Outline of Hebrews

    I. Doctrinal                                   1:1-10:18
      A. A superior person                         1:1-7:28
        1. Jesus is better than the prophets       1:1-4
        2. Jesus is better than the angels         1:5-2:18
          a. Better in His deity                   1:5-14
          b. Better in His humanity                2:1-18
        3. Jesus is better than Moses              3:1-4:16
        4. Jesus is better than Aaron              5:1-7:28
          a. He is a fully qualified High
             Priest                                5:1-6:20
          b. He, like Melchizedek, is an
             eternal Priest                        7:1-28
      B. A superior ministry                       8:1-10:18
        1. A better covenant                       8:1-13
        2. A better sanctuary                      9:1-12
        3. A better sacrifice                      9:13-10:18

    II. Practical                                 10:19-13:25
      A. A superior life                          10:19-13:21
        1. Exhortation to fellowship              10:19-31
        2. Exhortation to perseverance            10:32-12:13
        3. Exhortation to sanctification          12:14-29
        4. Exhortation to service                 13:1-21
      B. Postscript                               13:22-25