15:8-12
      C. The era of the decline and fall of
         the northern kingdom                       15:13-17:41
        1. The reign of Shallum in the
           northern kingdom                         15:13-15
        2. The reign of Menahem in the
           northern kingdom                         15:16-22
        3. The reign of Pekahiah in the
           northern kingdom                         15:23-26
        4. The reign of Pekah in the northern
           kingdom                                  15:27-31
        5. The reign of Jotham in the southern
           kingdom                                  15:32-38
        6. The reign of Ahaz in the southern
           kingdom                                  16:1-20
        7. The reign of Hoshea in the northern
           kingdom                                  17:1-23
        8. The re-population of Samaria             17:24-41

    II. The southern kingdom                        18:1-25:30
      A. The reign of Hezekiah                      18:1-20:21
      B. The reign of Manasseh                      21:1-18
      C. The reign of Amon                          21:19-26
      D. The reign of Josiah                        22:1-23:30
      E. The last days of Judah                     23:31-25:21
        1. The reign of Jehoahaz                    23:31-33
        2. The reign of Jehoiakim                   23:34-24:7
        3. The reign of Jehoiachin                  24:8-16
        4. The reign of Zedekiah                    24:17-25:21
      F. Historical appendixes                      25:22-30
        1. Judah in exile                           25:22-26
        2. The later history of Jehoichin           25:27-30