Outline of Ezra

    I. The return of Zerubbabel                    1:1-2:70
      A. The proclamation of Cyrus                 1:1-4
      B. The preparation for the return            1:5-11
      C. The people who returned                   2:1-70

    II. The building of the temple                 3:1-6:22
      A. The restoration of worship                3:1-13
      B. The opposition encountered                4:1-24
      C. The resumption of the building            5:1-5
      D. The letter of Darius                      5:6-17
      E. The decree of Cyrus confirmed             6:1-12
      F. The temple completed                      6:13-22

    III. The return of Ezra                        7:1-10:44
      A. His arrival at Jerusalem                  7:1-10
      B. His commission from Artaxerxes            7:11-28
      C. His journey to Jerusalem                  8:1-36
      D. His prayer and remorse                    9:1-15
      E. The issue of mixed marriages             10:1-17
      F. The list of those with mixed
         marriages                                10:18-44