Outline of Haggai

    I. The first message: A message of
       motivation                                  1:1-15
      A. The circumstances of the message          1:1
      B. The content of the message                1:2-15
        1. The need to rebuild the house of
           the Lord                                1:2-6
        2. The commission to rebuild               1:7-11
        3. The compliance to rebuild               1:12-15

    II. The second message: A message of
        consolation                                2:1-9
      A. The circumstances of the message          2:1-2
      B. The content of the message                2:3-9
        1. The question                            2:3
        2. The encouragement                       2:4-9

    III. The third message: A message of
         affirmation                               2:10-19
      A. The circumstances of the message          2:10-11
      B. The content of the message                2:12-19
        1. The illustration of contamination       2:12-13
        2. The application to Israel               2:14-17
        3. The declaration of blessing             2:18-19

    IV. The fourth message: A message of
        anticipation                               2:20-23
      A. The circumstances of the message          2:20-21a
      B. The content of the message                2:21b-23
        1. The heavens and the earth               2:21b
        2. The nations of the earth                2:22
        3. Zerubbabel                              2:23